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I am ThePhoenix (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Hello everyone,:2wave: I am ThePhoenix. I come from a board where the administrators decided they are going to shut it down because the views do not match hers, NO LIE. And I was even a Mod on that board. Well, I look forward to debating here, and I am a Federalist/Republican.
Hi. :2wave: Welcome to the forum.
Awesome, well for us anyway.

Welcome to Debate Politics. If you don't mind sharing, which forum was it?
That is unfortunate, I hate to see the dimise of any forum.

You are indeed welcome here.
I cannot say that your position will go unquestioned, but your voice will be heard.
vauge said:
That is unfortunate, I hate to see the dimise of any forum.

You are indeed welcome here.
I cannot say that your position will go unquestioned, but your voice will be heard.
Thank You Vauge.:smile:
Welcome! If any of your other friends want a new home, we'll gladly open the door.

Your signature seems to have a neat concept and story behind it. I think I remember making a signature, or tried to make, that looked like that. That was a year ago.

Hope you have a nice stay, don't worry.. the Vegan Moderator will shortly have you brainwashed! [Enter: Kelzie]
Glad to have you. I hope you enjoy DP.
Welcome to Debate Politics, Pheonix!:2wave:
Arch Enemy said:
Welcome! If any of your other friends want a new home, we'll gladly open the door.

Your signature seems to have a neat concept and story behind it. I think I remember making a signature, or tried to make, that looked like that. That was a year ago.

Hope you have a nice stay, don't worry.. the Vegan Moderator will shortly have you brainwashed! [Enter: Kelzie]

Did I hear my name? Oh it's just you. :2razz:

You know, if you'd just sit still and keep your eyes on the screen, the brain washing wouldn't be taking so long. Try and get with the program Arch. :mrgreen:

Hi again Phoenix. :2wave:
Arch Enemy said:
Welcome! If any of your other friends want a new home, we'll gladly open the door.

Your signature seems to have a neat concept and story behind it. I think I remember making a signature, or tried to make, that looked like that. That was a year ago.

Hope you have a nice stay, don't worry.. the Vegan Moderator will shortly have you brainwashed! [Enter: Kelzie]

The name on the banner was created by a good friend of mine and the rest was constructed by me. Stefano Dimera is also known as The Phoenix and he can brainwash with the best of them. Kelzie is right, sit still and look at your screen....

If you do not know who Stefano is, then it is working.:mrgreen:
Welcome to the DP community Phoenix! :2wave:


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