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How many peeps - guestamet (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Hrmm... if we had enough activites and it sounds like a great adventure with plenty of notice, I am guessing around 10%.

10% of 562 (current active members) is 56.

If we really hyped it up and it was inexpensive, I betcha we could pull 15-20%.
I dunno. The "are you interested" poll only has 40 yeses. I'm guessing 20-30.
Give it a week and it will pop up to around 50 or more.
I betcha
vauge said:
Give it a week and it will pop up to around 50 or more.
I betcha

Could be. It has over 1500 views! :shock:
My guess is that right now, I bet a lot more folks are at least interested in the idea, they're probably just waiting for a few more specifics to see if they could even hope to attend. But even if we only had 20 or 30 of us show up, it could still be a good time and well worth it.
Stace said:
My guess is that right now, I bet a lot more folks are at least interested in the idea, they're probably just waiting for a few more specifics to see if they could even hope to attend. But even if we only had 20 or 30 of us show up, it could still be a good time and well worth it.

Very true...and we also need to present a confident appearance that this IS going to happen. I think a lot of people wont really want to go until we solidify a date, place, and information about how to secure attendance. Then I think we'll see a huge influx of interest.

Here's an idea...start with a low end guess...like take the poll at face value for now...decide on a place and find a group rate for that many people at a hotel with meeting facilities. Project the budget and provide cost information off of that. Set a price, set a date, set a place. Then start accepting early registration and securing facilities based on that. If more people start streaming, the price is set for the registration, but the group rates go down for the planning comittee...we can use the surplus to upgrade facilities, pay for entertainment (facility, sound equipment rental, dinner reservations/caterer etc), and make reservations for banquets and such.

If only the people who showed interest so far attend, then we still have a group rate, a chance to meet, and we can decide how to generate money to pay for anything we decide we just cant live without having at the convention.
Good ideas Jallman.

I can and will create banners around the forum "Click here to sign up/register/ etc... for the convention". Folks will know it is coming.
Anyway we can create some sort of bank account for the trip? Seems we'll need it if people are going to be paying for it with the registration fee. I mean, we could just give it all to me, but the temptation to run off to Europe might be too strong. :cool:
Kelzie said:
Anyway we can create some sort of bank account for the trip? Seems we'll need it if people are going to be paying for it with the registration fee. I mean, we could just give it all to me, but the temptation to run off to Europe might be too strong. :cool:
I think as leader of the committee, you should appoint someone one or be the holder of the monies.

Or, I wonder if we can create a group paypal account?
vauge said:
I think as leader of the committee, you should appoint someone one or be the holder of the monies.

Or, I wonder if we can create a group paypal account?

I thought about that too...I am glad you brought it up kelzie. Perhaps we can designate a treasurer or financial officer. We could open a bank account (maybe even an on-line one) in the name of the Committee, care of the financial officer. Statements can be mailed to all of the committee members for record keeping and auditing purposes. It will give us an easy way to send checks to our vendors/caterers and facilities providers. Plus it keeps all financial records in one convenient place for us to project budgets from.
jallman said:
I thought about that too...I am glad you brought it up kelzie. Perhaps we can designate a treasurer or financial officer. We could open a bank account (maybe even an on-line one) in the name of the Committee, care of the financial officer. Statements can be mailed to all of the committee members for record keeping and auditing purposes. It will give us an easy way to send checks to our vendors/caterers and facilities providers. Plus it keeps all financial records in one convenient place for us to project budgets from.

I think a Paypal account is a good idea. And that way, anyone with the password would be able to access it, say if someone asks a question about their payment and the Treasurer is not around. I think we can all be trusted not to mess with the money. BUT, now that I think about it, do you suppose the members trust us enough with their money? I wonder.....this may require a little more thought.
mixedmedia said:
I think a Paypal account is a good idea. And that way, anyone with the password would be able to access it, say if someone asks a question about their payment and the Treasurer is not around. I think we can all be trusted not to mess with the money. BUT, now that I think about it, do you suppose the members trust us enough with their money? I wonder.....this may require a little more thought.

well, I know they wont until we provide them with solid details as to what they are getting for their money. My plan is to promise small and then deliver big if we can.
mixedmedia said:
I think a Paypal account is a good idea. And that way, anyone with the password would be able to access it, say if someone asks a question about their payment and the Treasurer is not around. I think we can all be trusted not to mess with the money. BUT, now that I think about it, do you suppose the members trust us enough with their money? I wonder.....this may require a little more thought.

Paypal's a great idea. But can you write checks to vendors out of a paypal account? vauge?
Kelzie said:
Paypal's a great idea. But can you write checks to vendors out of a paypal account? vauge?

exactly my concern. I dont know much about paypal. Does it act like an on-line bank, or will we need to transfer the revenue from it to a real bank anyway?
jallman said:
exactly my concern. I dont know much about paypal. Does it act like an on-line bank, or will we need to transfer the revenue from it to a real bank anyway?

I'm thinking we'll have to transfer it anyway. The benefit though is that people can pay with a credit card, although they do charge 1.9%.
Kelzie said:
I'm thinking we'll have to transfer it anyway. The benefit though is that people can pay with a credit card, although they do charge 1.9%.

1.9% is steep...let me talk to some of my card services vendors this week and see what other alternatives there are to paying by credit card...maybe even a temporary MAP account that goes straight into a bank account when it settles every day. I know Cornerstone Card Services can do it at .08% which is over a 1% savings. I also have some contacts at WellsFargo, Paymentec, and Merchant Link...I will look into it monday morning and report on it that evening.
jallman said:
1.9% is steep...let me talk to some of my card services vendors this week and see what other alternatives there are to paying by credit card...maybe even a temporary MAP account that goes straight into a bank account when it settles every day. I know Cornerstone Card Services can do it at .08% which is over a 1% savings. I also have some contacts at WellsFargo, Paymentec, and Merchant Link...I will look into it monday morning and report on it that evening.

Nice. Hey, you want to be our treasurer? :mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
Nice. Hey, you want to be our treasurer? :mrgreen:

that should go to a vote of the comittee, but I am not opposed to lending my contacts to whoever takes care of the finances. Either way, because we are dealing with other people's money, the treasurer should have the most transparency in carrying out his/her duties.
jallman said:
that should go to a vote of the comittee, but I am not opposed to lending my contacts to whoever takes care of the finances. Either way, because we are dealing with other people's money, the treasurer should have the most transparency in carrying out his/her duties.

We can vote. But would you mind?
vauge said:
I think as leader of the committee, you should appoint someone one or be the holder of the monies.

Or, I wonder if we can create a group paypal account?

I was just thinking of the PayPal thing. Easiest way I can think of to get the money to where it needs to go, rather than relying on having to send a check in the mail or something. Folks would get a confirmation that their money went where they sent it, and it'd be easy to transfer allocated funds to various members in charge of reserving certain aspects of the whole thing.
Kelzie said:
We can vote. But would you mind?

I dont mind and I have experience dealing with budgeting and what-not...but, dont you think some of the members would rather see a mod from the committee in actual charge of the money? You know, just for that added security and credibility sake?
jallman said:
I dont mind and I have experience dealing with budgeting and what-not...but, dont you think some of the members would rather see a mod from the committee in actual charge of the money? You know, just for that added security and credibility sake?

I trust you, and I am sure others will as well, those that really matter anyway. Or we could just make you a mod, either way......I am all for you handling this man, you have my trust, and my vote.;)
If funds are in paypal, they offer a "virtual" credit card option.
That is how we pay for the server every month.

I would have no issues with Jallman being the treasurer of the committee.

I can get a great deal on bulk T shirts for door prizes. They will have to be unique. I think for like 40 of them we can get them like $6 apiece. Just a thought.
They will be different than our shop design(which is about to open).
Proceeds will go to conference beyond bills. I can transfer the "over" to the conference account.
I've got no issues with jallman acting as our treasurer....he's got all the contacts, and I've got lots of faith in his abilities!!
vauge said:
If funds are in paypal, they offer a "virtual" credit card option.
That is how we pay for the server every month.

I would have no issues with Jallman being the treasurer of the committee.

I can get a great deal on bulk T shirts for door prizes. They will have to be unique. I think for like 40 of them we can get them like $6 apiece. Just a thought.
They will be different than our shop design(which is about to open).
Proceeds will go to conference beyond bills. I can transfer the "over" to the conference account.

Thats a great idea and the profit margin on shirts can be close to 200 percent if we charge shipping for them...or better yet, include a t-shirt in the registration cost at less profit but as a draw to register and wait to give them out at the convention, so no shipping. We could even include the t-shirt at cost for the pre-registration (being that the added benefit of early registration is a slightly cheaper rate) and get people to give us capital to work with now. I'm telling you, the more we offer, the bigger the draw to sign up will be...even something as small as "commemorative apparel to support our internet community".

People also love themes...we should come up with some type of slogan for the convention...something catchy and community minded to make people realize they are part of something.

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