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How Pentagon's Dark Eagle Hypersonic Missile Compares to Putin's Oreshnik (1 Viewer)

Because you stay a step ahead of your enemies if you know what's good for you.
That may have been important before there was enough weaponry in our hands that we could just explode them all and end the world by ourselves.
So you disagree that the Pentagon ever wastes money ?

Where did I say that? I was making the point that when the US responds to Russian weapon claims and end up making something even better, those weapons end up saving the lives of our military.
That may have been important before there was enough weaponry in our hands that we could just explode them all and end the world by ourselves.
Well, yes. But sometimes you have to settle business without launching nukes.
So you disagree that the Pentagon ever wastes money ?
No organization on this planet does not waste money.

Would you prefer that we send our soldiers out in tee shirts with bolt action rifles?
Well, yes. But sometimes you have to settle business without launching nukes.
If these new weapons are deployed among nuclear powers, do you think that their use will increase or decrease the likelihood of a nuclear exchange.
If these new weapons are deployed among nuclear powers, do you think that their use will increase or decrease the likelihood of a nuclear exchange.

Which is why so many of us felt relief when the INF Treaty was signed. But once Russia started to openly violate it and build weapons the had been prohibited once again, we have returned to the worst days of the Cold War all over again.
If these new weapons are deployed among nuclear powers, do you think that their use will increase or decrease the likelihood of a nuclear exchange.

If anything they will increase the "Assurance", in the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) theory.
If these new weapons are deployed among nuclear powers, do you think that their use will increase or decrease the likelihood of a nuclear exchange.
Neither increase nor decrease.

ICBMs are faster than these missiles, and we already have those.

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