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House bill would make health care a right (1 Viewer)

You are correct. Why? Because the American people made it clear they expect health care reform, and if they don't get it by 2010 there will be hell to pay.

You are partially correct. 46% of American favor health reform.

On the other hand, 49% oppose it according to the latest Rasmussen Poll.

That makes you mostly wrong.
Yeah I know the conservatives here will just blow this off, but what the heck...

The reason the WH is pushing for a bill is they are trying to NOT repeat the mistakes of 1993. Just ponder for a moment; $1.4 million a day is being spent right now on lobbyists seeking to derail reform.

Washington Post

Familiar Players in Health Bill Lobbying

Now does anyone think that they have OUR interests in mind, or their own corporate interests?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Just because a lobbyist doesn't support something doesn't mean they are wrong.

Poll: Most Back Public Health Care Option

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey (PDF)
76% said it was "Extremely" or "Quite" important to give a choice of BOTH a public plan administered by the federal government, and a private plan for their health insurance

Bloomberg News
Most Americans Support Public Health Care Option, Poll Finds

Americans are clueless plebeians.

This poll confirms that.
I support healthcare reform, but I don't support the government digging in my pocket so much to pay for it.
Yeah I know the conservatives here will just blow this off, but what the heck...

What benefit do you think constantly preambling this crap serves?

The reason the WH is pushing for a bill is they are trying to NOT repeat the mistakes of 1993. Just ponder for a moment; $1.4 million a day is being spent right now on lobbyists seeking to derail reform.

Washington Post

Familiar Players in Health Bill Lobbying

Now does anyone think that they have OUR interests in mind, or their own corporate interests?

Poll: Most Back Public Health Care Option

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey (PDF)
76% said it was "Extremely" or "Quite" important to give a choice of BOTH a public plan administered by the federal government, and a private plan for their health insurance

Bloomberg News
Most Americans Support Public Health Care Option, Poll Finds

And you think the government has YOUR best interest in mind? so what if 1.4 million is being spent by lobbyist. Its better than the trillions of our tax dollars being spent on a giant VA hospial for all.
TARP was "rammed" through by the Bush administration. I don't think it's premature to pass a bill of intent regarding health care, even if the details need to be filled in later. Republicans simply don't want health care because they get campaign funding from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. It's that simple. Most Americans want health care, and that is who Congress is supposed to represent.

The Congress is supposed to obey the Constitution, and the Constitution says...no, health care isn't a service provided by the federal government.
It means "replace doctors and nurses with DMV employees, tax the living crap out of everyone, and then ration everything."

The bill changes the educational and experience requirements (MD, Nursing degree, etc.) individuals have to meet before they can practice medicine?

I see this bill changing how doctors are paid and what doctors a person utilizing government health care can choose. I haven't seen how this bill lowers the quality of education doctors receive at various colleges, or the devotion a doctor gives towards their practice.

Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with with the payment or the choosing restrictions. I just don't see how the quality of work performed by doctors would lower. Unless of course the government instituted their own subpar certification program and removed the college educational requirement that doctors must obtain now.
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The bill changes the educational and experience requirements (MD, Nursing degree, etc.) individuals have to meet before they can practice medicine?

It should considering our training of doctors is antiquated.

It should also remove the ability of licensing boards to limit the number of doctors.
You are partially correct. 46% of American favor health reform.

On the other hand, 49% oppose it according to the latest Rasmussen Poll.

That makes you mostly wrong.

I have heard from several sources that over 72% of Americans favor health care reform
It should considering our training of doctors is antiquated.

So the government should standardize educational training doctors achieve? Personally I think the medical community should control this.

It should also remove the ability of licensing boards to limit the number of doctors.

I agree with this. If I put in the time and money to earn my degree and education and am deemed qualified to execute procedures I should receive no push back on obtaining a license.
is college education a right?

Is dental a right?

Where is it in the constitution that the government has the right to take my money to pay for your (general you) poor health habits?

you are evading the question. Current polls show a wide majority of Americans favor health care reform.
So the government should standardize educational training doctors achieve? Personally I think the medical community should control this.

I disagree because currently they use that as an excuse to prop up what doctors charge patients.

They reach around their arm to get to their ass to train a doctor.
It's incredibly inefficient.

I agree with this. If I put in the time and money to earn my degree and education and am deemed qualified to execute procedures I should receive no push back on obtaining a license.

Most of that is done to prop up doctors salaries by limiting supply.
It is the primary reason for medical costs going up.
Which sources? :lol:

CBS June 20th, 2009 Poll
Poll: Most Back Public Health Care Option - CBS News
A clear majority of Americans -- 72 percent -- support a government-sponsored health care plan to compete with private insurers, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds. Most also think the government would do a better job than private industry at keeping down costs and believe that the government should guarantee health care for all Americans.

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey (PDF)
76% said it was "Extremely" or "Quite" important to give a choice of BOTH a public plan administered by the federal government, and a private plan for their health insurance

Bloomberg.com: News
Sixty-nine percent of Americans support creation of a government-run health plan to compete with private insurance companies, a new poll found.

In addition, 52 percent of those surveyed by Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University said such a plan would keep the private insurance companies honest. Thirty-two percent disagreed. Twenty-six percent said they opposed a government-run insurance program. Some health-care overhaul plans proposed by Democrats in Congress would include a government-run plan, while Republicans are leading the fight against such a program.
you are evading the question. Current polls show a wide majority of Americans favor health care reform.

Rasmussen is usually more accurate than the others......

49% Oppose Health Care Reform Plan, 46% Favor It
Monday, July 13, 2009

Forty-nine percent (49%) of U.S. voters now at least somewhat oppose the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, while 46% at least somewhat favor it, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Just two weeks ago, 50% were for the reform plan, and 45% were opposed.

The “nays” also continue to have the edge in terms of intensity. While 22% strongly favor the Democrats’ health care reform plan, 38% strongly oppose it, up four points from the previous survey.
Among those voters who have health insurance, opposition is even higher: 43% favor the plan, but 52% oppose it. Those who strongly oppose it outnumber those who strongly favor it by two-to-one – 40% to 20%.
says who??
The definition of the term.
If you force someone else to pay for something you get, then whatever you're getting isn't a right.
Rasmussen is usually more accurate than the others......

So Rasmussen is more accurate because it gives you a better conclusion than 4 opposing polls? Oh that's right, Rasmussen is a GOP pollster, thus it is the only credible one...sheesh.
You are correct. Why? Because the American people made it clear they expect health care reform, and if they don't get it by 2010 there will be hell to pay.

Reform of health care is getting the government out of the health care business.

The government should get out of as many businesses as possible.

Health care.
Farm management.
Retirement funding.

The list is practically endless.

Oh, almost forgot.

Car manufacturing.
Home mortgage financing.
Bank bailing outing.
Vote buying.
Vote manufacture.
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The bill changes the educational and experience requirements (MD, Nursing degree, etc.) individuals have to meet before they can practice medicine?

You ever hear of "government efficiency"?

Me neither.

Why are you people pretending government run healthcare will be more effective than what I have now?

I see this bill changing how doctors are paid and what doctors a person utilizing government health care can choose.

I see this bill reducing the number of people choosing medicine as a career. One doesn't have to study for fifteen years to become a civil servant.

Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with with the payment or the choosing restrictions. I just don't see how the quality of work performed by doctors would lower. Unless of course the government instituted their own subpar certification program and removed the college educational requirement that doctors must obtain now.

You just need to learn the purpose of rhetoric.
says who??

Says me, the person that has to be taxed to pay for someone's else's non-existent "right".

The exercise of a right does not incur expense on others.

You want to make a speech? Go ahead, ain't costing me a dime.

You want to buy a gun? Go ahead, but use your money, 'cuz I don't have to buy yours.

You want to worship some stupid god? Go ahead, be as silly as you want.

You want to go to the doctor? Fine by me, but don't send me the bill, it's not my responsibility.

See? Health care ain't a right, not if it involves stealing my money to pay for it.
You ever hear of "government efficiency"?

Me neither.

Why are you people pretending government run healthcare will be more effective than what I have now?

I see this bill reducing the number of people choosing medicine as a career. One doesn't have to study for fifteen years to become a civil servant.

You just need to learn the purpose of rhetoric.

I understand your quandry, you believe government is inefficient, corrupt, dishonest and cannot be trusted. Fortunately for all of us, the Republicans are no longer in charge.:lol:

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