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Hello All! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
New Haven, CT
Political Leaning
Hi. I've been posting here for a few days now. Your forums are very diverse politically and a lot of the posts made me think. I've never joined a forum before, and I think it will a fun thing to do.

As the name suggests, I'm from Connecticut. I don't want to give away too much about myself other than that I'm a student. Maybe you'll learn more about me as I post.

Politically, I'm fairly Republican, but I don't feel compelled to follow the party line in every instance. I generally support less government on the domestic side of things.

So hello - hopefully we'll have many good discussions.
Well that deserves an official Welcome to Debate Politics. :)

Your forums are very diverse politically and a lot of the posts made me think. I've never joined a forum before, and I think it will a fun thing to do.

Thank you, that is the goal.
Never hesitate to ask questions. The FAQ is an excellent resourse as well.

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