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If Fascism was a literal ideology, then why are there no pro Hitler liberal politicians? (1 Viewer)


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This guy is not a liberal, for example

This girl isn;t a liberal,

Certainly no liberals here,

This guy is not a liberal, for example

This girl isn;t a liberal,

Certainly no liberals here,

There are no liberal Nazi's because it is a far right ideology. Like Putin the right wingers are projecting. Fascism does not tolerate dissent and neither does the right. They want the State to squash all dissenters by making behaviors and opinions illegal. We can see it here with abortions and in schools where State legislatures are passing laws than make ideas and medical procedures illegal. Here in Florida it is happening in schools but abortion will be next.

Florida rejects 41% of new math textbooks, citing critical race theory among its reasons

The highest number of books rejected were for grade levels K-5, where an "alarming" 71% were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics, the release said.
Despite rejecting 41% of materials submitted, every core mathematics course and grade is covered with at least one textbook, the release said.
In a statement, DeSantis said he is grateful for the department's thorough vetting of these textbooks to ensure they comply with the law.

"It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students," the governor said.

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Hitler was a national socialist, not a fascist. The Nazis never called themselves fascists, and Hitler would often criticize Mussolini.
Hitler was a national socialist, not a fascist. The Nazis never called themselves fascists, and Hitler would often criticize Mussolini.
LOL The 1st thing Hitler did when he took power is arrest all socialists and ban all unions. He was a fascist and the term National socialist was just another lie.

Were the Nazis socialists? No, not in any meaningful way, and certainly not after 1934. But to address this canard fully, one must begin with the birth of the party.

This guy is not a liberal, for example

This girl isn;t a liberal,

Certainly no liberals here,

There are no liberal fascists.

There are a buncha fascist nazis pretending to be republicans right now though.
This guy is not a liberal, for example

This girl isn;t a liberal,

Certainly no liberals here,

Hitler's been dead for almost 70 years.
Mussolini started his political involvement as a socialist, but was unceremoniously kicked out of the Italian socialist party for his support of WWI.

After the unification of Italy in the late 19th century, the ruling elites felt that there was insufficient enthusiasm / loyalty to the new country on the part of the Italian-in-the-street, and saw war as a means to rally support for the government.

Mussolini may be long dead, but fascist parties still exist in Italy. Bannon was in contact with Italian neo-fascisti, particularly Casa Pound (yes, that Pound — Ezra).
No socialist country has ever allowed independent unions, and Hitler was a communist in 1919:

There are many different kinds of socialism.

Nazism was socialism based on race, fascism was socialism with a nationalist bent.

Hitler and his cronies got started in the 'Freikorps', far-right groups of war vets who literally fought socialists and communists in the streets.
Try all you want, you lot can't rewrite history. All you can do is create new fictions.
This guy is not a liberal, for example

This girl isn;t a liberal,

Certainly no liberals here,

Well now you have to define fascism and liberal. Many different political movements that have nothing in common with each other are called “fascism” as a slur. If you count Spain’s Francisco Franco as a fascist, that ideology had nothing to do with liberalism. If you mean Hitler and National Socialism then that movement incorporated many strains of 19th century liberal thought
Hitler and his cronies got started in the 'Freikorps', far-right groups of war vets who literally fought socialists and communists in the streets.
Try all you want, you lot can't rewrite history. All you can do is create new fictions.
The Freikorps were not exclusively far right, they were actually very disparate groups that opposed revolutionary socialist movements for differing reasons
The Freikorps were not exclusively far right, they were actually very disparate groups that opposed revolutionary socialist movements for differing reasons
Hitler was far-right. After he and his cronies hijacked a socialist party to get a presence in the Reichstag but before he purged the party of the original socialists on the Night of the Long Knives he explained the party's new focus to Otto Strasser thus...

"Your socialism is Marxism pure and simple. You see, the great mass of workers only wants bread and circuses. Ideas are not accessible to them and we cannot hope to win them over. We attach ourselves to the fringe, the race of lords, which did not grow through a miserabilist doctrine and knows by the virtue of its own character that it is called to rule, and rule without weakness over the masses of beings.”

That's from the guy who the radical right calls a socialist because of the 'S' in NSDAP. Socialists were among the first guests in the concentration camps and his references to socialism in his speeches to 'the masses of beings' were part of the circuses.
Hitler was a national socialist, not a fascist. The Nazis never called themselves fascists, and Hitler would often criticize Mussolini.
National socialism is a type of fascism in the same way that a Doberman is a type of dog.
WGood. The GOP members in the links I gave should stop venerating this dead man.
Absolutely the most idiotic post I've seen on this forum. Pure horseshit.
Hitler was far-right. After he and his cronies hijacked a socialist party to get a presence in the Reichstag but before he purged the party of the original socialists on the Night of the Long Knives he explained the party's new focus to Otto Strasser thus...
The night of the long knives was the purging of the SA once Hitler secured a legitimate party showing in the Reichstag
"Your socialism is Marxism pure and simple. You see, the great mass of workers only wants bread and circuses. Ideas are not accessible to them and we cannot hope to win them over. We attach ourselves to the fringe, the race of lords, which did not grow through a miserabilist doctrine and knows by the virtue of its own character that it is called to rule, and rule without weakness over the masses of beings.”
That's from the guy who the radical right calls a socialist because of the 'S' in NSDAP. Socialists were among the first guests in the concentration camps and his references to socialism in his speeches to 'the masses of beings' were part of the circuses.
The Friekorps were not synonymous with the NSDAP

Which is what I was responding to
The night of the long knives was the purging of the SA once Hitler secured a legitimate party showing in the Reichstag


The Friekorps were not synonymous with the NSDAP

Which is what I was responding to
Ernst Rohm, leader of the S.A., was an original member of the socialist German Workers Party, as were many S.A. rank-and-file. Gregor Strasser, leader of the leftist Strasserist faction of the new Nazi party went down that night too. His brother Otto had already fled to Czechoslovakia, being better able to read the writing on the wall.
You're right, there were several stripes of Freikorps but Hitler and his group were definitely anti leftist and anti socialist. They were far-right. Once Hitler consolidated his power he supported Franco's conservative rebellion against the socialist government in Spain and had socialists confined in concentration camps.
But simple-minded rightists still insist on pointing to that 'S' and calling Nazism leftist.

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