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Im new, hi! (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Hello everyone, Im Gideon (no, not my real name).
Im new to this forum and fairly new to politics, but politics amaze me and ill try to give well-thought-out opinions on things, and eventually get to know more about (especially the basics of) politics.
That is all that we ask - just tell us what you think. Give us your opinion. If you can back it up with facts, all the better. :)

Welcome to Debate Politics! :2wave:
Welcome to Debate Politics, Gideon!:2wave:

Love your bible!:smile:
Hi and welcome.

:2wave: :2wave: :2wave:
Kelzie said:
Hi and welcome.

:2wave: :2wave:
I was wondering how people like you rake up so many posts. You just poke in all of these "new member" forums and say hi to boost your posts, don't you? ;)

Oh, and welcome to the new guy. :2wave:
rudy0908 said:
I was wondering how people like you rake up so many posts. You just poke in all of these "new member" forums and say hi to boost your posts, don't you? ;)

Oh, and welcome to the new guy. :2wave:

Damn, you've figured out our secret! :mrgreen:

Actually, it's more when you're in a heated debate with someone. Ever notice the threads where it's two people going at it for like three pages? That racks up the posts quick like...
Glad to have you here. I hope you enjoy it.
Kelzie said:
Damn, you've figured out our secret! :mrgreen:

Actually, it's more when you're in a heated debate with someone. Ever notice the threads where it's two people going at it for like three pages? That racks up the posts quick like...
Yeah, I know. I've done that a couple times. Thats when this site really gets fun.
Kelzie always....
trys to increase...
the number of posts....

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