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If It's Hardball It's Conservative (1 Viewer)



Media Matters put out a study on their "misinformer of the year" Chris Mathews' choice of guests on "Hardball". As was the case with the Sunday talk shows, Hardball featured conservative guests by a nearly 3-1 margin.
The study's data is for the first two months of 2006.

Employing the same methodology, Media Matters tallied all guests who appeared on Hardball during the first two months of 2006 and coded them based on party affiliation and ideology. (A list of the guests is here.) The data reflected in these charts show that the number of Republican/conservative guests has been significantly higher than the number of Democratic/progressive guests. In January, Republicans/conservatives led Democrats/progressives 55 to 38 -- a difference of 59 percent to 41 percent. By February, that advantage had increased: Republican/conservatives outnumbered Democrats/progressives 55 to 34, or 62 percent to 38 percent.


Not only did the right dominate the left overall, but Republicans/conservatives also outnumbered Democrats/progressives in other key categories. During January and February, there were more Republican Party elected officials and Bush administration officials than those from the Democratic Party. In this category, Republicans outnumbered Democrats 22 to 18.


In addition, conservative journalists and pundits outnumbered progressive journalists and pundits by a considerable margin. While most journalists/pundits were neutral reporters or consistently presented a centrist point of view, the data show that those who spoke from an ideological perspective were conservative far more often than progressive. Conservatives in this category outnumbered progressives 42 to 13 -- a ratio of more than 3-to-1.


Another area in which the right dominated on Hardball was the coveted solo interview. During January and February, Hardball featured 24 solo interviews with Democrats/progressives, while Republicans/conservatives had nearly twice as many: 44 solo interviews. In addition, eight of the twelve guests who were given the honor of multiple solo interviews during this time period were Republican officials. Only one Democrat, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE), appeared in multiple solo interviews. The other centrist/neutral guests who were given multiple solo interviews on Hardball were Dick Sauber, attorney for Time magazine White House correspondent Matthew Cooper; Charlie Cook of The Cook Political Report; and New York Times reporter James Risen.

Hardball panels frequently demonstrate an ideological imbalance; when they do, that imbalance usually tilts to the right. While the majority of panels were balanced, the number of right-tilted panels was significantly greater than the number of left-tilted panels, at a ratio of nearly 3-to-1. During January and February, 22 panels tilted right, while only eight panels tilted left. This can largely be attributed to the presence of frequent panelists -- and conservative MSNBC hosts -- Tucker Carlson of The Situation with Tucker Carlson and former Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL) of Scarborough Country. Both MSNBC hosts are given prominence on Hardball's journalist panels without a progressive to counter with an opposing point of view.

On January 20, Matthews premiered a "special new feature," dubbed "Hardball Hot Shots." The "hot shots" are three MSNBC hosts: Carlson, Scarborough, and Rita Cosby, host of Rita Cosby Live & Direct. Matthews described the now-weekly "Hot Shots" as follows: "We'll nail the winners and the losers, the heroes and the villains, the brilliant and the buffoonery from the past week." Two of the three panelists -- Carlson and Scarborough -- are avowedly conservative; the third, Cosby, evinces no particular partisan or ideological affiliation. The composition of the three-member "Hot Shots" panel ensures that it remains a forum for conservative opinions -- with no identifiably progressive counterpoint.
Great Information!

One reason why we might be seeing more conservatives on the Sunday talk shows is because the Republicans have control of the government. With the republican control of both houses of Congress and the White House, Conservatives and Republicans would be the more attractive to put on TV because they are currently in power.

Just my 2 cents.
Progressive Conservative said:
Great Information!

One reason why we might be seeing more conservatives on the Sunday talk shows is because the Republicans have control of the government. With the republican control of both houses of Congress and the White House, Conservatives and Republicans would be the more attractive to put on TV because they are currently in power.

Just my 2 cents.

I don't disagree with that. With the Sunday Talk Show study Media Matters conducted, the reverse didn't hold true when Clinton was in power.
hipsterdufus said:
I don't disagree with that. With the Sunday Talk Show study Media Matters conducted, the reverse didn't hold true when Clinton was in power.

House majority= more people Republicans?
Synch said:
House majority= more people Republicans?

You're forgetting about cabinet members.

Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher, 1993
Madeleine Albright, 1996
Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen, 1993
Robert E. Rubin, 1995–1999
Lawrence H. Summers, 1999
Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, 1993
William J. Perry, 1994
William S. Cohen, 1997
Attorney General Janet Reno, 1993
Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt, 1993
Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy, 1993
Dan Glickman, 1995
Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown, 1993
Mickey Kantor, 1996
William M. Daley, 1997
Norman Y. Mineta, 2000
Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich, 1993
Alexis Herman, 1997
Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna E. Shalala, 1993
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry G. Cisneros, 1993
Andrew M. Cuomo, 1997
Secretary of Transportation Federico F. Pena, 1993
Rodney Slater, 1997
Secretary of Energy Hazel R. O'Leary, 1993
Frederico F. Pena, 1997
Bill Richardson, 1998
Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley, 1993
Secretary of Veterans' Affairs Jesse Brown, 1993
Togo D. West, Jr., 1998
There were different dynamics during the Clinton years. The Republicans were coming into power all during those years. It was the Republicans that were the "movers and shakers", while Democrats were just trying to hold-on to what they had.

Today, the dynamics are there for the Democrats to take it back, but they just aren't doing it. They just don't appear to have the message and leadership to get it done (hence no time on Sunday).
Progressive Conservative said:
Today, the dynamics are there for the Democrats to take it back, but they just aren't doing it. They just don't appear to have the message and leadership to get it done (hence no time on Sunday).

There are many people who can eloquently describe the Dem's message that you rarely or never see on the Sunday shows. I'm sorry I just don't buy that argument.

If I was going to try to balance the programming, I would include the following people as diverse voices from Democrats:

Jonathan Alter
Eric Alterman
David Brock
Juan Cole
Joe Conason
Jim Dean
Howard Fineman
Laura Flanders
Al Franken
Amy Goodman
David Goodman
Al Gore
Thom Hartmann
Arianna Huffington
Paul Krugman
George Lakoff
Rachell Maddow
Joshua Micah Marshall
Ben Mankiewicz
Marcos Moulitsas
Norm Ornstein
Randi Rhodes
Sam Seder
Melanie Sloan
Tom Oliphant
Robert Reich
Frank Rich
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ed Shultz
Joe Trippi
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Cenk Yugar

Instead it's a steady mix of Liebermann and Biden.....
I've heard the point of view of many of those you have listed.... you could probably make the case (and I'm not) that the media is biased toward the left by NOT putting the likes of Al Gore on the Sunday shows. Frankly, if the American people got a steady diet of Al Gore and many of those you have listed, the Republicans would have absolutely nothing to worry about.

The fact that many Americans see Lieberman and Biden as the face of the Democratic party helps the Democrats with the moderates. Those others you have listed would over time, turn off the moderates and could marginalize the Democratic party.
hipsterdufus said:
There are many people who can eloquently describe the Dem's message that you rarely or never see on the Sunday shows. I'm sorry I just don't buy that argument.

If I was going to try to balance the programming, I would include the following people as diverse voices from Democrats:

Jonathan Alter
Eric Alterman
David Brock
Juan Cole
Joe Conason
Jim Dean
Howard Fineman
Laura Flanders
Al Franken
Amy Goodman
David Goodman
Al Gore
Thom Hartmann
Arianna Huffington
Paul Krugman
George Lakoff
Rachell Maddow[/B
]Joshua Micah Marshall
Ben Mankiewicz
Marcos Moulitsas
Norm Ornstein
Randi Rhodes
Sam Seder
Melanie Sloan
Tom Oliphant[/B
]Robert Reich
Frank Rich
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ed Shultz
Joe Trippi
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Cenk Yugar

Instead it's a steady mix of Liebermann and Biden.....

I will give you one thing hips. you got some Bush haters in that group.....I can see why you would want to see more of them........About the only Bush hater you missed is Bob Shrum.......
Is this the same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under Jimmy Carter? The same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under House Speaker, Tip O'Neil? The same Chris Mattews who is a registered Democrat? The same Chris Matthews who gave money to Kerry's campaign? The same Chris Matthews who has preached against the war since its inception-something only far, far left liberals like Howard Dean did? The same Chris Matthews who conservative watchdog groups have on their hotlist for biased reporting?

Are you EVER honest? Are you EVER accurate? Do you EVER do your homework?

Yet another grossly misinformed plagiarism of MoveOn/Media Matters propaganda has managed to somehow further discredit someone who already had zero credibility.

Way to go, hipsterdufus. :roll:
Originally posted by aquapub:
Is this the same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under Jimmy Carter? The same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under House Speaker, Tip O'Neil? The same Chris Mattews who is a registered Democrat? The same Chris Matthews who gave money to Kerry's campaign? The same Chris Matthews who has preached against the war since its inception-something only far, far left liberals like Howard Dean did? The same Chris Matthews who conservative watchdog groups have on their hotlist for biased reporting?

Are you EVER honest? Are you EVER accurate? Do you EVER do your homework?

Yet another grossly misinformed plagiarism of MoveOn/Media Matters propaganda has managed to somehow further discredit someone who already had zero credibility.

Way to go, hipsterdufus.
At least zero credibility gives you something to look up too. Something to strive for. Because your credibility is a lot less than that.
Billo_Really said:
At least zero credibility gives you something to look up too. Something to strive for. Because your credibility is a lot less than that.

Care to disprove his allegations?
Navy Pride said:
I will give you one thing hips. you got some Bush haters in that group.....I can see why you would want to see more of them........About the only Bush hater you missed is Bob Shrum.......

How do you spell loser - Shrum.
The point isn't that they hate Bush, there's only 2 more years of him left anyway. The point is that they can speak much better to the philosophy of being a Dem than the regulars I see on the air.
Progressive Conservative said:
I've heard the point of view of many of those you have listed.... you could probably make the case (and I'm not) that the media is biased toward the left by NOT putting the likes of Al Gore on the Sunday shows. Frankly, if the American people got a steady diet of Al Gore and many of those you have listed, the Republicans would have absolutely nothing to worry about.

The fact that many Americans see Lieberman and Biden as the face of the Democratic party helps the Democrats with the moderates. Those others you have listed would over time, turn off the moderates and could marginalize the Democratic party.

I feel strongly enough about the philosophy of the party to let the people that can represent it the clearest articulate that message. Biden and Lieberman certainly have a place too, but not the only place.
aquapub said:
Is this the same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under Jimmy Carter? The same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under House Speaker, Tip O'Neil? The same Chris Mattews who is a registered Democrat? The same Chris Matthews who gave money to Kerry's campaign? The same Chris Matthews who has preached against the war since its inception-something only far, far left liberals like Howard Dean did? The same Chris Matthews who conservative watchdog groups have on their hotlist for biased reporting?

Are you EVER honest? Are you EVER accurate? Do you EVER do your homework?

Yet another grossly misinformed plagiarism of MoveOn/Media Matters propaganda has managed to somehow further discredit someone who already had zero credibility.

Way to go, hipsterdufus. :roll:

Mr. Pub, perhaps we can agree on one thing. Chris Mathews sucks.

If you think Mathews is a liberal, then prove it by means of his actual words, rather than his past associations. I have given example after example of Mathews quotes that prove my point. You however resort to vague conspiracy theories and ad hominem attacks.

Take a look at the following:

Abrahmam Lincoln hired people that opposed him for his cabinet.
Bill Clinton hired David Gergen, who also worked for Presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan.

Mathews' past associations mean very little, what he says on a day to day basis does.
Billo_Really said:
At least zero credibility gives you something to look up too. Something to strive for. Because your credibility is a lot less than that.

LMAO Thanks Billo.
aquapub said:
Is this the same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under Jimmy Carter? The same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under House Speaker, Tip O'Neil? The same Chris Mattews who is a registered Democrat? The same Chris Matthews who gave money to Kerry's campaign? The same Chris Matthews who has preached against the war since its inception-something only far, far left liberals like Howard Dean did? The same Chris Matthews who conservative watchdog groups have on their hotlist for biased reporting?

Are you EVER honest? Are you EVER accurate? Do you EVER do your homework?

Yet another grossly misinformed plagiarism of MoveOn/Media Matters propaganda has managed to somehow further discredit someone who already had zero credibility.

Way to go, hipsterdufus. :roll:

It sure is and he has been bashing Bush for the last month.......He said he voted for Bush but I don't believe him for a minute........
hipsterdufus said:
How do you spell loser - Shrum.
The point isn't that they hate Bush, there's only 2 more years of him left anyway. The point is that they can speak much better to the philosophy of being a Dem than the regulars I see on the air.

Sorry about the spelling hips but the fact remains they are all die hard Bush Haters who have very little to add to the issue..........
hipsterdufus said:
Mr. Pub, perhaps we can agree on one thing. Chris Mathews sucks.

If you think Mathews is a liberal, then prove it by means of his actual words, rather than his past associations. I have given example after example of Mathews quotes that prove my point. You however resort to vague conspiracy theories and ad hominem attacks.

Take a look at the following:

Abrahmam Lincoln hired people that opposed him for his cabinet.
Bill Clinton hired David Gergen, who also worked for Presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan.

Mathews' past associations mean very little, what he says on a day to day basis does.

A leopard can't change his spots hips..........Matthews adores Jimmy Carter.......Every time he has him on he swoons all over him.........
Navy Pride said:
A leopard can't change his spots hips..........Matthews adores Jimmy Carter.......Every time he has him on he swoons all over him.........

That might be the case, I haven't seen Carter on Hardball yet. But how relevant is Jimmy Carter in today's political environment?
hipsterdufus said:
That might be the case, I haven't seen Carter on Hardball yet. But how relevant is Jimmy Carter in today's political environment?

I would say fairly relevant since the ex-President is still in the news supporting the current administrations port decisions, In the middle of the Hamas elections,etc.

He still puts out books and write opinion all the time.

This isn't the real America

He is a certified genius and in my opinion quite globally naive.
He makes a much better diplomat than he was a president.
He is still famous for undermining foreign policy and partying with various dictators around the globe. Truly one of the great appeasers of our time.

He may not hold centerstage but he is still is not to be ignored.

The Real Jimmy Carter
hipsterdufus said:
That might be the case, I haven't seen Carter on Hardball yet. But how relevant is Jimmy Carter in today's political environment?

hips, I am surprised you have not seen Carter on Hardball...He has been on several times recently...........It is very relevent because unlike most Ex presidents who do no cruticize the successors out of courtesy Carter has been bashing Bush every chance he gets.....

I personally believe in the case of carter senility might be setting in.........
aquapub said:
Is this the same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under Jimmy Carter? The same Chris Matthews who worked as a Democrat operative under House Speaker, Tip O'Neil? The same Chris Mattews who is a registered Democrat? The same Chris Matthews who gave money to Kerry's campaign? The same Chris Matthews who has preached against the war since its inception-something only far, far left liberals like Howard Dean did? The same Chris Matthews who conservative watchdog groups have on their hotlist for biased reporting?

Are you EVER honest? Are you EVER accurate? Do you EVER do your homework?

Yet another grossly misinformed plagiarism of MoveOn/Media Matters propaganda has managed to somehow further discredit someone who already had zero credibility.

Way to go, hipsterdufus. :roll:

Here's something from Chris on Friday:
This is HARDBALL‘s live coverage from Memphis as Republicans gather to pick, you wouldn‘t believe it, the next president.
Here Mathews is stating that he's at the Republican Straw Poll meeting where the Republicans will pick the next president

hipsterdufus said:
Here's something from Chris on Friday:

Here Mathews is stating that he's at the Republican Straw Poll meeting where the Republicans will pick the next president


I don't see what your heartburn is with that...:confused: If the dems were having a convention like that he would be there to......
I have always felt Hardball with Chris Matthews to be pretty fair and balanced. On more than one occassion I recall him beotch slapping a "talking point" parrot conservative. He does the same to the left-wingnuts too.

As far as talking heads go, I rate him higher than most of the political pundits they have on air these days.

But that's just my two-cents.

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