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Hillary Sells Progressives and Democrats Down the River (1 Viewer)

Risky Thicket

Sewer Rat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
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With Yo Mama
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It was only a matter of time when even the MSM (linked in the article) would have to report what many people already knew. Once the presidential campaign started Hillary would give a middle finger to Progressives and Democratic Millennials and tell them to piss off as she waddled unsteadily toward Wall Street, Big Money, Big Business and the old hardcore establishment.

Why black people continue to line up to support a Wall Street Democrat who supports the system that has been so discriminatory to people of color is a question that many black people are asking themselves.

As Hillary now begins to display her true colors she apparently has made the conscious decision to ignore the real future of Democratic Party while she jumps into bed with wealthy old white men.

The only recent semblance of progressivism in Clinton’s campaign is an infrastructure plan she is touting to create jobs. Even that, however, when closely analyzed, is another political ploy to sneak in benefits for wealthy and corporate interests under the pretense of progressivism. The plan itself is a watered down version of Sanders’ infrastructure proposal. Her promise to create 200,000 jobs in upstate New York while serving as senator fell short as employment in the region decreased. Her propensity to favor corporate interests over working Americans is unlikely to produce much benefit in the form of jobs.

According to her
campaign platform, Clinton’s plan includes creating an infrastructure bank, paid for by an unspecified business tax reform. In a June 2016 article, The Intercept’s Jon Schwarz speculated that the reform would be granting multinational corporations significantly reduced taxed rates on profits they receive overseas, something Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Paul Ryan have been working on.

It's a turd sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite.
It was only a matter of time when even the MSM (linked in the article) would have to report what many people already knew. Once the presidential campaign started Hillary would give a middle finger to Progressives and Democratic Millennials and tell them to piss off as she waddled unsteadily toward Wall Street, Big Money, Big Business and the old hardcore establishment.

Why black people continue to line up to support a Wall Street Democrat who supports the system that has been so discriminatory to people of color is a question that many black people are asking themselves.

As Hillary now begins to display her true colors she apparently has made the conscious decision to ignore the real future of Democratic Party while she jumps into bed with wealthy old white men.



Can't remember where I saw it but some talking head said that "If you are looking for a Reagan era republican Hillary is your man."
It was only a matter of time when even the MSM (linked in the article) would have to report what many people already knew. Once the presidential campaign started Hillary would give a middle finger to Progressives and Democratic Millennials and tell them to piss off as she waddled unsteadily toward Wall Street, Big Money, Big Business and the old hardcore establishment.

Why black people continue to line up to support a Wall Street Democrat who supports the system that has been so discriminatory to people of color is a question that many black people are asking themselves.

As Hillary now begins to display her true colors she apparently has made the conscious decision to ignore the real future of Democratic Party while she jumps into bed with wealthy old white men.



So taxing corporations who aren't paying taxes now and using that to fund infrastructure is on the side of big businesses and wallstreet?
It's a turd sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite.

We, meaning liberals, must vote "D" no matter what **** is being served up under that label. ;)
So taxing corporations who aren't paying taxes now and using that to fund infrastructure is on the side of big businesses and wallstreet?

It is if the fortune 500 corporations hired to build the infrastructure is in their wall street portfolios as well as campaign contributors.
It is if the fortune 500 corporations hired to build the infrastructure is in their wall street portfolios as well as campaign contributors.

And the "little people" get no benefit from it?
I didn't say that.

So everyone benefits from it, which was my point. And is why it has such bipartisan support and why the anti-establishment people hate it.
It was only a matter of time when even the MSM (linked in the article) would have to report what many people already knew. Once the presidential campaign started Hillary would give a middle finger to Progressives and Democratic Millennials and tell them to piss off as she waddled unsteadily toward Wall Street, Big Money, Big Business and the old hardcore establishment.

Why black people continue to line up to support a Wall Street Democrat who supports the system that has been so discriminatory to people of color is a question that many black people are asking themselves.

As Hillary now begins to display her true colors she apparently has made the conscious decision to ignore the real future of Democratic Party while she jumps into bed with wealthy old white men.



Who is supposed to have been fooled by this?

I thought we were all perfectly clear that Sanders represented the farther end of the left and was an ideologue who actually meant what he said; he was the "small donor" populist candidate.

Meanwhile, that Hillary represented whatever would get her elected, which in turn tends to make her a pragmatist, and also had no problem seeking big donors.
It's a turd sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite.

"It's always a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich" - Stan Marsh.
Who is supposed to have been fooled by this?

I thought we were all perfectly clear that Sanders represented the farther end of the left and was an ideologue who actually meant what he said; he was the "small donor" populist candidate.

Meanwhile, that Hillary represented whatever would get her elected, which in turn tends to make her a pragmatist, and also had no problem seeking big donors.

Fooled by Hillary? Damn few. No one trusts her to start with. That's well documented. Regardless of what people say most people who actually support Hillary don't want change. They want status quo. They want Wall Street establishment. They'd be fooled if they got something else instead from Hillary.
Fooled by Hillary? Damn few. No one trusts her to start with. That's well documented. Regardless of what people say most people who actually support Hillary don't want change. They want status quo. They want Wall Street establishment. They'd be fooled if they got something else instead from Hillary.

Given the choice between stability and chaos, people are going to choose stability.
Given the choice between stability and chaos, peop are going to choose stability.

Given the choice between inertia and change, most people are going to choose inertia.

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." ~ John She'd
Given the choice between inertia and change, most people are going to choose inertia.

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." ~ John She'd

And ship captain's don't normally make the decision to go out of harbor in the middle of a hurricane.
It was only a matter of time when even the MSM (linked in the article) would have to report what many people already knew. Once the presidential campaign started Hillary would give a middle finger to Progressives and Democratic Millennials and tell them to piss off as she waddled unsteadily toward Wall Street, Big Money, Big Business and the old hardcore establishment.

Why black people continue to line up to support a Wall Street Democrat who supports the system that has been so discriminatory to people of color is a question that many black people are asking themselves.

As Hillary now begins to display her true colors she apparently has made the conscious decision to ignore the real future of Democratic Party while she jumps into bed with wealthy old white men.

The black vote in the primary made the difference between Hillary & Bernie! :(


You are so right, in that I bolded!

The black vote was the decisive difference in getting Hillary over Bernie! :(
You are so right, in that I bolded!

The black vote was the decisive difference in getting Hillary over Bernie! :(

We had dinner with close friends a couple of weeks ago. Both are black and both remain strong Bernie supporters. I asked during dinner about the black support for Hillary. Their response was that they continue to ask the same question. They don't understand it either other than the fact that Bill Clinton being branded by his campaign people as the first black president and all the PR that has followed the Clintons concerning their strong advocacy for black people - except most of it is pure PR bull****. That was essentially their response.

One of our friends (the wife) asked, "Of all the women connected to Bill Clinton how many are black?" :lamo
We had dinner with close friends a couple of weeks ago. Both are black and both remain strong Bernie supporters. I asked during dinner about the black support for Hillary. Their response was that they continue to ask the same question. They don't understand it either other than the fact that Bill Clinton being branded by his campaign people as the first black president and all the PR that has followed the Clintons concerning their strong advocacy for black people - except most of it is pure PR bull****. That was essentially their response.

One of our friends (the wife) asked, "Of all the women connected to Bill Clinton how many are black?" :lamo
I really think what may have happened is African-Americans have for a long time strongly associated with the Democratic Party, and even moreso and in near totality durring the Clinton era and especially the Obama era.

The Clinton's are seen as the embodiment of the Democratic Party, and Hillary as the heir. She is seen as receiving not just the passing of the torch from her husband, but from Obama himself.

So Hillary may be thought of as synonymous with the Democratic Party, whereas Bernie was the interloper.

After several decades of this, perhaps much of the black community feels this way, sort of the way Chicagoan's pull the lever for the Daley family decade after decade. They're ingrained & synonymous in the 'everyman' consciousness. And I think much of the citizenry (from all demographics) pulls that lever on election day without too much deep thought or analysis.
You are so right, in that I bolded!

The black vote was the decisive difference in getting Hillary over Bernie! :(

Blacks were attracted to her message of "bringing them to heel" and being referred to as "super predators". Blacks love licking the hands that beat them. That's why they favored Hillary over life-long civil rights activist Bernie Sanders. Hillary is a Goldwater Girl and knows that it's not equality Blacks are looking for...it's denigrating talk.
I really think what may have happened is African-Americans have for a long time strongly associated with the Democratic Party, and even moreso and in near totality durring the Clinton era and especially the Obama era.

The Clinton's are seen as the embodiment of the Democratic Party, and Hillary as the heir. She is seen as receiving not just the passing of the torch from her husband, but from Obama himself.

So Hillary may be thought of as synonymous with the Democratic Party, whereas Bernie was the interloper.

After several decades of this, perhaps much of the black community feels this way, sort of the way Chicagoan's pull the lever for the Daley family decade after decade. They're ingrained & synonymous in the 'everyman' consciousness. And I think much of the citizenry (from all demographics) pulls that lever on election day without too much deep thought or analysis.

That is an excellent and insightful post. Thanks. I am going to copy it and forward it to our friends.
We, meaning liberals, must vote "D" no matter what **** is being served up under that label. ;)

No, it means no matter who wins, we will all lose.
It was only a matter of time when even the MSM (linked in the article) would have to report what many people already knew. Once the presidential campaign started Hillary would give a middle finger to Progressives and Democratic Millennials and tell them to piss off as she waddled unsteadily toward Wall Street, Big Money, Big Business and the old hardcore establishment.

Why black people continue to line up to support a Wall Street Democrat who supports the system that has been so discriminatory to people of color is a question that many black people are asking themselves.

As Hillary now begins to display her true colors she apparently has made the conscious decision to ignore the real future of Democratic Party while she jumps into bed with wealthy old white men.



Hmmm. There is a interesting disclosure at the bottom of your source.

Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.

Now THERE is a "wealthy old white man" that I doubt Hillary will be going to bed with. :lol:
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