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ideas for bills that need to be laws in your state!! (1 Viewer)


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Sep 5, 2005
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Anybody see anything weird around their state that you just sit back and say..."that needs to be a law"

I saw one guy buy about 10 boxes of Sudafed. From what I know, Sudafed is used in drugs, so I think he's up to no good. There should be a law limiting that.

Any more ideas? I need some for our youth legislator so I can write up a bill and present it to our congress. I would appreciate your help.
Is this like a Model Congress thing?? I wrote up a bill... actually a consitutional amendment forcing the government to keep a balanced budget at all times, with some leeway. It lost though... so maybe thats not a good idea lol. But anyway, in my state of Massachusetts I would like to get rid of the laws making it law that you MUSt wear a seatbelt. I would also like to reduce gun laws. I would also like to get rid of the law illegalizing fireworks. Many other things... just some ideas.
thanks. yeah this is model congress. keep the ideas comin guys!
galenrox said:
we need to pass a law putting it in now uncertain terms that there is a seperation of church and state, completely. That would quiet that debate if passed.

I would actually do the opposite, sort of... I would make the seperation of church and state more vague... making it only mean that the government cannot ESTABLISH a religion as the OFFICIAL state religion... and thats it, using religion as an influence is perfectly acceptable.

Where is this model congress?? The one I was involved with (sort of) was in Springfield, MA.
Anybody see anything weird around their state that you just sit back and say..."that needs to be a law"

I saw one guy buy about 10 boxes of Sudafed. From what I know, Sudafed is used in drugs, so I think he's up to no good. There should be a law limiting that.

Any more ideas? I need some for our youth legislator so I can write up a bill and present it to our congress. I would appreciate your help.

IN my state certian cold medicines can only be purchased at the pharmacy section of the store and there is a limit to the amount you can purchase.It has dramaticly cut down on meth labs in my state.

As far as other ideas go how about

No driver license for illegals.
No tax payer funded services to illegals or their kids.
Employers who hire illegals shall have their business and property confiscated
as well as face imprisonment.
Businesses shall not loan money,sell houses,or sell cars to illegals.
Private institutiuoins shall be banned from aiding illegals and their children.
No loiteriing
No panhandling
this is in Jackson, MS. Thanks guys keep em' coming. I'm researching alot of those now.
Here in Connecticut, I think I should be allowed to buy alcohol on a Sunday just like every other day. I rarely buy alcohol, but I think this is ridiculous on principal - I've never been more sure about a policy in my life.
In Oregon all drugs containing psuedoephedrine, the ingredient used to make meth, is sold behind the counter and limited to 1 box a month. My limit on how much may be off but it is behind the counter now. So unless you have a perscription, no meth for you.

I think there should be a law that if an accident occurs on a roadway there should be a wall placed so people on the other side of the freeway/highway/road can't see and slow everything down.

Secondly, I feel people driving under the speed limit not in the slow lane should be ticketed as aggressivly as speeders.

I also feel there should be a law that spammers should be outlawed from internet use.
Maybe I've just been pulled over too many times for speeding, but I would like to see all police vehicles painted in garish, neon, glow-in-the-dark colors, and for them to have green-tinted, very bright, daytime-running lights.
Here in Connecticut, I think I should be allowed to buy alcohol on a Sunday just like every other day. I rarely buy alcohol, but I think this is ridiculous on principal - I've never been more sure about a policy in my life.

Out of all the issues out there you whine over not being able to buy booze on a sunday?
On the national level, I'd like to see a requirement for all federal legislation that it has a preface citing what part of the Constitution grants the government the authority to make the law. Remember, the Constitution defines the powers granted to the federal government. If it isn't in the Constitution, the government has no business legislating it.

Also, no amendments to bills that are not directly related to the bill.

One more, how about a limit to how long a bill can be. Maybe 1000 words...

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