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I Need Someone to Answer my Question. (1 Viewer)


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Sep 9, 2005
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Los Angeles
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I had a test and there was a question that said "What is true about Augustus Caesar". One of the answers said he was the first Ceasar so I maked that one right. My teacher said I am wrong. Wasn't I right, or was a right?
yeah julius was first emperor.
I was going to answer this post, but I have a better idea.

Look it up for yourself...that's a better way to learn. :2razz:
Your teacher is wrong. Augustus was the first Caesar of Rome. The addition of Caesar to Julius's name was both a misnomer and premature. Caesar turned the crown away on three occassions before he was murdered on the Ides of March. Brutus Crassus and Augustus formed the first Triumvirate in which Augustus claimed the crown and became the first Caesar.
jallman said:
Your teacher is wrong. Augustus was the first Caesar of Rome. The addition of Caesar to Julius's name was both a misnomer and premature. Caesar turned the crown away on three occassions before he was murdered on the Ides of March. Brutus Crassus and Augustus formed the first Triumvirate in which Augustus claimed the crown and became the first Caesar.

Now that, was a history lesson.
GySgt said:
Now that, was a history lesson.

well I studied latin for 3 years, so that part of history is kind of a no brainer for me.
very true. not to confuse anyone but Julius Caesar was a dictator. he might as well have been an emperor. what he did, set up his nephew Octavius, who later became known as Augustus.
jallman said:
Your teacher is wrong. Augustus was the first Caesar of Rome. The addition of Caesar to Julius's name was both a misnomer and premature. Caesar turned the crown away on three occassions before he was murdered on the Ides of March. Brutus Crassus and Augustus formed the first Triumvirate in which Augustus claimed the crown and became the first Caesar.

A good history lesson indeed. I would have considered Augustus as the first emperor, and the second Caesar. Strange how things work out, I would have picked the wrong answer, but possibly would have had the correct answer to the question in the instructors eyes.
C.J. said:
A good history lesson indeed. I would have considered Augustus as the first emperor, and the second Caesar. Strange how things work out, I would have picked the wrong answer, but possibly would have had the correct answer to the question in the instructors eyes.

"ALL of History is Bunk"
get a real education

history will only enable you to be a teacher of the nazi propaganda machine
Isugeest mathematic /economics
AMerica is in short supply
Canuck said:
"ALL of History is Bunk"
get a real education

history will only enable you to be a teacher of the nazi propaganda machine
Isugeest mathematic /economics
AMerica is in short supply

HAHA! what a ludicrus comment! History is a needed thing in our society! It helps for us not to repeat it for one! It helps us understand and know the past! Second of all, Having an education in history is a real education! an education in any subject is a real education! Im sure it is better than education you have gotten!
Your teacher is wrong. Augustus was the first Caesar of Rome. The addition of Caesar to Julius's name was both a misnomer and premature. Caesar turned the crown away on three occassions before he was murdered on the Ides of March. Brutus Crassus and Augustus formed the first Triumvirate in which Augustus claimed the crown and became the first Caesar.

Wait...wait...wait...minor nitpicking diatribe mode by me

1. Octavian and Crassus didn't form the first Trumverate. The First Triumverate was formed by Crassus, Pompey, and Julius. The first Triumverate was a means by Ceaser (julius) to solidify power and bring crassus and pompey to the table. This only lasted about 9-10 years.

Octavian (Augustus) was part of The Second Triumverate that was established after Julius Caeser bit the dust. It was made up of Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus in 43 BC. Agustus claimed the crown after Julius and Crassus were dead in 31 BC, after Actium. Crassus died before Julius Caeser when the first Triumverate was still chugging along. Well-before Augustus assumed the title of First Citizen, and then Imperator (Emperor), Julius Caeser, on February 15 set himself up as dictator perpetuus in 44 BC. It didn't last long.

It's really a game of semantics. You are right anyway, though in the end. Julius wasn't the first Emperor, Agustus liked to think of himself not as Emperor, but "First Citizen." It was part of his propaganda campaign to look like he wasn't their absolute dictator. Julius did refuse kingship, but he didn't refuse "dictator" for life.
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