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High capacity magazines [W:1390] (1 Viewer)

Re: High capacity magazines

Apart from your stance that a right is a right is a right and no infringements can be permitted - from a purely practical and pragmatic standpoint - why would a citizen need a gun capable of firing 30 at a time before reloading?
because criminals may well have one given its the standard issue M16 magazine. and most police departments have them

need has nothing to do with constitutional rights

so what is your position

Obscene or not?
Re: High capacity magazines

because criminals may well have one given its the standard issue M16 magazine. and most police departments have them

So 30 would be your number then based on practicality having to someday do battle with criminals and police officers?
Re: High capacity magazines

So 30 would be your number then based on practicality having to someday do battle with criminals and police officers?

no, as I noted there should be no limits on how many rounds your weapon can hold.
Re: High capacity magazines

Apart from your stance that a right is a right is a right and no infringements can be permitted - from a purely practical and pragmatic standpoint - why would a citizen need a gun capable of firing 30 at a time before reloading?

Because a criminal does, because he is confronted by more than one criminal, because he is a lousy shot, the list goes on and on ....

The question is why do you think a need in any given situation can be predetermined?
Re: High capacity magazines

Because a criminal does, because he is confronted by more than one criminal, because he is a lousy shot, the list goes on and on ....

The question is why do you think a need in any given situation can be predetermined?

So you desire a person who is a "lousy shot" to have the ability to spray dozens or scores or even hundreds of bullets in an area? :doh:roll:

Can you tell me a situation in actual reality where we know that thirty shots were not enough but 31 would have been?
Re: High capacity magazines

So you desire a person who is a lousy shot to have the ability to spray dozens or scores or even hundreds of bullets in an area?

Please post where I said that.
Re: High capacity magazines

Please post where I said that.

sure thing

I asked this

Apart from your stance that a right is a right is a right and no infringements can be permitted - from a purely practical and pragmatic standpoint - why would a citizen need a gun capable of firing 30 at a time before reloading?

your reply
Because a criminal does, because he is confronted by more than one criminal, because he is a lousy shot, the list goes on and on ....

You clearly indicated that a person may need more than 30 shots at a time before reloading because he "IS A LOUSY SHOT". So you would desire that this LOUSY SHOT have more than 30 at their disposal obviously spraying the area with lots of missed bullets. One follows the other.
Re: High capacity magazines

Can you tell me a situation in actual reality where we know that thirty shots were not enough but 31 would have been?

When a gun fetishist fantasizes about killing bad guys.

The Red Ryder has a 200 shot capability.
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Re: High capacity magazines

You clearly indicated that a person may need more than 30 shots at a time before reloading because he "IS A LOUSY SHOT". So you would desire that this LOUSY SHOT have more than 30 at their disposal obviously spraying the area with lots of missed bullets. One follows the other.

Yes I would desire this LOUSY SHOT to have more than 30 at their disposal but to imply that means I desire them to "obviously spray the area with lots of missed bullets" is simply what we in the debate world call a Straw Man. I thought you were on a debate team, they didn't teach you that?
Re: High capacity magazines

Yes I would desire this LOUSY SHOT to have more than 30 at their disposal but to imply that means I desire them to "obviously spray the area with lots of missed bullets" is simply what we in the debate world call a Straw Man. I thought you were on a debate team, they didn't teach you that?

It is what we in the real world would call collateral damage when all those wild shots hit other targets. That is NOT a strawman. That is the expected and likely result of putting such capabilities in the hands of somebody you clearly labeled as a LOUSY SHOT. Not a strawman - but following your scenario to its likely conclusion.
Re: High capacity magazines

It is what we in the real world would call collateral damage when all those wild shots hit other targets. That is NOT a strawman. That is the expected and likely result of putting such capabilities in the hands of somebody you clearly labeled as a LOUSY SHOT. Not a strawman - but following your scenario to its likely conclusion.


Missing your target and "obviously spraying the area with lots of missed bullets" is two completely different things and NOT a likely conclusion at all.

When I am at the range and I miss the target does that mean the whole range is sprayed with missed bullets hitting everyone else around me? No.
Re: High capacity magazines


Missing your target and "obviously spraying the area with lots of missed bullets" is two completely different things and NOT a likely conclusion at all.

When I am at the range and I miss the target does that mean the whole range is sprayed with missed bullets hitting everyone else around me? No.

So the targets at the range attack you? Of course not. We are not talking about playing cowboy at the range. We are talking about real life where you want your LOUSY SHOT to have the capability to fire more than 30 shots and there is likely to be collateral damage in the real world.
Re: High capacity magazines

So the targets at the range attack you? Of course not. We are not talking about playing cowboy at the range. We are talking about real life where you want your LOUSY SHOT to have the capability to fire more than 30 shots and there is likely to be collateral damage in the real world.

No we are talking about you trying to make someone missing their target into someone spraying the entire area with bullets. Sorry no cigar.
Re: High capacity magazines

No we are talking about you trying to make someone missing their target into someone spraying the entire area with bullets. Sorry no cigar.

the bottom line is that we honest citizens cannot predict how many criminals might choose to attack us and when. Unlike Law enforcement officers who mainly confront violent criminals knowing that they are going into a dangerous situation, us non LEO civilians never pick the time and place when we have to deal with thugs. SO limiting us to an arbitrary number of rounds when those violating the law don't follow such restrictions is idiotic.

anyone who supports laws limiting lawful citizens to a certain magazine limit is clearly on the side of criminals and should be treated accordingly
Re: High capacity magazines

There is no "magic number" like six or ten or fifteen. The weapon you cited in your OP which claims a figure of 6,000 is obscenely high.
That's a rate of fire, not a capacity. It's the diference between how fast your car can go and how much fuel your tank can hold.

But here is where your self proclaimed expertise comes in. What do you think is a number that would be a workable one and what criteria would you use in making that determination?
There shouldn't be a limit because it doesn't harm anyone.
Re: High capacity magazines

Apart from your stance that a right is a right is a right and no infringements can be permitted - from a purely practical and pragmatic standpoint - why would a citizen need a gun capable of firing 30 at a time before reloading?
So as not to have to reload so often.

It's exactly like replacing your phone's standard 2100mAh battery with an after-market 7200mAh battery.....so you don't have to recharge as often.
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Re: High capacity magazines

There is nothing wrong with WIkipedia as long as the information within it is cited and footnoted so you can check it out. That is true of magazine capacity and anything else. And there are plenty there for you including cases that you want. However, I also provided a Cornell Law article with several cases and applicable quotes within it for all to see.
Post 1364 cleanly refuted that post. You need new material now.
Re: High capacity magazines

No we are talking about you trying to make someone missing their target into someone spraying the entire area with bullets. Sorry no cigar.

I have no idea what that has to do with what we were talking about as we were NOT talking about target practice.
Re: High capacity magazines

the bottom line is that we honest citizens cannot predict how many criminals might choose to attack us and when. Unlike Law enforcement officers who mainly confront violent criminals knowing that they are going into a dangerous situation, us non LEO civilians never pick the time and place when we have to deal with thugs. SO limiting us to an arbitrary number of rounds when those violating the law don't follow such restrictions is idiotic.

anyone who supports laws limiting lawful citizens to a certain magazine limit is clearly on the side of criminals and should be treated accordingly

What I find "idiotic" ...to use your term - is that there is no practical connection in your world between the limits of technology and the wishes of a society.
Re: High capacity magazines

That's a rate of fire, not a capacity. It's the diference between how fast your car can go and how much fuel your tank can hold.

There shouldn't be a limit because it doesn't harm anyone.

Tell it to the maker of the OP who seemed to revel in the idea.
Re: High capacity magazines

So as not to have to reload so often.

It's exactly like replacing your phone's standard 2100mAh battery with an after-market 7200mAh battery.....so you don't have to recharge as often.

I have no idea what a phone battery is as mine is attached to the wall .
Re: High capacity magazines

What I find "idiotic" ...to use your term - is that there is no practical connection in your world between the limits of technology and the wishes of a society.

what is idiotic is that anyone would think society's "wishes" have any relevance to this topic.

either you want to handicap lawful citizens or you don't
Re: High capacity magazines

I have no idea what that has to do with what we were talking about as we were NOT talking about target practice.

No the target in this case would be the criminal trying to rob, rape or kill you. Playing dumb doesn't help your argument.

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