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Hillary, Go Home! Leave the Koreas to the Koreans! (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
There will be no resumption of the Korean War, which has not yet ended, as it would spell the end of the Kimist régime and Kim Jong-il knows it. The South has two-and-a-half times the people and forty times the economic output as the North, not to mention a couple of inches in average height and a much stronger military, even without the U.S. presence.

What's more, the South has political and, more importantly, economic freedom, one glimpse of which, which an open conflict would surely allow, would consign the Kimist régime to the trash bin of Korean history. This is not 1950, when both parts of the peninsula were equally poor and backward. (The North was actually better off back then.)

Hillary needs to learn how to keep her fat ass out of where it doesnt belong.

Hillary, Go Home! Leave the Koreas to the Koreans! by Joshua Snyder
Hillary needs to learn how to keep her fat ass out of where it doesnt belong.

Hillary, Go Home! Leave the Koreas to the Koreans! by Joshua Snyder

You are aware that Mrs. Clinton is the Secretary of State? Do you know what that job is? Talking and visiting other countries is exactly where she belongs.

By the way, what does her weight have to do with anything? Or where you just throwing that in there since she is a woman? You ever notice you don't hear male politicians appearance ever referred to?
You are aware that Mrs. Clinton is the Secretary of State? Do you know what that job is? Talking and visiting other countries is exactly where she belongs.

By the way, what does her weight have to do with anything? Or where you just throwing that in there since she is a woman? You ever notice you don't hear male politicians appearance ever referred to?

Clinton is meddling in South Korea's affairs which she has no business doing.
Clinton is meddling in South Korea's affairs which she has no business doing.

B y discussing an incident with SK and making a statement? That is her job. Hysteria won't change that.
Clinton is meddling in South Korea's affairs which she has no business doing.

Her job is to represent President Obama's foreign policy interests, which she is doing. We are entangled with South Korea and if the Korean War went hot again-- it never ended the first time-- we would have no choice but to be deeply involved in it. This would not be in our best interests at this time.

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