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If you were a Pizza..... (1 Viewer)

If you were a Pizza what would you top yourself with?

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Rat poison. I don't wanna die from some potheads eating me.
Pepperoni, because I just want to be popular... :(
I almost thought this was going to be a serious poll... until I saw the choices... No green peppers?! What's up with that?! ;)
I almost thought this was going to be a serious poll... until I saw the choices... No green peppers?! What's up with that?! ;)

Thats when you choose #10.... "Other". :) I wanted more choices but it only let me choose up to ten.
Thats when you choose #10.... "Other". :) I wanted more choices but it only let me choose up to ten.

Peperoni and green peppers is my favorite combination... though I wouldn't mind a little Jessica Alba on my pizza. I like hot and spicy stuff. :)
banana peppers(not cooked in though)
Pepperoni and hot sauce.
Why is some sexy dude having sex with Avril Lavigne in a sea of vodka on my pizza? :confused:
Very popular topping in Taiwan. Yummy... and no, not Paul the Octopus... though the Germans may be tempted...

what about henry the octopus?


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