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I need an Avatar (1 Viewer)

HTColeman said:
:thinking What do you mean?

To find an avatar that I think might be right for you. If only I had more time today!
I need to go eat, because I am not getting any of the implications in any of the threads. I'm so confused, what are you talking about?
HTColeman said:
I need to go eat, because I am not getting any of the implications in any of the threads. I'm so confused, what are you talking about?

Focus, man! The opportunity to produce an image that I think would represent you - just gotta be something like The Blessed Virgin. Go and eat something.
OOOHHH! I get it, I'm eating right now, but if I do that then people will make fun of me. Maybe I should have something to do with coffee or brown sugar, is that too "afrocentric"? Maybe something mysterious, I like mysterious.
What kind of pic do you want...do a google search...
HTColeman said:
OOOHHH! I get it, I'm eating right now, but if I do that then people will make fun of me. Maybe I should have something to do with coffee or brown sugar, is that too "afrocentric"? Maybe something mysterious, I like mysterious.

Eat more often! Do a search - problem is finding an image the right dimensions. Build up a collection so you can change with your mood. Ain't nothing wrong with Afrocentric - go for it if that's your thing.

BTW, you get a mention in The Basement - you have arrived!
I didn't even realize it, but yea it is, I just did a random search and that came up.
Just gave me the idea to get one...I'm such a follower...
All this talk about avatars got me off my lazy *ss.

Look, it's me!

I'm like galenrox (well, I'm not a capitalist pig... :lol: )
Naughty Nurse said:
Eat more often! Do a search - problem is finding an image the right dimensions. Build up a collection so you can change with your mood. Ain't nothing wrong with Afrocentric - go for it if that's your thing.

BTW, you get a mention in The Basement - you have arrived!

Actually! Dimensions aren't a big problem.. if need be, I'll change the dimensions for you, it might be in conflict with the quality of the photo though.

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