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Helping the homeless (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Political Leaning
Yesterday as I left wallyworld some guy was sitting their with a sign. HELP cold and homeless.
It’s been single digit cold here at night lately and I thought wtf I’ll put this guy in a cheap motel for the night. I told him get in and I’ll get you to a motel and get you a room. He said just give me the money man. I said room or nothing. He said **** you ass hole as I drove away.
Not sure what the moral of the story is but I am sure there is one.
Cool story Brah!

Where I live there's a couple of strip malls where guys stand on the exit road with signs saying they need money because they can't find a job... Problem is the strip mall behind them of the 12 or so stores there, 8 have help wanted signs in their windows...

Month ago 1 guy had medical boot on his left ankle.. Last week it was on his right ankle...

I give $1000's a year to charities... But when I see a scam, I have no sympathy.. These con men are taking money that could be going to people who really need it...
Yesterday as I left wallyworld some guy was sitting their with a sign. HELP cold and homeless.
It’s been single digit cold here at night lately and I thought wtf I’ll put this guy in a cheap motel for the night. I told him get in and I’ll get you to a motel and get you a room. He said just give me the money man. I said room or nothing. He said **** you ass hole as I drove away.
Not sure what the moral of the story is but I am sure there is one.

He might have been afraid to get into a stranger's car. He might have been looking more for food money than for shelter. All sorts of reasons.

That being said if we did a better job supporting mental health we would have less homeless.
Where I live there's a couple of strip malls where guys stand on the exit road with signs saying they need money because they can't find a job... Problem is the strip mall behind them of the 12 or so stores there, 8 have help wanted signs in their windows...

Month ago 1 guy had medical boot on his left ankle.. Last week it was on his right ankle...

I give $1000's a year to charities... But when I see a scam, I have no sympathy.. These con men are taking money that could be going to people who really need it...
Couple years ago I watched a lady with a sign at a Safeway parking lot as I waited for my wife to shop. Someone gave her an amount of money that made her all smiles and then she ran over to this car with some guy in it and they roared off. My guess is to the nearest meth dealers house.
He might have been afraid to get into a stranger's car. He might have been looking more for food money than for shelter. All sorts of reasons.

That being said if we did a better job supporting mental health we would have less homeless.
His sign said COLD. I offered shelter. He demanded cash.
Couple years ago I watched a lady with a sign at a Safeway parking lot as I waited for my wife to shop. Someone gave her an amount of money that made her all smiles and then she ran over to this car with some guy in it and they roared off. My guess is to the nearest meth dealers house.
Also many times these guys are smoking cigarettes... Pack of cigarettes here in NY is about $12 a pack...
When someone named ChainsawMassacre asks me to get in their car, I say No! Haven’t you watched horror movies? They all open with a scene like this.

We rarely provide money directly but instead carry items like cheap new socks in our car, to give to homeless people camped at intersections. They are always well received.
When someone named ChainsawMassacre asks me to get in their car, I say No! Haven’t you watched horror movies? They all open with a scene like this.

We rarely provide money directly but instead carry items like cheap new socks in our car, to give to homeless people camped at intersections. They are always well received.
Well I did have a chainsaw in the back of my pickup so you may have a point! lol

And a shovel too. Maybe this is my fault.
When someone named ChainsawMassacre asks me to get in their car, I say No! Haven’t you watched horror movies? They all open with a scene like this.

We rarely provide money directly but instead carry items like cheap new socks in our car, to give to homeless people camped at intersections. They are always well received.

I always carry a bag with socks, those throw away raincoats, some granola bars and the little non perishable egg/chicken salad cracker combo from $1 store. Probably 9 out of 10 are very grateful and that easily makes up for the ungrateful 1%.
Yesterday as I left wallyworld some guy was sitting their with a sign. HELP cold and homeless.
It’s been single digit cold here at night lately and I thought wtf I’ll put this guy in a cheap motel for the night. I told him get in and I’ll get you to a motel and get you a room. He said just give me the money man. I said room or nothing. He said **** you ass hole as I drove away.
Not sure what the moral of the story is but I am sure there is one.
If you want to be charitable, be charitable. If you want to dictate, get a dog.
I pulled off I-40 once to gas up. Close to the entrance of the gas station a guy was there, with his family, and his hood up.

He said he was out of gas and didn't have any money. I asked how far he needed to go and based on his answer, I gave him $20.

Two months later, exited the same place to gas up.

Guess who was there ?

I asked him what was up (he didn't remember me) and he gave me the same story.

Of course, I wished him luck and drove off without giving him any cash.

Now, some have quit helping others because they get scammed.

But I've read many a kind hearted person who said they rather let someone scam them than withhold money from someone who needed it.

I tend to agree....unless I know I am being scammed.
Yesterday as I left wallyworld some guy was sitting their with a sign. HELP cold and homeless.
It’s been single digit cold here at night lately and I thought wtf I’ll put this guy in a cheap motel for the night. I told him get in and I’ll get you to a motel and get you a room. He said just give me the money man. I said room or nothing. He said **** you ass hole as I drove away.
Not sure what the moral of the story is but I am sure there is one.
Yesterday as I left wallyworld some guy was sitting their with a sign. HELP cold and homeless.
It’s been single digit cold here at night lately and I thought wtf I’ll put this guy in a cheap motel for the night. I told him get in and I’ll get you to a motel and get you a room. He said just give me the money man. I said room or nothing. He said **** you ass hole as I drove away.
Not sure what the moral of the story is but I am sure there is one.
I have had a similiar experience. Now spare change, occasionaly $5 if a kid is in tow for effect.

Prefer to just donate to Red Cross and Salvation Army. The latter have a great reputation towards helping the homeless with short term needs.

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