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If you could be a fly on the wall at any point in history? (1 Viewer)

JC Callender

DP Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
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Metro Detroit
Political Leaning
As a Christian, I can think of many instances throughout the Bible where I would want to be there. But to keep it light and fun, I would really love to be around the Beatles the day they arrived in America. I would love to see how Washington and Hamilton worked together during the war. I'd love to be on the train with Lincoln on his way to Washington to begin his presidency. I'd love to see Van Halen as they played a small gig or backyard party before they made it big. I'd like to see Socrates argue with someone. What about you?
I'd like to have seen where Amelia Earhart crashed, when Hitler committed suicide, and if Katherine the Great actually had sex with a horse. Any of those three would satisfy my curiosity about history.
As a fly on the wall, at the Alamo, Battle of the Bulge, and the ride of Lady Godiva (just, you know, for history sake)
I would prefer not to be a fly, as I would be easy to kill and likely not have the mental capacity to understand what I was observing.
I'd like to have seen where Amelia Earhart crashed, when Hitler committed suicide, and if Katherine the Great actually had sex with a horse. Any of those three would satisfy my curiosity about history.
I don't think there's anything I can say to top this ...
Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue tour

marketplace of an ancient civilization that we don't know anything about

Apple IPO with about twenty grand in my pocket


i'm serious about the first two, though, especially Rolling Thunder Revue. the live version of Isis on that tour was incredible.
As a Christian, I can think of many instances throughout the Bible where I would want to be there. But to keep it light and fun, I would really love to be around the Beatles the day they arrived in America. I would love to see how Washington and Hamilton worked together during the war. I'd love to be on the train with Lincoln on his way to Washington to begin his presidency. I'd love to see Van Halen as they played a small gig or backyard party before they made it big. I'd like to see Socrates argue with someone. What about you?
Beatles at the Cavern Club (and/or in Hamburg) before they became famous.

There are so many. I may contribute more later. :)
I never stop fantasizing about being a phantom roaming the world during WWII and bearing witness to all that happened then.
At the risk of sounding kinda vain... but witnessing your own history could be fun. "Jesus, was i that much of a dork when I did that?" I could definitely see some serious, serious cringe-worthy moments to witness for sure.

Being a live witness to ones own birth would be kinda weird but interesting I suppose. Then again if I were a witness to Obama's birth then I'd know exactly where in Kenya that took place.
At the risk of sounding kinda vain... but witnessing your own history could be fun. "Jesus, was i that much of a dork when I did that?" I could definitely see some serious, serious cringe-worthy moments to witness for sure.

Being a live witness to ones own birth would be kinda weird but interesting I suppose. Then again if I were a witness to Obama's birth then I'd know exactly where in Kenya that took place.
There are some things where I'd like to go back and say, "NO... DON'T DO IT!!!!!" :3oops:
I'd love to go to some ancient city like Sumer or Thebes and just see how a typical day was.
I watch Forensic Files, Dateline Mysteries and other shows about real murders and it's so horrible when the mystery is never solved - especially when family members have no idea if their loved one is dead, kidnapped, hurt, etc. I would like to go back to each specific one and find out what happened to these people to help the families heal.
I watch Forensic Files, Dateline Mysteries and other shows about real murders and it's so horrible when the mystery is never solved - especially when family members have no idea if their loved one is dead, kidnapped, hurt, etc. I would like to go back to each specific one and find out what happened to these people to help the families heal.

That would be tough, especially not having any control over what's going on, just watching it happen.
At the risk of sounding kinda vain... but witnessing your own history could be fun. "Jesus, was i that much of a dork when I did that?" I could definitely see some serious, serious cringe-worthy moments to witness for sure.

Being a live witness to ones own birth would be kinda weird but interesting I suppose. Then again if I were a witness to Obama's birth then I'd know exactly where in Kenya that took place.

I'd love to see me as a 5 year old! Or really anytime up until my twenties.
when my great grandchild is born
On top of the grassy knoll on November 22, 1963.
Battle of Thermopylae for me.

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