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Hey everyone im new (1 Viewer)


Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative

I'm 16 from maryland. Just recently started getting interested in politics. Forum debates was recommeded to me by a fellow Young Republican, so i found this via google. I've liked it so far, i hope to widen my views and understandings here.
Good to see another young Republican! :mrgreen:

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Yo MCcorno89!:2wave:

MCcorno89 said:

I'm 16 from maryland. Just recently started getting interested in politics. Forum debates was recommeded to me by a fellow Young Republican, so i found this via google. I've liked it so far, i hope to widen my views and understandings here.

Welcome MCcorno89! You and I probably have differing viewpoints, but the fun is in the debating.

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