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Homosexuality (1 Viewer)

Homosexuality is not a choice. I knew I was gay when I was 9 years old because I was attracted to other boys in my class. I spent my high school years in a Southern Baptist school and hid my sexuality. I had a girlfriend for 3 years. We were intimate, but I wasn't satisfied. But I tried, I really tried. I hated myself and the fact that I was gay because that is what I was taught to do. So I had a girlfriend in college as well. We were also intimate and I was not fulfilled.

Religious zealots screw with your head when you are gay because they insist it is a choice. It would have been a huge disservice to either one of these women if I had married them. I have a close friend who was told that her husband was going out to gay bars, so he went through "conversion therapy". He soon started to resent her because he could never be his true self, and they divorced. It wasn't easy for her.

I came out when I was 22 years old and have never looked back. My partner and I have been together for 32 years. And I am still in touch with my high school girlfriend, who is happily married and has 2 kids. I think she knew all along but chose to overlook it.
Fantastic~ your life turned out the way it was meant to be.
Incorrect. God created sexual desire and he created woman to be the sexual desire of man so that mankind may multiply. All else is a consequence of the teachings of the Watchers and man’s free will.
That's nice. Prove it! Homosexuals can have sexual desire for the same sex. Ergo, god created it.
If you’re going to criticize a religion you’re still expected to know what you’re criticizing.
I know religion is BS! It invites and deserves criticism. Especially when it comes to its archaic and ignorant ideas of sexuality.

Homosexuality is not a choice. I knew I was gay when I was 9 years old because I was attracted to other boys in my class. I spent my high school years in a Southern Baptist school and hid my sexuality. I had a girlfriend for 3 years. We were intimate, but I wasn't satisfied. But I tried, I really tried. I hated myself and the fact that I was gay because that is what I was taught to do. So I had a girlfriend in college as well. We were also intimate and I was not fulfilled.

Religious zealots screw with your head when you are gay because they insist it is a choice. It would have been a huge disservice to either one of these women if I had married them. I have a close friend who was told that her husband was going out to gay bars, so he went through "conversion therapy". He soon started to resent her because he could never be his true self and they divorced. It wasn't easy for her.

I came out when I was 22 years old and have never looked back. My partner and I have been together for 32 years. And I am still in touch with my high school girlfriend, who is happily married and has 2 kids. I think she knew all along but she loved me so she chose to overlook it.
Thanks for sharing this! I'm so glad you chose your path! My daughters gay, and I'm proud she lives her life true to herself!! I have the pride.....🌈🏳️‍🌈😊
If the Christian God considers homosexuality to be an "Abomination", why did the Christian God interject homosexuality into it's "Creation(s)" to begin with?
very good question!
That's something that also gets me with the "God made you gay, but it's wrong to act on it!" train of logic.

So God made me gay for...what exactly? Just to be cruel and want me to either be celibate for the rest of my life, or get together with a man I will never be attracted to?
also a good question
Thanks for sharing this! I'm so glad you chose your path! My daughters gay, and I'm proud she lives her life true to herself!! I have the pride.....🌈🏳️‍🌈

Hugs to your daughter for living her truth! I'm sure she is lucky to have someone as supportive as you as her mother.

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