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IF anyone DOUBTS that Roger Federer is one of the class acts in all sports history (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
They should have seen his match today against the world #772. A teaching pro from Britain who had to win a preliminary tournament just to get into the qualifying draw. Yeah Federer beat the guy fairly easily, but the way he handled the entire hype and did everything possible to make what is probably this guy's first and perhaps last time on center court memorable is one of the reasons why RF is so respected among his peers, high tennis IQ fans and the people who cover tennis.
Re: IF anyone DOUBTS that Roger Federer is one of the class acts in all sports histor

I just saw something in SportsCenter. It seems that Federer even gave the guy one of his shirts.
Re: IF anyone DOUBTS that Roger Federer is one of the class acts in all sports histor

Bye bye Novak

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