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Hello out there. (1 Viewer)


New member
May 29, 2005
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Its only me. Those that have read me on other sites know I'm ENS.. Some say I'm a Republicans worst nightmare. I am a anti-war US Army veteran. A Christian Democrat that believes morality is feeding the hungry ,housing the homeless and taking care of the sick. I love America and hate what some would like to turn it into. You WILL hear from me !
ENS said:
Its only me. Those that have read me on other sites know I'm ENS.. Some say I'm a Republicans worst nightmare. I am a anti-war US Army veteran. A Christian Democrat that believes morality is feeding the hungry ,housing the homeless and taking care of the sick. I love America and hate what some would like to turn it into. You WILL hear from me !

Welcome ENS to Debate politics!


It seems I believe in quite alot of what you believe in.
Yes welcome to Debate Politics!

I really do agree with you. No war is ever justified and we seem to care more about profit than the well being of others. Im glad to have another anti-war voice here, there are a lot of conservatives.
:wcm to Debate Politics!
Thanks to all .. Lets discuss the things we can agree on and argue the merits of the things we don't. Some might be surprised at who are being labeled as Liberal these days.
ENS said:
Its only me. Those that have read me on other sites know I'm ENS.. Some say I'm a Republicans worst nightmare. I am a anti-war US Army veteran. A Christian Democrat that believes morality is feeding the hungry ,housing the homeless and taking care of the sick. I love America and hate what some would like to turn it into. You WILL hear from me !

Welcome to Debate Politics.

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