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Hurricane 2005 (1 Viewer)


Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New England
Political Leaning
you might want to add wilma or put a general thing called Hurricanes 2005. Just a sugestion.
kmhowe72 said:
you might want to add wilma or put a general thing called Hurricanes 2005. Just a sugestion.

I am still recovering from the 2004 hurricanes, and I just got an insurance check for wind damage.
DivineComedy said:
I am still recovering from the 2004 hurricanes, and I just got an insurance check for wind damage.
Could we get that from listening to a Howard Dean speech?...(rimshot!)...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Could we get that from listening to a Howard Dean speech?...(rimshot!)...:2wave:

I doubt Howard Dean could understand me unless someone shoved something up his...

Because the Damn Yankee bastards, that live in Blue States, gave my spouse more than three credit cards to max out behind my back, two of which were from the same Damn Yankee New York company, which has all hurt my family severely, I did not file for bankruptcy after the three hurricanes hit us. As far as I was concerned they were the morally bankrupt ones, and my family was simply a victim of usury and not bankrupt. It is for better, or for worse. So being such an asshole I would rather have had them come for me to kick me when I am down, even knowing full well that they would have the lack of wholesome laws, and whoring lawyers, and idiot judges on their side. Call me “stubborn,” but that is just the way I am.

For some reason it is funny to me that I got an insurance check for wind damage after I got an appraisal on my home and a loan to consolidate the debt. Yeap, that insurance check was a big help, really big help…
DivineComedy said:
I doubt Howard Dean could understand me unless someone shoved something up his...

Because the Damn Yankee bastards, that live in Blue States, gave my spouse more than three credit cards to max out behind my back, two of which were from the same Damn Yankee New York company, which has all hurt my family severely, I did not file for bankruptcy after the three hurricanes hit us. As far as I was concerned they were the morally bankrupt ones, and my family was simply a victim of usury and not bankrupt. It is for better, or for worse. So being such an asshole I would rather have had them come for me to kick me when I am down, even knowing full well that they would have the lack of wholesome laws, and whoring lawyers, and idiot judges on their side. Call me “stubborn,” but that is just the way I am.

For some reason it is funny to me that I got an insurance check for wind damage after I got an appraisal on my home and a loan to consolidate the debt. Yeap, that insurance check was a big help, really big help…

So, your family was extended a line of credit that your family choose to use unwisely, and that is the fault of those who extended you the credit????:roll:
SouthernDemocrat said:
So, your family was extended a line of credit that your family choose to use unwisely, and that is the fault of those who extended you the credit????:roll:

The mentally retarded would miss the operative phrase “behind my back,” and would assume that our “family” chose something.

It takes moronic Southern Democrats thinking that a “married couple,” in the single household sense of the word “family,” consists of two separate households. It is like why it is Hillary “Rodham” Clinton, with emphasis on the Rodham. That is why wholesome family friendly laws to protect families from predatory usurers do not exist.

I simply forgot about “The Sound and the Fury” of William Faulkner and the lineage of Southern long necked Democrats from places like Cabbage Town, and should have assumed that their kind would be so damned stupid.

Any wholesome laws that consider married couples a single household, requiring the creditor (usurer) to get permission from both spouses before the acquisition of a crushing family debt, will be hard to get with so many long necked Southern Democratic Bastards out there.


I was going to blame Canada for everything, and I guess I must have been denial about what the South has become. It makes me sick.
DivineComedy said:
The mentally retarded would miss the operative phrase “behind my back,” and would assume that our “family” chose something.

It takes moronic Southern Democrats thinking that a “married couple,” in the single household sense of the word “family,” consists of two separate households. It is like why it is Hillary “Rodham” Clinton, with emphasis on the Rodham. That is why wholesome family friendly laws to protect families from predatory usurers do not exist.

I simply forgot about “The Sound and the Fury” of William Faulkner and the lineage of Southern long necked Democrats from places like Cabbage Town, and should have assumed that their kind would be so damned stupid.

Any wholesome laws that consider married couples a single household, requiring the creditor (usurer) to get permission from both spouses before the acquisition of a crushing family debt, will be hard to get with so many long necked Southern Democratic Bastards out there.


I was going to blame Canada for everything, and I guess I must have been denial about what the South has become. It makes me sick.

It is not the fault of a credit card company that your wife goes out and gets a line of credit and runs it up to untenable levels. That is you and your wife’s problem, not theirs. If she ran up some credit cards, she had to have been spending the money on something. It seems to me that obviously you ought to have noticed a bunch of new crap around the house and wondered how it was being paid for. I don’t know whether you did or didn’t, the fact is, it’s your responsibility either way.
SouthernDemocrat said:
It is not the fault of a credit card company that your wife goes out and gets a line of credit and runs it up to untenable levels. That is you and your wife’s problem, not theirs. If she ran up some credit cards, she had to have been spending the money on something. It seems to me that obviously you ought to have noticed a bunch of new crap around the house and wondered how it was being paid for. I don’t know whether you did or didn’t, the fact is, it’s your responsibility either way.
So who’s at fault for the family that failed to provide for their social security, unemployment insurance, or education for a good job managing their own family farm?

It is no surprise that stupid Southern long neck Democrats think that we should see all purchases, for we know that creditors see the crap in real time, and the creditors also can see all the credit cards not getting paid off, but, since moronic inbred Southern Democrats actually exist it is a fact that when the creditors call they will not divulge the needed information necessary for household management, until it is too late, they just want to talk to so and so that has the card, therefore, considering who has legal access to all of the information in real time, and realizing that the hypocritical Southern Democrats think the creditors should NOT be responsible for credit run “up to untenable levels,” consequently, the very existence of Southern Neanderthal Democrats makes me very, very, ANGRY! {Like Marvin the Martian ANGRY!}
SouthernDemocrat said:
It is not the fault of a credit card company that your wife goes out and gets a line of credit and runs it up to untenable levels. That is you and your wife’s problem, not theirs. If she ran up some credit cards, she had to have been spending the money on something. It seems to me that obviously you ought to have noticed a bunch of new crap around the house and wondered how it was being paid for. I don’t know whether you did or didn’t, the fact is, it’s your responsibility either way.

Actually, it IS the fault of credit card companies... to some degrees. Now hear me out, if a person pays off their bill each and every month, does the CC company make money on them? Absolutely not. Why, because they do not carry a balance, therefore no interest acrues. Now, take the same person that still pays off their bill each and every month, they get socked with a "fee" because the CC card company HAS to somehow make money on this person, and Washington has allowed this practice to carry on.

Predatory lending is a growing practice in which citizens are constantly taken for a ride, because they, for whatever reason, don't know nor understand what they are signing. And if predatory lending WEREN'T a problem, and yes some CC companies fall into that category, Pennsylvania and other states' Attorney General's offices would not be filled with instances in which the lendee (the person borrowing the money) was told one thing, while the lender (the person playing with the numbers and interests rates) manipulated the paperwork to say another.

Fiscal responsibility is KEY to success with finances, however, honesty in lending needs to be legislated to protect the citizenry from switcheroo paperwork and false statements, promises, or guarantees. And you can't tell me only the "galactically stupid" fall victim to predatory lenders, because one cannot tell who they are, until the dotted line has been signed, and the ensuing trouble begins.
Well it looks good for the hurricanes to be over with now.

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