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I Sure Hope the Democrat's Taliban Security Force Can Do A Good Job For Stranded Americans Today (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 19, 2020
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Political Leaning
They sure seem to have the weaponry to protect & give stranded Americans safe passage .
With the planeload of money the democrats have promised will be forthcoming you would think they would not let so many Americans be blown to pieces ?
Taliban security.jpg
Hope all you want. This has been a calculated risk in hope that a Taliban fighter would know how to conduct good pat down searches and get himself blown up if there was a bomber out there instead of our guys getting blown up.

Does not matter. US troopers cannot allow access beyond the blast walls without themselves conducting pat down searches. IT IS WHAT IT IS.

I would define the circumstances as take whatever the Taliban who are not trained in security procedures can give you as a slim to modest reduction in risk to US Troopers.
Biden’s Taliban security team has everything covered. Move along now….. nothing to see here.
No, you don't wish for that at all. You'd be thrilled with the slaughter of innocents just as long as you believed it would reflect negatively on Democrats.

Honesty sometimes ain't pretty.
No, you don't wish for that at all. You'd be thrilled with the slaughter of innocents just as long as you believed it would reflect negatively on Democrats.

Honesty sometimes ain't pretty.
I take it then you don't believe the planeloads of cash the Democrats have promised these dear gentlemen will motivate them to act in our best interest ?
Are you just judging them because they do not look the way you do ?
Quite racist of you if you are .
Taliban security 2.jpg
Hope all you want. This has been a calculated risk in hope that a Taliban fighter would know how to conduct good pat down searches and get himself blown up if there was a bomber out there instead of our guys getting blown up.

Does not matter. US troopers cannot allow access beyond the blast walls without themselves conducting pat down searches. IT IS WHAT IT IS.

I would define the circumstances as take whatever the Taliban who are not trained in security procedures can give you as a slim to modest reduction in risk to US Troopers.
This "calculated risk" defense of Biden is utter nonsense. As commander-in-chief he has an obligation to defend our interests and our people. Our people trying to leave Afghanistan are more vulnerable than they should be because of his administration's poor planning, an no amount partisan excuse making is going to cover that up.
I take it then you don't believe the planeloads of cash the Democrats have promised these dear gentlemen will motivate them to act in our best interest ?
Are you just judging them because they do not look the way you do ?
Quite racist of you if you are .
View attachment 67350152
Will any of the 5000 released by trump get that cash?
This "calculated risk" defense of Biden is utter nonsense. As commander-in-chief he has an obligation to defend our interests and our people. Our people trying to leave Afghanistan are more vulnerable than they should be because of his administration's poor planning, an no amount partisan excuse making is going to cover that up.
His administration is to busy looking for the boogeyman in the ranks of the military.
This "calculated risk" defense of Biden is utter nonsense. As commander-in-chief he has an obligation to defend our interests and our people. Our people trying to leave Afghanistan are more vulnerable than they should be because of his administration's poor planning, an no amount partisan excuse making is going to cover that up.
Should we start shooting?
This "calculated risk" defense of Biden is utter nonsense. As commander-in-chief he has an obligation to defend our interests and our people. Our people trying to leave Afghanistan are more vulnerable than they should be because of his administration's poor planning, an no amount partisan excuse making is going to cover that up.
Its always a calculated risk and the goal is to minimize harm to Americans. If we go in with guns blazing or get too pushy, we might just start another war and that puts even more people on jeopardy.
Its always a calculated risk and the goal is to minimize harm to Americans. If we go in with guns blazing or get too pushy, we might just start another war and that puts even more people on jeopardy.
What an incredibly foolish answer. Leave our departing troops and allies at greater risk because things might escalate if we protect them adequately?

I'm sorry, the political left should be allowed no where near military matters. They haven't a clue.
What an incredibly foolish answer. Leave our departing troops and allies at greater risk because things might escalate if we protect them adequately?

I'm sorry, the political left should be allowed no where near military matters. They haven't a clue.
So you want to start shooting.

Holy cow.
What an incredibly foolish answer. Leave our departing troops and allies at greater risk because things might escalate if we protect them adequately?

I'm sorry, the political left should be allowed no where near military matters. They haven't a clue.

If we had the capacity to do that, maybe.
What an incredibly foolish answer. Leave our departing troops and allies at greater risk because things might escalate if we protect them adequately?

I'm sorry, the political left should be allowed no where near military matters. They haven't a clue.

Its not a laughing matter but that is all your post deserved.
What an incredibly foolish answer. Leave our departing troops and allies at greater risk because things might escalate if we protect them adequately?

I'm sorry, the political left should be allowed no where near military matters. They haven't a clue.
Its the correct answer. Ultimately if escalating more ends up protecting American lives to a greater extent, then we should do that. Is that what you think would have been the better option? If so, instead of 12 dead, what number would you have expected?

Its not a laughing matter but that is all your post deserved.
You're right, it's not a laughing matter when defending one's party means more than defending the lives of service men and women.
You're right, it's not a laughing matter when defending one's party means more than defending the lives of service men and women.
Let's start shooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its the correct answer. Ultimately if escalating more ends up protecting American lives to a greater extent, then we should do that. Is that what you think would have been the better option? If so, instead of 12 dead, what number would you have expected?
Good of you to make that sacrifice.

Absolutely disgusting.
Its the correct answer. Ultimately if escalating more ends up protecting American lives to a greater extent, then we should do that. Is that what you think would have been the better option? If so, instead of 12 dead, what number would you have expected?
These guys want to ramp up the war
Good of you to make that sacrifice.

Absolutely disgusting.
So you're just complaining without offering an alternative solution then?
If we had the capacity to do that, maybe.
We have the largest, most capable military the world has ever seen. The idea that we could not have deployed sufficient force to withdraw these people safely is absurd.
What an incredibly foolish answer. Leave our departing troops and allies at greater risk because things might escalate if we protect them adequately?

I'm sorry, the political left should be allowed no where near military matters. They haven't a clue.
Putting more troops on the ground increases the number of people at risk of being blown up.

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