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How to Save the United States from Bush and Cheney (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest, Oregon
Political Leaning

How to save the United States, from the ravages caused by President Bush.

1: Impeach Bush, and exile him to Texas.
2: Set him adrift in rubber a raft in the Atlantic ocean,
Hoping for help from Dick Cheney.
3: Get him a job at McDonalds and hope he don't poison us by accident.
4: Send him to a Psychiatrist for help with his Bipolar condition.
5: Tell him the the truth, he is not a prophet and is not Jesus christ.
6: Tell him that God is not causing an ice age in Europe,
as Answer to his Corporate Prayers.
7: Shock him and prove to him that in America, there are acutially more
people than just the top four or five million rich people .
Even if he faints.
:roll: I seriously cannot tell if you're being a fakeboy or are just really stupid. Bush does have plenty of problems which he needs to work on but in truth the United States needs to be saved from people like yourself who let their own bias cloud their judgement to an almost idiotic level.
Or you could get out of his way and let him do his job for the first time in five years. Or the Democrats could help him by actually coming up with a plan instead of just criticizing his. Oh! that's right, according to Dean it isn't the Democrats job to come up with a plan cause America voted them into the minority. Try again.
dragonslayer said:

How to save the United States, from the ravages caused by President Bush.

1: Impeach Bush, and exile him to Texas.
2: Set him adrift in rubber a raft in the Atlantic ocean,
Hoping for help from Dick Cheney.
3: Get him a job at McDonalds and hope he don't poison us by accident.
4: Send him to a Psychiatrist for help with his Bipolar condition.
5: Tell him the the truth, he is not a prophet and is not Jesus christ.
6: Tell him that God is not causing an ice age in Europe,
as Answer to his Corporate Prayers.
7: Shock him and prove to him that in America, there are acutially more
people than just the top four or five million rich people .
Even if he faints.

:rofl They're pretty much lame duck in this term. Which is a little early for an administration. I think that the mature people in office have caught on to these guys. Unfortunately we'll probably just have to sit and wait it out.

I like #2 but we'll have to chum the water, of course!:lol:
I think the best wasy is No. 8......... Have moronic posts like this removed :doh
Wrong Forum.
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May be Restarted in the Basement.
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