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I have a new pen name (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Damn, what a weekend. My phone and internet kept going out on my Uverse. It was the battery backup, and it was going to take more than a week to get the new one. Until then I could be on the internet for anywhere from 5-15 minutes before it crapped out again, and I needed to put A/C directly on it to cool it off so I could connect again. **** that. I figured out the dc volts and amperage needed by the router, and luckily, I had a dc adapter that met the specs. My problem is now permanently fixed.... By Me. When you can't rely on your phone company to diagnose and fix a problem, just do it yourself.

I'm going to write a book. I'm going to call it "Electronic device diagnosis and repair for laymen". My pen name is going to be "Yul B. Sorre". LOL.
Have you tried blackmailing the company for free stuff? That is what my family does anytime the internet or TV does not work and they usually give you something.
Have you tried blackmailing the company for free stuff? That is what my family does anytime the internet or TV does not work and they usually give you something.

Nah, not my style. And I never took the class on that at Trump University. LOL.
Damn, what a weekend. My phone and internet kept going out on my Uverse. It was the battery backup, and it was going to take more than a week to get the new one. Until then I could be on the internet for anywhere from 5-15 minutes before it crapped out again, and I needed to put A/C directly on it to cool it off so I could connect again. **** that. I figured out the dc volts and amperage needed by the router, and luckily, I had a dc adapter that met the specs. My problem is now permanently fixed.... By Me. When you can't rely on your phone company to diagnose and fix a problem, just do it yourself.

I'm going to write a book. I'm going to call it "Electronic device diagnosis and repair for laymen". My pen name is going to be "Yul B. Sorre". LOL.
How good is your homeowner's insurance?
Damn, what a weekend. My phone and internet kept going out on my Uverse. It was the battery backup, and it was going to take more than a week to get the new one. Until then I could be on the internet for anywhere from 5-15 minutes before it crapped out again, and I needed to put A/C directly on it to cool it off so I could connect again. **** that. I figured out the dc volts and amperage needed by the router, and luckily, I had a dc adapter that met the specs. My problem is now permanently fixed.... By Me. When you can't rely on your phone company to diagnose and fix a problem, just do it yourself.

I'm going to write a book. I'm going to call it "Electronic device diagnosis and repair for laymen". My pen name is going to be "Yul B. Sorre". LOL.

used a wall-wart from a bass pedal, didn't you?
used a wall-wart from a bass pedal, didn't you?

LOL. Nope, that was not compatible. That's 9 volts. I needed 12V and at least 455 mA. Got it from an adapter for an external drive that had fried about a year ago. Glad I saved the adapter. LOL.

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