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I Real Look At Ammunition Numbers In America (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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This is from "Concealed Carry" magazine May-June Issue; some info.

If NYPD bought 2,000,000 rounds it is for 35,000 officers and if each officer fires 60 rounds to qulaify that is 2.1,000,000 rounds, they don't always qualifiy on the first round and haveto qualify twice a year bring hte number up to 4.2 million/yr.

Now add law enforcements in Immigration, Customs Enforcement, FBI, CIA ATF and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia.

Add the military's needs and all the other countries we give support to. Add the explosive growth of Specai Warfare Community in all branches of the military.

The article concludes there is no stock piling of ammo by the govt. I personally hope this is true.
There is a commercial ammo loading plant here in Melbourne.
They are running at 100% 6 days a week.
And cant keep up with demand.
This is from "Concealed Carry" magazine May-June Issue; some info.

If NYPD bought 2,000,000 rounds it is for 35,000 officers and if each officer fires 60 rounds to qulaify that is 2.1,000,000 rounds, they don't always qualifiy on the first round and haveto qualify twice a year bring hte number up to 4.2 million/yr.

Now add law enforcements in Immigration, Customs Enforcement, FBI, CIA ATF and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia.

Add the military's needs and all the other countries we give support to. Add the explosive growth of Specai Warfare Community in all branches of the military.

The article concludes there is no stock piling of ammo by the govt. I personally hope this is true.

I know the US army has their own ammunition and munition plants, so I would imagine that the other branches would have their own ammunition and munition plants as well. So I couldn't imagine the US military buying ammo from civilian sources.
I know the US army has their own ammunition and munition plants, so I would imagine that the other branches would have their own ammunition and munition plants as well. So I couldn't imagine the US military buying ammo from civilian sources.

The resources need to manufacture munition ultimately come from civilian sources one way or another.
The answer to the questions re government purchases and stockpiling can be found with their annual purchases. Are there differences between the last 1-2 years and all years prior. If the purchases are extraordinary, then it can safely be surmised that there IS in fact stockpiling occurring.

The fact is that private citizens are absolutely storing ammo, but that would explain ammo flying off the shelves, not stores having an inability to stock them in the first place. Something BEYOND the commercial demand is fueling those factory orders. Many of the types of ammo have been replenished.

BTW...storing bulk ammo is a good idea BEFORE there is a sudden expressed need.
The answer to the questions re government purchases and stockpiling can be found with their annual purchases. Are there differences between the last 1-2 years and all years prior. If the purchases are extraordinary, then it can safely be surmised that there IS in fact stockpiling occurring.

The fact is that private citizens are absolutely storing ammo, but that would explain ammo flying off the shelves, not stores having an inability to stock them in the first place. Something BEYOND the commercial demand is fueling those factory orders. Many of the types of ammo have been replenished.

BTW...storing bulk ammo is a good idea BEFORE there is a sudden expressed need.

I confess I am storing ammo and so are probaly all of the gun owners I know. But also buying in bulk to save a buck has to account for a small part of these numbers.
I confess I am storing ammo and so are probaly all of the gun owners I know. But also buying in bulk to save a buck has to account for a small part of these numbers.
Sure. And the fact is there are a LOT more people that are buying these days. MOST people in days gone always expected to be able to purchase their ammo the day they planned to go shooting. Now..not so much. I dont think the government purchases can have accounted for the shortage in 22lr and i think there are relatively few 22wmr/.17 hmr shooters so that has always been readily available. Consumers are the biggest culprits, not the government.

I have a locking ammo box. Its fully stocked. I always taught my kids "shoot 4, buy 8 and store 4". I still shoot pretty regularly and havent had too many problems finding ammo. I have standing orders in at 2 stores.
I confess I am storing ammo and so are probaly all of the gun owners I know. But also buying in bulk to save a buck has to account for a small part of these numbers.

Count me as a hoarder as well, not because I was thinking there was going to be a shortage.
But because I had just gotten back into shooting two years ago and was buying up ammo to feed the habit and keep stocks of.
Lucky me.
Count me as a hoarder as well, not because I was thinking there was going to be a shortage.
But because I had just gotten back into shooting two years ago and was buying up ammo to feed the habit and keep stocks of.
Lucky me.

The other thing is most gun shops will have nothing on the shelf but if you put in an order for 1000 rounds or more you can get what you need.
I know the US army has their own ammunition and munition plants, so I would imagine that the other branches would have their own ammunition and munition plants as well. So I couldn't imagine the US military buying ammo from civilian sources.

The resources need to manufacture munition ultimately come from civilian sources one way or another.

Yes and yes

Lake City Army Ammunition Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ammo makers prepare for drop in demand - USATODAY.com
This is from "Concealed Carry" magazine May-June Issue; some info.

If NYPD bought 2,000,000 rounds it is for 35,000 officers and if each officer fires 60 rounds to qulaify that is 2.1,000,000 rounds, they don't always qualifiy on the first round and haveto qualify twice a year bring hte number up to 4.2 million/yr.

Now add law enforcements in Immigration, Customs Enforcement, FBI, CIA ATF and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia.

Add the military's needs and all the other countries we give support to. Add the explosive growth of Specai Warfare Community in all branches of the military.

The article concludes there is no stock piling of ammo by the govt. I personally hope this is true.

Sounds like a set up for the "omg DHS has millions of bullets" conspiracy theory. Even if the government is stockpiling ammunition, it doesn't matter. They aren't going to start rounding people up for talking **** about Obama, just like they didn't fill concentration camps full of anti-war activists when Bush was in office.
I speculate in ammo and the past year has been very good for me. I have several small stores that I supply and a do a lot of shooting and testing to the tune of 1000 rounds a month or better. The speculating is really a way to keep me in ammo I can afford. There were definitely shortages in some calibers for various reasons. For instance, the government uses very little 22lr comparatively speaking but that was one hardest hit. That was strictly civilian stockpiling and slowed production because of the large demand for other calibers. The government order for 9mm and 40 definitely put a squeeze on the market. I used to buy 9mm for 23 cents a round, these days it's more like 36 cents if you buy in bulk, but the availability is going up and prices are slowly coming down. my margin for most pistol calibers ran 20%-30% except for 22lr. at the hieght of it (a couple of months ago) I was making as much as 100% on it.

The trick is to buy large batches to reduce shipping costs and sell off enough to make your money back. Right now I have less than 1000 9mm rounds, which for me is low and it's what I'mntesting right now. 22lr is coming back strong right now, there have been large releases from CCI, Federal and Remington, the prices are being held artificially high right now, my suggestion on that caliber is to wait it out. I expect it to be much more available and cheaper within just a couple of months. The big ticket right now is for reloading supplies. primers and brass will still be in high demand for a while since he shortaage has spawned a lot of new reloaders.
California's active shooters are facing some seriously stupid crap on January 1. A 10 cent per round tax, a license to buy ammo ($50 for 2 years), and notification of local LE on purchases over (x) yet to be determined - last I heard was 499 rounds.The anti's in the state legislature are demanding they return to the top of stupid when it comes to "control" that means nothing. They must out do NY, Mass and others. These ammo related "acitons" will cause the people of this state to consume like crazy - expect this insanity to continue into next year.
This is from "Concealed Carry" magazine May-June Issue; some info.

If NYPD bought 2,000,000 rounds it is for 35,000 officers and if each officer fires 60 rounds to qulaify that is 2.1,000,000 rounds, they don't always qualifiy on the first round and haveto qualify twice a year bring hte number up to 4.2 million/yr.

Now add law enforcements in Immigration, Customs Enforcement, FBI, CIA ATF and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia.

Add the military's needs and all the other countries we give support to. Add the explosive growth of Specai Warfare Community in all branches of the military.

The article concludes there is no stock piling of ammo by the govt. I personally hope this is true.

60 rounds to qualify? Unless there is 30 targets that require 2 hits ea target for each popo then that seems a bit excessive to me. Now it may be different in each area but last i knew all you had to do in order to qualify was to hit a bulls eye target with in a certain parameter and that takes far less than 60rnds.
California's active shooters are facing some seriously stupid crap on January 1. A 10 cent per round tax, a license to buy ammo ($50 for 2 years), and notification of local LE on purchases over (x) yet to be determined - last I heard was 499 rounds.The anti's in the state legislature are demanding they return to the top of stupid when it comes to "control" that means nothing. They must out do NY, Mass and others. These ammo related "acitons" will cause the people of this state to consume like crazy - expect this insanity to continue into next year.

the entire goal is to end sport shooting. when that ends people won't join shooting organizations which in turn means those organizations wont' have the money to fund sane politicians.

that is the real goal of those assholes in california.
I speculate in ammo and the past year has been very good for me. I have several small stores that I supply and a do a lot of shooting and testing to the tune of 1000 rounds a month or better. The speculating is really a way to keep me in ammo I can afford. There were definitely shortages in some calibers for various reasons. For instance, the government uses very little 22lr comparatively speaking but that was one hardest hit. That was strictly civilian stockpiling and slowed production because of the large demand for other calibers. The government order for 9mm and 40 definitely put a squeeze on the market. I used to buy 9mm for 23 cents a round, these days it's more like 36 cents if you buy in bulk, but the availability is going up and prices are slowly coming down. my margin for most pistol calibers ran 20%-30% except for 22lr. at the hieght of it (a couple of months ago) I was making as much as 100% on it.

The trick is to buy large batches to reduce shipping costs and sell off enough to make your money back. Right now I have less than 1000 9mm rounds, which for me is low and it's what I'mntesting right now. 22lr is coming back strong right now, there have been large releases from CCI, Federal and Remington, the prices are being held artificially high right now, my suggestion on that caliber is to wait it out. I expect it to be much more available and cheaper within just a couple of months. The big ticket right now is for reloading supplies. primers and brass will still be in high demand for a while since he shortaage has spawned a lot of new reloaders.

I haven't seen 22lr on a shelf at a store since Thanksgiving or so.
California's active shooters are facing some seriously stupid crap on January 1. A 10 cent per round tax, a license to buy ammo ($50 for 2 years), and notification of local LE on purchases over (x) yet to be determined - last I heard was 499 rounds.The anti's in the state legislature are demanding they return to the top of stupid when it comes to "control" that means nothing. They must out do NY, Mass and others. These ammo related "acitons" will cause the people of this state to consume like crazy - expect this insanity to continue into next year.

If they pulled that crap here, I'd buy out of state and stockpile that ****.
If they pulled that crap here, I'd buy out of state and stockpile that ****.
That's what I am doing. Most of my stuff is buried.
I don't know where here is, but there is little reason to doubt it will one day happen in your state - might take a while but give it time.

If they pulled that crap here, I'd buy out of state and stockpile that ****.
Ammo is showing up again in bulk on local firearms forums. Some people still want too much money though for what they are selling. I'm trying to be patient and waiting for prices to stabilize. My only concern is if Batman decides to go on another shooing spree then firearms/ammo availability and prices will severely impact (again) the ability to acquire them.
I just bought another 1500 rounds of 22lr. Currently paying about 25% more than before everything went crazy.

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