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Hello everyone (1 Viewer)


Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca.
Political Leaning
I'm StarWarsBob, and a newbie to this site. I very much enjoy political discussions with comity with members with opposite views. I am a moderate and a registered Democrat. I used to be very active with another political forum, Sodahead.com before it became a professional polling site. I look forward to having some good debates
with Republicans and Independents here.
Welcome and remember.....Star Trek is better......(ducks head).....:mrgreen:
I'm StarWarsBob, and a newbie to this site. I very much enjoy political discussions with comity with members with opposite views. I am a moderate and a registered Democrat. I used to be very active with another political forum, Sodahead.com before it became a professional polling site. I look forward to having some good debates
with Republicans and Independents here.

Welcome. I hope you have fun.
I'm StarWarsBob, and a newbie to this site. I very much enjoy political discussions with comity with members with opposite views. I am a moderate and a registered Democrat. I used to be very active with another political forum, Sodahead.com before it became a professional polling site. I look forward to having some good debates
with Republicans and Independents here.

Hello, StarWarsBob!

I'm TheGoverness, it's very nice to meet you! :2wave:

I'm a fan of Star Wars too, by the way. :)
Hi Governess, sorry for the four month delayed response. It's nice to meet you as well.

As you might tell from my avitar, my online name is not from the Star Wars movie, but rather from President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI, aka his "Star Wars" program. I'm somewhat of an expert on the subject of missile defense as I have been studying it for the last fifty years, and I can tell you anything you wanted to know about such systems if you are not afraid of such knowledge. If the increased threat of nuclear war is a subject that you might not be comfortable with, I completely understand. I do intend on reveling some information on this forum about our attempts to be able to win a nuclear war with Russia, and how close we came of achieving that goal.
Hi Governess, sorry for the four month delayed response. It's nice to meet you as well.

As you might tell from my avitar, my online name is not from the Star Wars movie, but rather from President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI, aka his "Star Wars" program. I'm somewhat of an expert on the subject of missile defense as I have been studying it for the last fifty years, and I can tell you anything you wanted to know about such systems if you are not afraid of such knowledge. If the increased threat of nuclear war is a subject that you might not be comfortable with, I completely understand. I do intend on reveling some information on this forum about our attempts to be able to win a nuclear war with Russia, and how close we came of achieving that goal.

Alrighty then! By the way, press "Reply With Quote" in order to directly notify other posters of your response. :peace

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