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Hey guys (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 6, 2005
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Political Leaning
Hi ever-one. Janice here. Married, no kids. Love ta dabble in graphics an teh news of the day sometimes. :2wave:
Very nice.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Gimp or Photoshop?
I think Arch Enemy might have some competition. hehe
Thanks guys. :smile:

Gimp or Photoshop?

PSCS2, FlashMX and Animationshop are a few of my favs. :cool:
ps...alright. I personally don't like it anymore.
I saw Linux and got carried away...
Why is that ShamMol?
Linux is fun ta play with an a great alternative. ;)
janice said:
Linux is fun ta play with an a great alternative. ;)

Only only use WInders to play games on. Other than that - Fedora Core. :)
vauge said:
Only only use WInders to play games on. Other than that - Fedora Core. :)

Dont blame ya. Not in teh least bit. :lol:

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