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Howard Dean, Help or Hurt? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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This guy keeps stepping in it. Do the Democrats think he is going to help the party or is he going to be an embarrassment, and fail to lead the party to victory in 2008?
May 20, 5:26 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean, who famously refused to prejudge Osama bin Laden's guilt, is standing by his judgment that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay may deserve jail time for allegations of corruption.
"Tom DeLay is corrupt. No question about it," Dean said Friday. "This is a guy who shouldn't be in Congress and maybe ought to be serving in jail."
He told The Associated Press on Friday, "Maybe I'm prophetic."
Asked whether he was rushing to judgment, the former Vermont governor said with a laugh, "I got in trouble because I wouldn't convict Osama bin Laden. Maybe I've learned something."
Howard Dean...yes.....I can sort of see him leading the Democrats to victory. But I know all the while FOX News will play that old "YEAAAAHH" clip. He seems to be an intelligent hard-hitting man, but he's not hard hitting enough on Osama Bin Laden it seems. Even though according to all things American everyone is innocent until proven guilty, it seems most people in this time want us to blast all suspected terrorists. *sigh*, thats mainstream America for you. But I digress...I can see him leading the democrats and perhaps winning, but by what margin..it's too early to call.
Haha, I love that video of him screaming like a cowboy. :rofl

Anyway, given Howard Dean's far-leaning to the left, I think that no, he is not a help, but rather, a hurt. Think about it: Given the current shambles of the Democratic Party, do they reall need another far-leaning liberal? No, I think what the Deocrats need is a moderate liberal. But, as Lenin said (that sounds uncomfortable o_0), it's too early to call.
Howard Dean...yes.....I can sort of see him leading the Democrats to victory. But I know everytime all the while FOX News will play that old "YEAAAAHH" clip. He seems to be an intelligent hard-hitting man, but he's not hard hitting enough on Osama Bin Laden it seems. Even though according to all things American everyone is innocent until proven guilty, it seems most people in this time want us to blast all suspected terrorists. *sigh*, thats mainstream America for you. But I digress...I can see him leading the democrats and perhaps winning, but by what margin..it's too early to call.
Did you see his interview on Meet the Press Sunday? I don’t think he did his party a service, in fact they should have been embarrassed by the things he said. I also heard the donations coming in are down by half. This is going to be an interesting one to watch.
neccy60 said:
But, as Lenin said (that sounds uncomfortable o_0),


Yes I saw the interview...he's quite an assertive, almost angry man. But..If i were a democrat right now I would be too.
So far it sure looks like he's going to hurt the party. It's still early in his term but 1st quarter DNC donations are almost half of what the RNC is bringing in. Dean was supposed to increase individual giving to the DNC but in the first three months of this year they've trailed $13 million to $31 million. It would be nice to say money isn't important in elections but that just wouldn't true.

The 2006 elections are going to be hotly contested and they're going to need money. If the Republicans win AGAIN it's going to be really bad for the Democrats.

His Tom DeLay should be treated more harshly than Osama comment certainly can't be good for the Democrats.
Squawker said:
This guy keeps stepping in it. Do the Democrats think he is going to help the party or is he going to be an embarrassment, and fail to lead the party to victory in 2008?


Dean was later quoted--after that event in which he made those remarks--that the politics of hate and slander should end.

Hmmm, hypocrite if you ask me.

I think Howard Dean, to be honest, will do a good job for the Dems. He stated on "Meet the Press" that he's going to adopt the GOP's strategy of success by building at the grassroots and keeping in touch with the base. It's working for us, so, I see no reason that it will not work for the Democratic party.

I don't think he's helping the tone of American politics, however. He's hurting it so much more by contributing to the rhetoric of hate, and then turning right around and saying we should stop attacking each other. Pure hypocresy at its best.

His fundraising is starting off slowly, but it was only the 1st quarter.

I agree that his benchmark will be the strength of a Democratic win in 2006. Perhaps not even a majority win for the Dems, but a close enough strike to bruise the ego of the Congressional GOP. If Dean wants to prove us all wrong, he'd be wise to focus a lot of his attention on the Senate races and start grooming candidates, especially in PA, TN, & VA.

If he does well in '06, and again not necessarily taking back control of Congress or majority of governors but close enough to leave us Republicans on shaky ground, he is bound to do very well in 2008.
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Squawker said:
Did you see his interview on Meet the Press Sunday? I don’t think he did his party a service, in fact they should have been embarrassed by the things he said. I also heard the donations coming in are down by half. This is going to be an interesting one to watch.
I wasn't embarrassed in the slightest. I think he was the right choice and once people realize that he is leading them in the right direction, the donations will come in (speciall around the election when they will want to see a Dem win).

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