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Hitler (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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HITLER in away was he right to try and take over the world,mybe yes and maybe no,but the way are things are going Bush can be on the right track
in a round about way,to secure our countrys the way we live and prosper.

Y not.

regards mikeey
mikeey said:
HITLER in away was he right to try and take over the world,mybe yes and maybe no,but the way are things are going Bush can be on the right track
in a round about way,to secure our countrys the way we live and prosper.

Y not.

regards mikeey

He wasn`t trying to "take over the world", that is just jewish propaganda.
He wanted to free not just Germany but the whole of Europe from the dominion of the jew.
In fact Mickey the whole of human history can be interpreted in racial terms,in the struggle of Aryan man in preventing the sons of the demon god from taking over and ultimately destroying the earth. Hitler offered Aryans throughout the earth liberation. Unfortunately armies of race traitor politicians tried to undo that great man`s work and destroy the Aryans race`s last great attempt to prevent their destruction.
Aryan Imperium, i grasp what u r saying and u could be right,i hope Bush takes a tip from him as i think he is going the right way about it.


my kind regards to U

mikeey said:
Aryan Imperium, i grasp what u r saying and u could be right,i hope Bush takes a tip from him as i think he is going the right way about it.


my kind regards to U


Thanks Mickey, nice to encounter someone who is open minded.
Aryan Imperium said:
He wasn`t trying to "take over the world", that is just jewish propaganda.
He wanted to free not just Germany but the whole of Europe from the dominion of the jew.
In fact Mickey the whole of human history can be interpreted in racial terms,in the struggle of Aryan man in preventing the sons of the demon god from taking over and ultimately destroying the earth. Hitler offered Aryans throughout the earth liberation. Unfortunately armies of race traitor politicians tried to undo that great man`s work and destroy the Aryans race`s last great attempt to prevent their destruction.

What about his campaign in North Africa? You think he would've stopped at that point (had the allied powers failed there) or moved further into the african continent?
moved further into the african continent i would say that would have been a good thing for the German forces Crispy, as what we would do our selves
today.WE are in a war so lets have a go to the same as hitler,but win this time
not like in vietnam where u lost,thats not my way of thinking,i like to win for


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