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If there isn’t “security” for Trump’s SOTU... (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Political Leaning
... why is Congress open now?
It is all political nonsense. The State of the Union can proceed hosted from the House, or Trump can deliver it from the White House.
I would imagine that security for a high profile event like the State of the Union would be significantly greater than the day to day operations of Congress.
That said political gamesmanship either way.
Why are the anti-gun Democrats worried about security?
It is all political nonsense. The State of the Union can proceed hosted from the House, or Trump can deliver it from the White House.

I think he should deliver it from one of his penthouse suites in a Trump hotel or while being interviewed by Hannity on Fox News...
I think he should deliver it from one of his penthouse suites in a Trump hotel or while being interviewed by Hannity on Fox News...

Of course... you... would. Probably a few others like you too.
Congress is unlikely to attack each other physically, but the way tensions are in DC, maybe the worry is that a congressman or senator would be the one to take a shot at Trump.

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