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Hey billo lets pick it up here... (1 Viewer)


Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Originally Posted by Billo_Really
Have you ever heard of the word "jurisdiction". Afganistan was out of our jurisdiction, but we made it ours anyway. Of coarse, we broke international law in doing so.

I find it interesting that we told the Taliban 5 weeks before 9/11 that if they didn't accept our offer of a carpet of gold [dividends from the proposed pipeline], that we would bury them with a carpet of bombs.

Dude you’re so full of chit! How in the f**k can you saw invading afghan was un justified? Answer this slick…..
Was Bin laden and his f**king group in Afghan?
Yes or No? No bullchit speeches.

WTF! Have you become a taliban/bin laden supporter?


I'll tell you some you wont understand
I don’t give a flying f**k about any pipeline deal before 9/11.
Bin laden was living and training in Afghan.
Afghan was his safe house.
He was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Close to 3,000 families were destroyed that day
but what the f**k do you care if their killers are ever caught.
You f**king make me sick you sonofabitch!

Are you really that bloody dumb?
or is it just a scumbag troll act?
No matter
here see if you can follow this

Better yet since its in the basement how about
a soild F.UCK YOU!
I have never read so much retarded chit about afghan
as I have from you dumba$$ posts. Do you sit around and puke this chit up all day?
You like to regurgitate the bullchit of how the USA is to set an example for the world.....:roll:
Maybe that works in yours and billo’s world. Maybe you guys don’t read the papers but it was bin laden who started this chit not the US.
They attacked us.

SO you can take the international law and shove it up you’re a$$.

Just what the f.uck do you think we did after Pearl Harbor?
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Originally posted by Cherokee:
You like to regurgitate the bullchit of how the USA is to set an example for the world.....
Maybe that works in yours and billo’s world. Maybe you guys don’t read the papers but it was bin laden who started this chit not the US.
They attacked us.

SO you can take the international law and shove it up you’re a$$.

Just what the f.uck do you think we did after Pearl Harbor?
Alright, f.u.c.k-head, you wanna talk some s.h.i.t, lets talk some s.h.i.t. Don't compare what we did after 9/11 to what we did after Pearl Harbor. For it to be similar, Roosevelt would have had to attack Mexico instead of Japan. But we weren't attacked by a country. We were attacked by some psycho's that have a lot of hatred toward us.

And if you think it was only UBL that started this whole mess, just think about what they did. You have to have a pretty good hate-on to do something like that. You don't just all of a sudden decide to fly planes into someones buildings.

What UBL did was wrong. Very wrong. I hope we catch him, put him on trial, hopefully achieve a conviction, it would be our second, first being McVey, and lock that f.u.c.k.i.n.g asshole up for the rest of his piece of s.h.i.t life. But we also need to look at what role we have had in all this. Namely our foreign policy. If we are acting like an aggressor nation, going around the world attacking country's we don't like, then we as American's have to be more responsible voters during our elections.
I actually think that Osama should've been caputured but I don't think those Afghanis that we bombed deserved to die. . .
Originally posted by FinnMacCool
I actually think that Osama should've been caputured but I don't think those Afghanis that we bombed deserved to die. . .
From what I here, we bombed an aweful lot of sand.
Originally posted by FinnMacCool:
I dunno about that but once we were done, we killed more innocents in Afghanistan then OBL did on 9/11.
Were doing the same thing in Iraq. Using cluster bombs in urban areas, WP and DU. We don't hold back anything when it comes to ordinance. We do love to bomb stuff. Remember the Highway of Death leaving Kuwait? The Iraqi army was in retreat, but we just had to go duck hunting.
Billo_Really]Alright, f.u.c.k-head, you wanna talk some s.h.i.t, lets talk some s.h.i.t. Don't compare what we did after 9/11 to what we did after Pearl Harbor. For it to be similar, Roosevelt would have had to attack Mexico instead of Japan. But we weren't attacked by a country. We were attacked by some psycho's that have a lot of hatred toward us.

Youre such a f.ucking dipshit!
Did the taliban provide aid and support to al-Qaeda? Yes or f.ucking No?
And just for your info you dork the US told the taliban to hand over
al-Qaeda several times which they ignored. They had a chance and f.ucking blew it.
I cant see how you just don’t f.ucking get it.

And if you think it was only UBL that started this whole mess, just think about what they did. You have to have a pretty good hate-on to do something like that. You don't just all of a sudden decide to fly planes into someones buildings.

What UBL did was wrong. Very wrong. I hope we catch him, put him on trial, hopefully achieve a conviction, it would be our second, first being McVey, and lock that f.u.c.k.i.n.g asshole up for the rest of his piece of s.h.i.t life. But we also need to look at what role we have had in all this. Namely our foreign policy. If we are acting like an aggressor nation, going around the world attacking country's we don't like, then we as American's have to be more responsible voters during our elections.

Why don’t you burn this into your damn forehead!
maybe you’ll f.ucking remember it.

After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 many committed veterans of the war wished to fight for Islamic causes elsewhere. The invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in 1990 saw US and coalition troops sent to Saudi Arabia in preparedness for expelling Iraqi occupying forces from Kuwait. Al-Qaeda was strongly opposed to the secular regime of Saddam Hussein and bin Laden had offered use of his fighters' services to the Saudi throne, but the deployment of 'infidel' forces to Islamic sacred territory was seen as an act of treachery by bin Laden.

Or stance on terrorists is as close to perfect as you can get. If you harbor them your country will be considered as one in the same. Deal with it bitch!

And please do tell me just what the f.ucking hell our foreign policy has done to bring this chit on? And don’t come off with the Israeli bullchit! Other countries help Israel and they don’t get this chit.

You and the Islamic groups always spit this chit out!
f.uck both the you.
Originally posted by Cherokee:
Youre such a f.ucking dipshit!
Did the taliban provide aid and support to al-Qaeda? Yes or f.ucking No?
And just for your info you dork the US told the taliban to hand over
al-Qaeda several times which they ignored. They had a chance and f.ucking blew it.
I cant see how you just don’t f.ucking get it.
Listen bitch, and you are a bitch, we were going to bomb Afganistan whether 9/11 happened or not. It was just convenient for us when it did. You must be really f.u.c.k.e.d up in the head to think that other country's HAVE to do what we tell them. Get your head out of your a.s.s, junior!

Originally posted by Cherokee:
Why don’t you burn this into your damn forehead!
maybe you’ll f.ucking remember it.
Why don't you go f.u.c.k yourself, squawman.

Originally posted by Cherokee:
Or stance on terrorists is as close to perfect as you can get. If you harbor them your country will be considered as one in the same. Deal with it bitch!

And please do tell me just what the f.ucking hell our foreign policy has done to bring this chit on? And don’t come off with the Israeli bullchit! Other countries help Israel and they don’t get this chit.

You and the Islamic groups always spit this chit out!
f.uck both the you.
And it is this kind of stupid, immature, arrogant, narcissistic, intolerant, asshole reasoning that makes people so mad that they want to chop off our heads and fly planes into our buildings. The reason we had 9/11 is because of s.h.i.t.t.y, asshole Americans, such as yourself.

Why don't you take your own life, you loser. Have you ever considered the notion that God doesn't like you. Tonight I'm going to pray to Jesus that you get aids and bleed into the food of your family. I think I'll start now:

Or Lord, sweet Jesus, please give Cherokee aids and let him bleed into the food of his family. Please dear Jesus, please here my prayers regarding this asshole. Thank you, Lord. Thank you kindly
Oh yea Billo. You have a thread with your name in it. Guess what? You're in. See Cheetah or the basement janitor and they will let you into the basement VIP lounge. No more putting on womens clothing and trying to bribe the midget Haitian bus boys with blow jobs to get in. Now I'm sure this will cause great consternation among some of the more respectable basement members but rules are rules. Well, I make the rules and can change them at any time, for instance that fuc*kwad ptsdkid will never get in, but you're a good sport Billo. One more thing, there is a dress code, so wear pants.
Originally posted by teacher:
Oh yea Billo. You have a thread with your name in it. Guess what? You're in. See Cheetah or the basement janitor and they will let you into the basement VIP lounge. No more putting on womens clothing and trying to bribe the midget Haitian bus boys with blow jobs to get in. Now I'm sure this will cause great consternation among some of the more respectable basement members but rules are rules. Well, I make the rules and can change them at any time, for instance that fuc*kwad ptsdkid will never get in, but you're a good sport Billo. One more thing, there is a dress code, so wear pants.
What if it is hot out and my legs start to sweat? This is against the Geneva Convention! International Law specifically states that shorts may be worn....
Billo_Really said:
Were doing the same thing in Iraq. Using cluster bombs in urban areas, WP and DU. We don't hold back anything when it comes to ordinance. We do love to bomb stuff. Remember the Highway of Death leaving Kuwait? The Iraqi army was in retreat, but we just had to go duck hunting.

Again you twist the facts. The UN decided to take out as much of saddams military as possible. Hence prevent him from returning to Kuwait in a few years.
You make it sound like the US went for joy killing.

BY THE WAY all they had to do was abandon their equipment and surrender. Did they do that? NO
FinnMacCool said:
I actually think that Osama should've been caputured but I don't think those Afghanis that we bombed deserved to die. . .

Oh really and just how many is that?
How many did the US target on purpose?
Billo_Really said:
From what I here, we bombed an aweful lot of sand.

Is this your expert military opinion? How the Sam hell do you know when you are clueless about why bin laden hates us?
Originally posted by Cherokee:
Again you twist the facts. The UN decided to take out as much of saddams military as possible. Hence prevent him from returning to Kuwait in a few years.
You make it sound like the US went for joy killing.

BY THE WAY all they had to do was abandon their equipment and surrender. Did they do that? NO
We wanted them out of Kuwait, and they were out. But we just had to kill a little more. Make up the reasons why later. Kind of like what your doing now.
Originally posted by Cherokee:
Is this your expert military opinion? How the Sam hell do you know when you are clueless about why bin laden hates us?
And what do you base this clueless conclusion on?
Originally posted by Cherokee:
Oh really and just how many is that?
How many did the US target on purpose?
More than your able to count up too.
Billo_Really said:
Listen bitch, and you are a bitch, we were going to bomb Afganistan whether 9/11 happened or not. It was just convenient for us when it did. You must be really f.u.c.k.e.d up in the head to think that other country's HAVE to do what we tell them. Get your head out of your a.s.s, junior!
Why don't you go f.u.c.k yourself, squawman.
Prove it dumba$$..show me the reports to back up your bullchit!

And it is this kind of stupid, immature, arrogant, narcissistic, intolerant, asshole reasoning that makes people so mad that they want to chop off our heads and fly planes into our buildings. The reason we had 9/11 is because of s.h.i.t.t.y, asshole Americans, such as yourself.

Again you need to burn this into your f.ucking forehead. You have a problem with the truth?

After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 many committed veterans of the war wished to fight for Islamic causes elsewhere. The invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in 1990 saw US and coalition troops sent to Saudi Arabia in preparedness for expelling Iraqi occupying forces from Kuwait. Al-Qaeda was strongly opposed to the secular regime of Saddam Hussein and bin Laden had offered use of his fighters' services to the Saudi throne, but the deployment of 'infidel' forces to Islamic sacred territory was seen as an act of treachery by bin Laden.

Why don't you take your own life, you loser. Have you ever considered the notion that God doesn't like you. Tonight I'm going to pray to Jesus that you get aids and bleed into the food of your family. I think I'll start now

Know what a$$hole GOD left Oct 1983 so f.uck you!

Little pu$$y wants to pray for my death, go for it you little chickenchit!
say anything you like about me

BUT you had better leave my family out of this. That’s the only warning you will get.
Billo_Really said:
we were going to bomb Afganistan whether 9/11 happened or not. It was just convenient for us when it did.

If true then that would have been a good thing. Tells me that the administration saw the writing on the wall and intended to do something about the clear and present danger that is terrorism by taking it to them at their roots. 9/11 just pushed the timetable up. If true than it's too bad we didn't take Afgahnistan over before 9/11. Might have averted 9/11.

That's called using your own words against you.

And it is this kind of stupid, immature, arrogant, narcissistic, intolerant, asshole reasoning that makes people so mad that they want to chop off our heads and fly planes into our buildings. The reason we had 9/11 is because of s.h.i.t.t.y, asshole Americans, such as yourself.

I beg to differ.



Seems pretty clear Osama's beef is because of our support of Israel and troops in Saudi Arabia. So he should have taken it to your blessed UN. Not fly planes into buildings. I understand emotions can run wild on this topic Billo, but have the facts straight.
Billo_Really said:
And what do you base this clueless conclusion on?

9 years serving in the United States Marines bitch!
and reading the f.ucking newspapers.
so I recognize the bullchit you and many others try to spread as the truth.
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Billo_Really said:
More than your able to count up too.

Come on bitch give me a number.....Show me the reports...
Or is this the only lame remarks you can come up with?
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Billo_Really said:
We wanted them out of Kuwait, and they were out. But we just had to kill a little more. Make up the reasons why later. Kind of like what your doing now.

You really need to stop getting your information from a comic book.
Too be honest, I don't really care if we bombed them on purpose or not what I do care about is if all those people really deserved to die.
FinnMacCool said:
Too be honest, I don't really care if we bombed them on purpose or not what I do care about is if all those people really deserved to die.

All I ask is just how many have died?
How many have we helped, how many have we saved?

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