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Hezbollah training in Syria missile base (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2010
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The Syrian army has a Scud missile base near Damascus, according to recent satellite photos. The photos also suggest that Hezbollah activists are being trained in the Scuds' use at the base.

Reports that Syria may have given Hezbollah Scuds ratcheted up tensions between Jerusalem and Damascus about six months ago, according to foreign media.
The base is in a deep valley surrounded by 400-meter-high mountains. Concrete tunnels lead from the base into the mountains, where the Scuds are apparently stored
Satellite images reveal: Hezbollah training in Syria missile base - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
in other news, it is possible that the CIA is headquartered in the United States, and reports are increasing that a diet of 10 Big Macs a day may be unhealthy.

is this really a surprise to anyone? if anything i'd half expect Hezbollah to be training the Syrians.
in other news, it is possible that the CIA is headquartered in the United States, and reports are increasing that a diet of 10 Big Macs a day may be unhealthy.

is this really a surprise to anyone? if anything i'd half expect Hezbollah to be training the Syrians.

It's not a surprise; however, it is a good reason to bomb the living **** out of the Syrians. They are allowing terrorists to train in their country; therefore, they are terrorists and worthy of annihilation.
It's not a surprise; however, it is a good reason to bomb the living **** out of the Syrians. They are allowing terrorists to train in their country; therefore, they are terrorists and worthy of annihilation.

I guess Obama would have to agree. After all he has 100,000 U.S. troops thousands of miles from home in Afghanistan to try and root out 100 Al- Aqueda fighters there.

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