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Hugo Chavez (1 Viewer)

Is Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a "demagogue" aiming to destabilise the region?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, of course he is. It's blatantly obvious to anyone who is willing to look at the reality in Venezuela, instead of fawning over him just because he criticizes George Bush.
Yes, of course he is. It's blatantly obvious to anyone who is willing to look at the reality in Venezuela, instead of fawning over him just because he criticizes George Bush.
do we have any evidence for this?
Yes, Mr. Chavez. Democratically elected? Yes.

Or wait, no he wasn't. Because he dislikes America, so despite evidence to support it he must've rigged the election!

A demagouge? Hm..he likes giving speeches and is well liked among the Lower class. Despised among ruling class.

Therefore, he's evil, cause rich people don't like him. Plus he has oil, so he's a bad guy!

I've yet to see Chavez do anything that would make me thing he's the next Hitler, or even Castro. He was democratically elected, he surivived a coup, and the poor of Venezuela love him. And in Latin America, poor people are an important part of politics. It's like America..only reversed.
V.I. Lenin said:
Yes, Mr. Chavez. Democratically elected? Yes.

Or wait, no he wasn't. Because he dislikes America, so despite evidence to support it he must've rigged the election!

Being democratically elected and being a destabilizing demagogue are not mutually exclusive.

V.I. Lenin said:
A demagouge? Hm..he likes giving speeches and is well liked among the Lower class. Despised among ruling class.

Therefore, he's evil, cause rich people don't like him. Plus he has oil, so he's a bad guy!

I've yet to see Chavez do anything that would make me thing he's the next Hitler, or even Castro. He was democratically elected, he surivived a coup, and the poor of Venezuela love him. And in Latin America, poor people are an important part of politics. It's like America..only reversed.

Chavez has had reporters beaten and media establishments vandalized. He's illegally funded money into the campaigns of like-minded politicians throughout South America. He's trying to spark a civil war in Colombia. He's allied with Iran and Syria, not out of any necessity, but simply to threaten American security. Furthermore his economic policies ensure that Venezuela will remain poor and wealth-disparate.

The only reason some Americans defend him is because he criticizes George Bush and hates America, and therefore you automatically assume he must be a hero. If he was a pro-American, amicable leader with exactly the same set of policies, you would see him for the authoritarian he is. But as it stands, you're willing to view everything he does through rose-colored glasses.

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