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Homosexuality, Heterosexuality and the Choices in Between (1 Viewer)

Let's start with the measure of our day, the sun, having not been created till the third day. Di you think that the time scale was changed once that happened?

Why should God adhere to the sun's timetable? Wouldn't the reverse be true, that the sun would move at the rate that God predesigned for it?
The Hebrew word yom in the original transcription of the book translates strictly into a 24-hour day. I just used my brain.

Also, cite for me historical or scientific fact that the world is more than 6000-7000 years old

Any fossil
Why should God adhere to the sun's timetable? Wouldn't the reverse be true, that the sun would move at the rate that God predesigned for it?

No one "predesigned" the sun or put it in motion. Solar formation and motion is one of the most understood concepts in the cosmos. The same can be said for their deaths.
That's why He wrote it down. In a book. Called the Bible. Been around since Gutenberg, and it was an instant bestseller. I highly recommend it

Last I recall it was people who wrote it as an "interpretation" of what a deity supposedly said or didn't. You can choose to accept what interpretation of divinity is palatable to you, it's all second hand information. I accept that it's your choice to believe in which ever faith system you like, but it's not the only one out there.
The Hebrew word yom in the original transcription of the book translates strictly into a 24-hour day. I just used my brain.

Also, cite for me historical or scientific fact that the world is more than 6000-7000 years old

Radiometric dating. Astrophysics.. The fact that the aborigines in Australia have a culture that is 40,000 years old
Fine. This was interesting. Know I'll be praying for you.

both your prayers and your curses come to the same thing. Absolutely nothing.
No one "predesigned" the sun or put it in motion. Solar formation and motion is one of the most understood concepts in the cosmos. The same can be said for their deaths.

And the concept is the product of the mind of God. You have no point other than claiming that God does not exist

The Bible is the spoken word of God transcribed by men. I have said this before in this thread, and I say it again here.
Radiometric dating. Astrophysics.. The fact that the aborigines in Australia have a culture that is 40,000 years old

Radiometric dating is faulty because it relies on human assumption.

How do you know that the aborigines have a 40000 year old culture? did they record it? did scientists carbon date it?
Jek, here are some things to ponder when considering the amount of time in a creative day...

The term “day(s)” is also used with reference to a time period contemporaneous with a particular person, as for example, “the days of Noah” and “the days of Lot.”​—Lu 17:26-30; Isa 1:1.

Other cases where the word “day” is used in a flexible or figurative sense are: “the day of God’s creating Adam” (Ge 5:1), “the day of Jehovah” (Zep 1:7), the “day of fury” (Zep 1:15), “the day of salvation” (2Co 6:2), “the day of judgment” (2Pe 3:7), “the great day of God the Almighty” (Re 16:14), and others.

This flexible use of the word “day” to express units of time of varying length is clearly evident in the Genesis account of creation. Therein is set forth a week of six creative days followed by a seventh day of rest. The week assigned for observance by the Jews under the Law covenant given them by God was a miniature copy of that creative week. (Ex 20:8-11) In the Scriptural record the account of each of the six creative days concludes with the statement: “And there came to be evening and there came to be morning” a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth day. (Ge 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31) The seventh day, however, does not have this ending, indicating that this period, during which God has been resting from his creative works toward the earth, continued on. At Hebrews 4:1-10 the apostle Paul indicated that God’s rest day was still continuing in his generation, and that was more than 4,000 years after that seventh-day rest period began. This makes it evident that each creative day, or work period, was at least thousands of years in length. As A Religious Encyclopædia (Vol. I, p. 613) observes: “The days of creation were creative days, stages in the process, but not days of twenty-four hours each.”​—Edited by P. Schaff, 1894.

The entire period of the six time units or creative “days” dedicated to the preparation of planet Earth is summed up in one all-embracing “day” at Genesis 2:4: “This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.”

Man’s situation does not compare with that of the Creator, who does not reside within our solar system and who is not affected by its various cycles and orbits. Of God, who is from time indefinite to time indefinite, the psalmist says: “For a thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch during the night.” (Ps 90:2, 4) Correspondingly, the apostle Peter writes that “one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” (2Pe 3:8) For man, a 1,000-year period represents some 365,242 individual time units of day and night, but to the Creator it can be just one unbroken time period in which he begins the carrying out of some purposeful activity and brings it on to its successful conclusion, much as a man begins a task in the morning and concludes it by the day’s end.

Jehovah is the Originator of our universe in which time, space, motion, mass, and energy have all been proved to be inescapably interrelated. He controls them all according to his purpose, and in dealing with his creatures on earth he makes definite time appointments for his own actions toward them, right down to the “day and hour.” (Mt 24:36; Ga 4:4) He keeps such appointments with the utmost punctuality.

Radiometric dating is faulty because it relies on human assumption.

How do you know that the aborigines have a 40000 year old culture? did they record it? did scientists carbon date it?

How so??
Radiometric dating is faulty because it relies on human assumption.

How do you know that the aborigines have a 40000 year old culture? did they record it? did scientists carbon date it?

No, actually not. You know that the extreme limits of carbon 14 dating is 50,000 years. they used thermo-luminescence ,and DNA diversification.
No, actually not. You know that the extreme limits of carbon 14 dating is 50,000 years. they used thermo-luminescence ,and DNA diversification.

Pretend I'm stupid and please talk down to me, or at least explain your big words?
Pretend I'm stupid and please talk down to me, or at least explain your big words?

Ok. Theomolumenices is testing to see how much radiation an object has been exposed to in materials that was heated to form, and contains crystaline structures.

And, one of the things that happens is ever generation picks up a certain number of mutations in it's DNA, so the more variations of DNA there are, the longer that population has been present. It's also called a 'molecular clock'

This is an article about it https://theconversation.com/dna-dat...-are-refining-human-evolutions-timeline-65606

And here is an article about thermoluminence dating https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoluminescence_dating

And when ti comes to the limits of carbon dating... the way that radiometric dating works is that every radioactive material has a certain 'half life'. That means in a certain period of time, half the material that is radioactive decays. By looking at a sample of 'how much of the material is of a radioactive substance' , and comparing how much would be there if it just formed, verses how much is actually here gives a 'clock' on how much time it took to decay. Different substances have different half lives, and the half life of carbon 14 is fairly short. From a practice point of view, this means that the theoretical limit of radiocarbon dating is about 50,000 years, and right now, the practical limit of it is more like 35 to 40 thousand years. This link describes why 35 to 40K is the practical limit. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/57679/why-is-carbon-dating-limit-only-40-000-years
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And the concept is the product of the mind of God. You have no point other than claiming that God does not exist

He exists as a homosexual.
And the concept is the product of the mind of God. You have no point other than claiming that God does not exist

Do you also believe the Earth is flat if not why not? You're using the exact same amount of evidence you have of it being a couple thousand years old is people would use to claim that it's flat.
Why should God adhere to the sun's timetable? Wouldn't the reverse be true, that the sun would move at the rate that God predesigned for it?

Why should God use the measure of our days in which to create the universe? There is nothing to note whether or not those days were his or ours.

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