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Help appreciated (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 24, 2005
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pwo said:
Hey everyone. As a project, I am suppose to do a opinion poll for my Pos Sci class. So, if you could answer a few questions, I would be much thankful.
1. Are you married?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your religion?
4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
5. Why?
6. Are you a registered voter?
7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?
8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?
9. Do you approve of Bush as President?
10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?
11. Do you support gay marriage?
That's all. Thanks.

1. No
2. 19
3. Christian
4. I vote for the person who would help america or will favor my veiws
5. ----------
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Kerry
9. Not Ready
10. Not at all
11. Not at all
Hey everyone. As a project, I am suppose to do a opinion poll for my Pos Sci class. So, if you could answer a few questions, I would be much thankful.


1. Are you married?

2. How old are you?

3. What is your religion?

4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?

5. Why?

6. Are you a registered voter?

7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?

8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?

9. Do you approve of Bush as President?

10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?

11. Do you support gay marriage?

That's all. Thanks.
1. Are you married?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your religion?
4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
5. Why?
Being a Democrat was too depressing.
6. Are you a registered voter?
7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?
8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?
President Bush
9. Do you approve of Bush as President?
I voted for him twice, so yes.
10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?
I favor low income people being allowed to invest some money, yes.
11. Do you support gay marriage?
No, never, nadda.
1. Are you married?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your religion?
4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
5. Why?
I am a conservative, and the Republican party best represents my views. If they stir, I will jump ship in a heart beat.
6. Are you a registered voter?
7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?
8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?
9. Do you approve of Bush as President?
10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?

11. Do you support gay marriage?
1. Are you married?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your religion?
Stone Throwing Christian (according to Contrarian)
4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
5. Why?
I don't believe NPR
6. Are you a registered voter?
7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?
8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?
9. Do you approve of Bush as President?
10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?
I support partial privatization

11. Do you support gay marriage?
1. Are you married?

2. How old are you?

3. What is your religion?
Agnosticism...no religion

4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
Democrat...though I am leaning independent with the centering of the party....

5. Why?
Because I agree with them on most of the issues, as compared to the repubs...who...nvm

6. Are you a registered voter?

7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?

8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?
Kerry...if only dean had...

9. Do you approve of Bush as President?

10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?

11. Do you support gay marriage?
yes-freedom for all as this president says

1. Are you married?

Yes, past 22 years

2. How old are you?


3. What is your religion?

Don't follow any one faith

4. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?


5. Why?

Always have been suspect I always will be. I believe both parties sold out to special interest and high powered lobbyist along time ago. Now they both seem to see which one can do the best job of putting lipstick on their pig.

6. Are you a registered voter?

Yes, since the day after I turned 18.

7. Did you vote Nov. 2nd?

Yes, The only election I ever missed voting in was one when I was in the Navy and was overseas. I didn't get my abs. ballot in time.

8. Whom did you support, Bush or Kerry?


9. Do you approve of Bush as President?


10. Do you favor Bush's social security plan?


11. Do you support gay marriage?

All right, I got all the responses that I need. Thanks to all. You guys come in for me big time. :D

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