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Idiot goes on anti-mask rank. Is carried out of store. BY HIS OWN SON. (1 Viewer)

the anti-maskers are a bit unhinged.
Your typical trump supporter. It's all a hoax, ask mr. cain.
The fact that he wanted to fight the guy shows that his problems go way beyond masks.

did he really want to fight or was he like the defensive back who is "going" after the left guard AS LONG AS teammates or the ref is holding him back?
propaganda has consequences. i hope that the violent moron doesn't get sick. i wouldn't wish that **** on anyone.
propaganda has consequences. i hope that the violent moron doesn't get sick. i wouldn't wish that **** on anyone.

I wish there was a statistic on the number of people who are militant against wearing masks who either pass away or cause their parents / grandparents to pass away.

Not because I want those people to pass away but because I want to see what percentage are so stupid that they would kill themselves or their family.
I wish there was a statistic on the number of people who are militant against wearing masks who either pass away or cause their parents / grandparents to pass away.

Not because I want those people to pass away but because I want to see what percentage are so stupid that they would kill themselves or their family.

it sucks. i feel bad for the militant maskless when they catch it, too. FFS, i hope that we solve this one soon. i'm doing my part.
it sucks. i feel bad for the militant maskless when they catch it, too. FFS, i hope that we solve this one soon. i'm doing my part.

Thank you for that! Keep working!

Sadly the militant maskless are likely to endanger many others other than themselves.
Thank you for that! Keep working!

Sadly the militant maskless are likely to endanger many others other than themselves.

Yep. That's the problem.
Video shows Arizona man carried out of store by son trying to stop anti-mask rant | TheHill

This is just too funny.

And why can't people be decent humans to save the elderly? Wasn't that group supposed to the the "Wise" among us?

It's anything but funny. Lack of leadership and fair weather loyalty are dividing AmeriCANs as never before; like should never happen.

We are all AmeriCANs.

This is a world gone mad, my father and uncles would not recognize what WE have become. :(

They didn't go through War 2 so we could fight each other over a man so bankrupt of principal they wouldn't have pissed on him if he was on fire.

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