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If Biden wins should they go after people like Barr, Dejoy, nunes and others? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

They will WANT to go after Trump, his family and anyone that voted for him but if they really choose to do so they will also have to allow him a defense and I’m not so sure they want that part of the equation. They didn’t want that in the Mueller probe and they didn’t want that in impeachment so my guess is that choice matrix won’t change.

There is one possible way they might do it but that will require Democrats winning the Senate. If the Democrats win the whole show they can expand the Supreme Court to 15, plug in their people and then do whatever they want. Trump could then appeal any decision, no matter how unconstitutional, and would lose.
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

I hope he will not go after them I don't want to see them stoop as low as Trump and the Republicans have
in going after them it would be just like most of dictators in third world countries
as I said I hope they don't they should be better then that
have a nice day
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

No. I don't want Biden to stoop to the level of Trump and his sycophants. He is above them all.

I do hope that NY goes after Trump and his criminal spawn.
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

OK, Kamela. What is your plan? Concentration camps for the opposing party? Just because politics is protecting the anarchists now, doesn’t mean If you win the election you get to pound the rest of America into square holes.

You are living the myth that American voters are with the fever dreams of the left in their attempt to criminalize opinion.

But I want you out there telling everyone who will listen, “How it’s going to be”.
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If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

I hope they do, with a vengence. Then everything will come out in the open and I mean everything.

You think Trump hasn't spent the last 3.5 years digging up dirt on all those ****ers?
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

No, we need to move on from the banana republic BS and start immediately limiting the power of the executive branch.
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

If you are talking about launching criminal investigations into political opponents simply to find dirt, that would be abuse of power and the type of banana republic stuff not seen since the days of the Obama Admin.
We tried letting the crooks skate. Donald Rumsfled, and Dick Cheney, were part of the Nixon criminality. They learned the Americans havent toe stomach for justice. Not where the former pres is concerned. So, they did Iran Contra. We sent a message to all those with criminal intent, sure, run for Pres. What is the worst that could happen?
I hope they do, with a vengence. Then everything will come out in the open and I mean everything.

You think Trump hasn't spent the last 3.5 years digging up dirt on all those ****ers?

BRING IT ON. We have the SDNY to take care of matters. We need to prove criminality, to empower Trump rollback. We need to get to a PRETrump state. Everything he has touched, is wicked.
if you do a crime, why should you not do the time?
If Biden wins even after overcoming all of the GOP and Trump's voter suppression tactics, should they just let things go with the people who they see having hurt our country to help Trump in his effort to stay in power like Barr, Dejoy, Nunes, and Graham and Mitch if McConnell they lose their elections. I am sure they could certainly find "the goods" on each and every one of those people, but would you want them to do so or let bygones be bygones?

Hopefully it will be the tri-fecta; the House the Senate and the Presidency. Then laws should be writen, (more closely) defining (apparently that it's in the Constitution isn't enough) what the President and his cabinete can and canNOT do; if the trump experience has taught us anything it's we NEVER want another unbridled Presidency.

I think tRump and bar should be investigated, I'm pretty sure that tRump has done PLEANTY that's prosecutable. bar probably not so much, mcconnell (that traitorous bastard), if reelected should be impeached immediately (too bad tar and feathering is illeagal now), the rest wadda ya gonna do?
I hope they do, with a vengence. Then everything will come out in the open and I mean everything.

You think Trump hasn't spent the last 3.5 years digging up dirt on all those ****ers?

Bring it on!

I'm serious; a good house cleaning is what this country needs.

however, to thwart that certainty, after losing in november, donald will resign after pardoning all of his henchmen, and then pence will pardon tRump for all crimes known and unknown (just as ford did for nixon)
BRING IT ON. We have the SDNY to take care of matters. We need to prove criminality, to empower Trump rollback. We need to get to a PRETrump state. Everything he has touched, is wicked.

Well, no, YOU don't have the SDNY. The SDNY is required to be impartial. They can't just ignore a crime, because of their politics. They'll try, but they won't get away with it.
No. I don't want Biden to stoop to the level of Trump and his sycophants. He is above them all.

I do hope that NY goes after Trump and his criminal spawn.

I am thinking NY just might
a lot of people think he or who ever is President can just pardon him and it will all go away
well they can't pardon him from state charges the only one that can do that is the Gov.
of the state and I don't think Como will
have a nice day
OK, Kamela. What is your plan? Concentration camps for the opposing party? Just because politics is protecting the anarchists now, doesn’t mean If you win the election you get to pound the rest of America into square holes.

You are living the myth that American voters are with the fever dreams of the left in their attempt to criminalize opinion.

But I want you out there telling everyone who will listen, “How it’s going to be”.

We are battling sovereign citizens, and neonazis. They are violent scofflaws. There needs to be some to serve as an example. So that others not as committed to violence, shrink back. Which is all the rebel dudes, even here. We are facing a violent, ideological, triggered group of about 15%. And they are ready to strap bombs on their chests nutz. When Right wingery is not only not ascendant, but in total collapse, they will face loss of self, that they have entwined with right wingery as an identity. That will be a dangerous time. Rule of law FINALLY will bend towards justice.

We essentially, in America, have a hate madrassas propaganda force. Taught to hate all that is cosmopolitan. Distrust Urban folks, and try to disenfranchise them in every way possible. Right wingers are really, a YUGE terror cell.
No. I don't want Biden to stoop to the level of Trump and his sycophants. He is above them all.

I do hope that NY goes after Trump and his criminal spawn.

Is this post some kind or reverse projection? Keep in mind that this administration has been “gone after”in an unprecedented way even before Trump ever set foot in the white house with the sanctioned spying from Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch and help from the politicized and weaponized FBI, CIA.

If that’s the type of government you prefer you may be living in the wrong country. As for Biden lowering himself, that was funny, Sniffing Joe hit rock bottom decades ago, the sad part is that he my not have the cognitive ability left to understand that he is just a puppet for the DNC and lunatic liberals.

A likely scenario if the Biden/Harris ticket gets elected is that Joe will resign within 6 months due to health issues. I don’t think his handlers and compliant press will be able to cover for him past that. He can’t do a legitimate press conference that’s not scripted, he can’t address the nation with his own thoughts or make it thru an address with TelePrompTers without exposing his cognitive condition.

Again, is this the type of government you prefer? One that (scams) the whole country to elect a person that is clearly unable to handle one of the toughest political position Imaginable? I can say this with confidence, if my scenario plays out in any way the American people both ( R) and (D) will feel as though they were conned. Yes, the ultra partisans on the left won’t care, the ones that write posts like this but they really won’t have a place to hide their anti-American views after that.

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