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I Sure Hope the Democrat's Taliban Security Force Can Do A Good Job For Stranded Americans Today (1 Viewer)

And then those needed to evacuated take an Uber to Bagram? Maybe the subway would be quicker... I'm sure the Taliban and ISIS will never figure out our secret plan to get them to Bagram...
True Biden and his incompetent team has so ****ed up this withdrawal, reopening Bagram would not make sense.
I'm sure glad that Biden's caregivers decided to go with the Taliban for airport security .
I heard they were considering the " JV team" instead to save money .

Calling ISIS terror’s JV team proves Obama’s incompetency​

And accomplish what?
Keep the enemy from the perimeter. Much easier to defend against suicide bombers. Plus we can stay more safely until everyone who wants out is out.
Keep the enemy from the perimeter. Much easier to defend against suicide bombers. Plus we can stay more safely until everyone who wants out is out.
You'll have to leave sooner or later anyways. The Talibans are not going to allow you squatting their airfield forever.
FACT A: Nearly two weeks ago the Afghan army collapsed without firing a shot. The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul while acquiring billions of dollars of American military equipment. The current chaos surrounding the Kabul airport ensued.

FACT B: According to most media sources, our President is to blame.

To blame our President, the media leaves out a lot crucial information. Instead of reminding viewers that the current chaos was a consequence of the Afghan army's sudden surrender, they concentrate on the current chaos and present sad stories about the Afghan people who are still living in the Middle ages.

Although the dominant forces in medieval Afghanistan are pure evil -- the Taliban, Haqqani Network, ISIS, ISIS-K, al Qaeda, and others -- this is rarely mentioned, although we got our fill of ISIS-K yesterday after they murdered thirteen Americans and 170 Afghans.

Despite that environment, some media geniuses insist after 20 years, 6,294 dead American troops and contractors, and $2 trillion that we should stay in Afghanistan because of imagined terrorist fears. Because of our heightened security due to 9/11, no terrorist organization has attacked America in 20 years, and they have only done it twice in our history. A group of jihadist terrorists attacked New York’s World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.

When insisting that we stay in Afghanistan for these perceived threats, none of this information is recalled by the media.

The media is also remiss in keeping Americans updated on the successes of the Biden operation while under extremely hazardous conditions.

NPR made this report in mid-July. "During the 20-year war in Afghanistan, thousands of Afghan citizens served as interpreters, provided intelligence and assisted the U.S. and its coalition partners as drivers, security guards and in other roles.

"Roughly 18,000 Afghan nationals, along with tens of thousands of their family members, have applied for special immigrant visas to the U.S.

"Under the effort, called Operation Allies Refuge, as many as 70,000 Afghans will be flown out of Afghanistan to one or more third countries while they await visa processing."

105,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan since mid-Aug. Renewed evacuation efforts ramped up a day before the militant group entered the Afghan capital on Aug. 15. Since the end of July, about 110,600 have been evacuated.

Approximately 4,500 of those people are Americans. Do the math. The rest are Afghans.

Only 500 Americans who wish to leave are left.

You won't hear any of this on the six o'clock news.

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