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Hurricane Irma: What we know now (1 Viewer)

The Cats were in my citation; still, that's 4 in 6 weeks and 3 in 3 weeks.

Sure. And, the Cat at impact is kind of misleading anyway. Katrina was only a Cat 3 at the moment of impact. And, we all know how that turned out.
Um, it says right in the OP, Andrew was the last Cat 5 to hit Florida. That was 25 years ago. But don't let the long history of hurricanes in the US spoil a good hyperbolic narrative. :roll:
Andrew was estimated at between 145-165MPH sustained, which is strong cat 4 weak cat 5. This thing has been doing a steady 185 MPH. There's no higher category over 5, but if so this thing would be a 6.
Damn that GW caused 2 so far in the 2010s.....But i be damn Exxon and man caused 6 in 1930s

GW better hurry up need 4 more next 2 1/2 years just to tie

Maybe GW is causing not so many storms like the last 10 years without one. Maybe if we actually cooled it down a little like the AGW want we'd get more. Those postulations are just as valid as theirs.
One million people on Puerto Rico are without power. The islands of Saint Martin and Barbuda are reportedly "absolutely devastated".

This is a bad one. Maybe the historical worst. The Weather Service track model says it will travel up Florida's eastern coast.
Andrew was estimated at between 145-165MPH sustained, which is strong cat 4 weak cat 5. This thing has been doing a steady 185 MPH. There's no higher category over 5, but if so this thing would be a 6.
Windspeeds are dictated by the negative pressure in the eye. A perfect vacume is 27.9 inches of mercury. Currently the eye is 26.7 inches of mercury. We are seeing a hurricane that is close to as powerful as nature can produce. This why there are only 5 cats.

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Richard Branson's island pile has been destroyed. Richard Branson's luxury Necker Island home completely destroyed by Hurricane Irma | Metro News

He and his buds rode out the storm in his wine cellar, and Branson compared it to a sleepover. :roll:

As a person in the insurance industry, having a wine cellar the doubles as a storm shelter is a recipe for staying safe while enjoying drunken antics. Can't blame the man for taking a common sense approach to hurricanes. I bet he could be handle the response to hurricanes better than the bureaucrats in Houston or Louisiana.
One million people on Puerto Rico are without power. The islands of Saint Martin and Barbuda are reportedly "absolutely devastated".

This is a bad one. Maybe the historical worst. The Weather Service track model says it will travel up Florida's eastern coast.

Yea. Hard to say at this point what it will do to us here.

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As a person in the insurance industry, having a wine cellar the doubles as a storm shelter is a recipe for staying safe while enjoying drunken antics. Can't blame the man for taking a common sense approach to hurricanes. I bet he could be handle the response to hurricanes better than the bureaucrats in Houston or Louisiana.

A cellar in Florida is a very bad idea. Talk about water logged.

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Nonsense, Rita was a Cat 5 storm and Florida's been hammered before.

In 1935, 1947 the Palm Beach Hurricane, Andrew, and hundred year earmarks are reserved for rain events, not necessarily Hurricanes.

Or did you already know all this and were just getting a head start exploiting the coming disaster for Political purposes ?

Do you have a clue to how many more people reside in that area vs. 1935, and 1947? Even in the last few decades? Are you really that dense?
Honestly if this hits as a cat 4 or higher It going to be really bad. Rooting for it to hit someone you dont agree with politicaly is really disgusting. This storm is going to devestate whoever it hits and the lot of you rooting for it to hit anyone should really do some soul searching.

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My statement was not rooting. It was tongue in cheek. But I'd bet the farm Trump would make a stupid statement like the second part of my post.
Hurricane Irma is now a Category 5 storm with 180mph winds, on a track to hit Florida:


This may potentially be worse than Hurricane Harvey.

The difference this time though is that there has been an Hurricane Harvey and a lot was learned. They are already prepared to order mandatory evacuations, and rescue and relief procedures are already prepared and ready to go. Nobody imagined the destruction rendered by Harvey. They won't likely make that mistake again.
Do you have a clue to how many more people reside in that area vs. 1935, and 1947? Even in the last few decades? Are you really that dense?

I think Fenton is coming from the idea of 'global warming is causing the storms to be bigger' by pointing out that cat 5 hurricanes happened before, and the sizes have been cyclical. That is ignoring a lot of data, but that is where I think he is coming from.
Trumps FY 2018 budget proposes cutting $767 million from FEMA state/national disaster relief funding, steep cuts to FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program which helps communities become better prepared before disaster strikes instead of focusing only on post-disaster recovery efforts, large budget cuts ($82 million) to the National Weather Service, slash $190 million from the Federal Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program, cut funding of the EPA by $2.1 billion (31%) and cut Superfund toxic site cleanup funding by 25%, slash $5 million (16%) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program that models hurricane forecasts, and cut $114 million in disaster assistance from the Department of Agriculture Department’s budget that goes to farmers to help them recover livestock, crops, and equipment after a natural disaster.

All of the above budget slash & burn funding cuts are intended to be redirected to hiring more border agents and to help fund Trumps border wall.

As we're now seeing with Hurricane's Harvey, Irma, perhaps Jose and others, Trumps budget methodology severely hampers US natural disaster preventive measures and recovery efforts.
Do you have a clue to how many more people reside in that area vs. 1935, and 1947? Even in the last few decades? Are you really that dense?

He's referring to storm strength, not property damage. Obviously there is more property to be damaged, since there is more property existing to be damaged. But, comparing property and population density now to that of 1935, a cat 1 storm could be worse than the '35 storm.
Trumps FY 2018 budget proposes cutting $767 million from FEMA state/national disaster relief funding, steep cuts to FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program which helps communities become better prepared before disaster strikes instead of focusing only on post-disaster recovery efforts, large budget cuts ($82 million) to the National Weather Service, slash $190 million from the Federal Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program, cut funding of the EPA by $2.1 billion (31%) and cut Superfund toxic site cleanup funding by 25%, slash $5 million (16%) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program that models hurricane forecasts, and cut $114 million in disaster assistance from the Department of Agriculture Department’s budget that goes to farmers to help them recover livestock, crops, and equipment after a natural disaster.

All of the above budget slash & burn funding cuts are intended to be redirected to hiring more border agents and to help fund Trumps border wall.

As we're now seeing with Hurricane's Harvey, Irma, perhaps Jose and others, Trumps budget methodology severely hampers US natural disaster preventive measures and recovery efforts.

I guess he won't make the cuts, now. Huh?
When you have an actual argument, get back with us.

The argument is - literally - on every television screen from coast to coast.
Do you have a clue to how many more people reside in that area vs. 1935, and 1947? Even in the last few decades? Are you really that dense?

Lol.....Your backhanded attempt at a insult had nothing to do with my post, but hey, at least your'e not " dense "
The difference this time though is that there has been an Hurricane Harvey and a lot was learned. They are already prepared to order mandatory evacuations, and rescue and relief procedures are already prepared and ready to go. Nobody imagined the destruction rendered by Harvey. They won't likely make that mistake again.

Isn't that said about pretty much every hurricane? I never understood how people could just sit in the path of a hurricane and think it will be alright. If I am told several days in advance that a hurricane is coming to my area I don't need the government to tell me that it is in my best interest to get out of town for a few days. Of course this doesn't apply to those that physically can't travel, I'm talking about the average person.
The argument is - literally - on every television screen from coast to coast.

It isn't an argument you see on TV. It is idiotic partisan hackery, based on the shock of Clinton's loss. Is there a reason you go along with it?

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