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Help us save human space exploration - Save NASA! - Sign Our Petition (1 Viewer)

Max CR

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Jun 20, 2010
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The cancellation of much of the rocketry delivery systems was not a bad idea. The current market conditions have shown that private industry is indeed capable of building more efficient, less expensive and sufficiently adequate substitutes. The government should not be running a quasi-socialist manufacturing program merely to employ Americans. And people here have the gall to be call me a leftist.
Its currently far cheaper to build robots to do what we need than try and engineer for human weaknesses in space. While there is some benefit to having humans in space for research purposes, the Russians and commercial entities have that aspect covered. NASA should focus on its successes like the mars rover, not its overpriced failures.
i support space colonization not exploration for it is necassery for the advancement of the human race. plus we might meet aliens
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I completely support space exploration! But, I feel that private industry can do it as well as, if not better than, (and cheaper than) the government.
I'm with everyone else here. The best stuff NASA can do is some robotic probes for more abstract science that is less likely to get support from the private sector. Leave the manned stuff to private industry which, though it started off way later than the government, is catching up fast in space flight.

P.S.: This means we're not going to sign your petition.
I'm with everyone else here. The best stuff NASA can do is some robotic probes for more abstract science that is less likely to get support from the private sector. Leave the manned stuff to private industry which, though it started off way later than the government, is catching up fast in space flight.

P.S.: This means we're not going to sign your petition.

i will definity sign it
NASA is not needed currently. We need to explore oceans first. **** we cant even put a cork in a freakin hole to stop a leak. :doh

I say screw NASA.
To give up on the opportunities of space exploration seems incredibly short sighted. For half a penny on the dollar of your federal taxes you get all this.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration President’s FY 2010 Budget Request Summary

The US needs to be a world leader in science and exploration. To stay competitive with the rest of the world we must strive toward the cutting edge of science, or else other nations will leave us behind.
how bout we get cut the militarys buget in half in give it to our agency concerned with science after all would you rather have the goverment kill people or invent a cure for cancer?
nah, human space exploration will keep going along fine without NASA, its only american space exploration that'll suffer.

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