• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Hi everyone (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 3, 2016
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Political Leaning

I've been making my way around the forums for a bit, and finally decided to register. I am from Australia and interested in all things politics. My background is in International Relations with a keen interest in American politics. I'm here to broaden my perspectives and learn more about the world. I look forward to intense but respectful political debates on this forum :lol:
Welcome to DP. I like the way you put it--"intense but respectful."

I've been making my way around the forums for a bit, and finally decided to register. I am from Australia and interested in all things politics. My background is in International Relations with a keen interest in American politics. I'm here to broaden my perspectives and learn more about the world. I look forward to intense but respectful political debates on this forum :lol:
Welcome to The Forums, politicsjunkie!
I'm positive you'll enjoy it here.

I'm also pretty new myself, I've only been here for about 3 months.

I've been making my way around the forums for a bit, and finally decided to register. I am from Australia and interested in all things politics. My background is in International Relations with a keen interest in American politics. I'm here to broaden my perspectives and learn more about the world. I look forward to intense but respectful political debates on this forum :lol:

Welcome aboard.
Welcome to the forum. Plenty of discussion of all things political here.

I've been making my way around the forums for a bit, and finally decided to register. I am from Australia and interested in all things politics. My background is in International Relations with a keen interest in American politics. I'm here to broaden my perspectives and learn more about the world. I look forward to intense but respectful political debates on this forum :lol:

Welcome aboard. If you've come to learn more about the nuttiness that is American politics, you've come to the right place.

I've been making my way around the forums for a bit, and finally decided to register. I am from Australia and interested in all things politics. My background is in International Relations with a keen interest in American politics. I'm here to broaden my perspectives and learn more about the world.
I look forward to intense but respectful political debates on this forum :lol:

you get to choose either one

welcome aboard
:wcm politicsjunkie! I think you're going to enjoy it here, and if it gets too intense, there are several bars on site where you can unwind! They think of everything! :mrgreen:

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