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Hello! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 27, 2005
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Long Island, New York
Political Leaning
Hi, I'm new here!

My name is Gaby. I'm a Republican. I'm 15 years old, and I've become interested in politics fairly recently. Well... I don't know what else to say, really.:lol: :3oops:

Wait a second... I forgot to say also that I'm from Long Island, New York. I don't think I have any close friends who are Republicans like me. It's unfortunate. Anyway, yes, that's all I wanted to say.
A double post to start off, whatever, Welcome to debate politics, I am sure you will be able to strengthen, adapt and change your views here. Welcome and have fun posting.
:thumbdown REPUBLICAN! :no:

I'm sorry but you do not have my respect...................or a warm welcome, you have chosen the way of fools. :(
Geez, I'm sorry for making a double post! I don't know how to edit it. :roll:

Anyway, I won't be changing my views. EVER. But I'm sure I will have some fun. :mrgreen:

Soviet_Guy, so you don't give me a warm welcome? That's fine. But don't you understand the Stalin killed millions of Russians? I could never be a Soviet or communist or anything like that...
babasinth3night said:
Geez, I'm sorry for making a double post! I don't know how to edit it. :roll:

Anyway, I won't be changing my views. EVER. But I'm sure I will have some fun. :mrgreen:

Soviet_Guy, so you don't give me a warm welcome? That's fine. But don't you understand the Stalin killed millions of Russians? I could never be a Soviet or communist or anything like that...

Hello and welcome. :2wave:

I wouldn't sweat it about the double posts :lol: Happens quite often, especially when you forget something really important...or I guess when you make a really dumb mistake.

Fifteen is a little young to be so sure that you'll never change your views. I hope that when I'm 82 I'm still open to new ideas.

And despite not giving a warm welcome, communists today really shouldn't be blamed for Stalin. That's like blaming our current government for slavery
babasinth3night said:
Geez, I'm sorry for making a double post! I don't know how to edit it. :roll:

Anyway, I won't be changing my views. EVER. But I'm sure I will have some fun. :mrgreen:

Soviet_Guy, so you don't give me a warm welcome? That's fine. But don't you understand the Stalin killed millions of Russians? I could never be a Soviet or communist or anything like that...
Well, that is your choice. When I was your age..wow, look at me talking like I am old, lol, I was just starting out trying to figure out where I stood on my political feet. Trust me, something will happen in your life that will make you reevaluate your possitions...or you will try the job market and then become liberal when you don't find any jobs (kidding).

And I wasn't getting on your case about the double post, cause I have the same prob, just found it ironic that as a new person to the forum it was one of the first things you did, lol. Don't worry about it, considering I just did one in a thread. Oh, and word to the wise, if you want to edit, you have to do it within ten minutes, otherwise you can't...kinda screwy.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Don't worry about Soviet_guy, he is just jealous that we do indeed have a well balanced board. Last night we had another 14 year old sign up that is very liberal. ;)

No worries on the Double Post - it was really an attempt (IMO) to see how you handle dissonance. Looks to me like you passed with flying colors.

Even though I am a Republican and damn proud of it; I am aways open to understanding the other party.
babasinth3night said:
Geez, I'm sorry for making a double post! I don't know how to edit it. :roll:

Anyway, I won't be changing my views. EVER. But I'm sure I will have some fun. :mrgreen:

Soviet_Guy, so you don't give me a warm welcome? That's fine. But don't you understand the Stalin killed millions of Russians? I could never be a Soviet or communist or anything like that...

I'm a Socialist, I call myself Soviet_Guy because that is the country I was born in, it's just like someone who is born in Yugoslavia but is Macedonian to call him or herself Yugoslavian Guy! I'm A SOCIALIST!
Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to talking to you guys.

Soviet_Guy, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. However, I think I'll pass on being a socialist.
im pretty new here too, welcome aboard.

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