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Heaven (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
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Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
Just a curious question. If there indeed is a heaven, what do you think heaven would be like?

On clouds with golden streets? Reliving the most happiest part of your life? Or your wildest dreams and desires coming true?

Mine would have to be a night with Elisha Cuthbert!

:2dancing: :monkey :mrgreen:

All night long! All night long! lol
For those of you that have not read "the five people you meet in heaven" then you dont know what i think heaven is like. When you die you will meet five(or so i dont know) people. these can be people who you used to hang out with or ones you have never met in your life but they made all the difference somehow. they will tell you why you were ment to be on earth at a certain time or somwhere at a certain time. also how you effected there lives or how they effected yours. when there done you will wait to meet your person to tell them about there life and then move on to the gates of heaven to live eternal life.
Waking Life said:
Exactly. I heard that Tim Leary said as he was dying that he was looking forward to the moment when his body was dead but his brain was still alive. You know they say that there's still six to twelve minutes of brain activity after everything else is shutdown. And one second of dream consciousness, well, that's infinitely longer than a waking second, you know what I'm saying?

Oh yeah, definitely. For example I wake up and it is 10:12, and then I go back to sleep and have those long, intricate, beautiful dreams that seem to last for hours, and then I wake up and it's 10:13.

Yeah, exactly. So in 6-12 minutes of brain activity, that could be your whole life. I mean, you are that woman looking back over everything.

Okay. So what if I am. Then what would you be in all that?

Whatever I am right now. I mean, maybe I only exist in your mind, but I'm still just as real as anything else.


I think that 6-12 minutes might explain heaven, or what we know of it. From what I've been taught, heaven is a place where all pain, anger, hatred, fear goes away. You're in place where you feel no hunger, you need no usage of your earthly items or your earthly possessions. I think that matter of 6-12 minutes could be the "heavens" you feel no pain, hunger, fear.. for the rest of your body is dead.
But once your body ceases to exist can you really explain time? How can you know time when you're body is already dead and you cannot function?
Arch Enemy said:
I think that 6-12 minutes might explain heaven, or what we know of it. From what I've been taught, heaven is a place where all pain, anger, hatred, fear goes away. You're in place where you feel no hunger, you need no usage of your earthly items or your earthly possessions. I think that matter of 6-12 minutes could be the "heavens" you feel no pain, hunger, fear.. for the rest of your body is dead.
But once your body ceases to exist can you really explain time? How can you know time when you're body is already dead and you cannot function?

There will be no pain, sorrow, tears, death, or sin in heaven. Why would you want to be with anyone else when you can spend eterity with the thing that made you, died for you, and loved you unconditionally? I would much rather meet that person than anything else in the world.
satanloveslibs said:
There will be no pain, sorrow, tears, death, or sin in heaven. Why would you want to be with anyone else when you can spend eterity with the thing that made you, died for you, and loved you unconditionally? I would much rather meet that person than anything else in the world.

If God loves us unconditionally why would he send people to hell then? What father or mother would send his son or daugher whom they unconditonally love to be tortured for all eternity. Me thinks he has conditional love.

Also do you reckon there's sex in heaven? An eternity without sex is looooooooooong time.

Any why would I want to spend all my time in heaven with God, he has not spent life as a mortal, he has never experienced what every man has experienced, I'm sure they have more interesting tales to tell about thier lifes. God could be a boring guy.
"So God how was your existance?"
"Well I created the universe, made a bit of havoc, then sent my son down to earth where he died and then hmmmmm I lay on the couch and have been trying to remember if Eve was blonde or brunette for the next 2000 years."
Hand out with Jesus, have a few glasses of wine, play some pool, Gandhi maybe doing a wee jig here and there. Playing pranks on Muhammad, and Buddha eating peanuts at the bar. Sweet!

Oh yeah "no more tears" what happens if i want to cry with joy!
You die. Your brain stops working. Their is nothing. The body rots.

SMILES! Sorry, I have a bleak outlook on any existance of an "afterlife"

Though I suppose if it were to exist it would contain every human desire imaginable.
V.I. Lenin said:
You die. Your brain stops working. Their is nothing. The body rots.

SMILES! Sorry, I have a bleak outlook on any existance of an "afterlife"

Though I suppose if it were to exist it would contain every human desire imaginable.

Its not about your body, or your brain going to heave... the Christians believe that once you die.. your soul goes to heaven and leaves your body to rot.
V.I. Lenin said:
You die. Your brain stops working. Their is nothing. The body rots.

SMILES! Sorry, I have a bleak outlook on any existance of an "afterlife"

Though I suppose if it were to exist it would contain every human desire imaginable.

so don't you find it weird that our soul doesnt go anywhere? and even if it didn't, where did we come from?
IndependentTexan said:
so don't you find it weird that our soul doesnt go anywhere? and even if it didn't, where did we come from?
Hmm. Thats odd, I must've gotten my soul removed I don't remember ever noticing I had one. Sorry friend, I'm much too scientific to be pulled in. I don't know where we came from, but we should be more focused on where we're going. We've evolved...where the cells we evolved from came from..I don't know to be honest. Maybe we do have souls. How do we know they go to heaven?
V.I. Lenin said:
I'm much too scientific to be pulled in. I don't know where we came from

Isn't it possible that there our some things unexplainible to science?

V.I. Lenin said:
How do we know they go to heaven?

We don't know. But that is where faith comes in. Faith in our religion.

Let me ask you. What can it hurt to have faith in a religion? In God? Afterall isn't it better to be safe than sorry?
I would have to subscribe to Busddhist logic here. Heaven is when we lose our sense of self, when we 'become one with the universe'. Walking on clouds in a golden city, that just seems to much like a fairy tale for me. But I myself do not believe in Hell, which is why I'm not a Christian (well, one of the reasons...). If there is no Hell, why even bother describing heaven?
I can't say exactly what heaven is like because the Bible isn't 100% clear on the subject. What I do know is we will be in God's presence and that knowledge is sufficient for me. I believe we will continue to learn about God - and learn from Him. Most importantly, we'll be praising our Lord and Savior. Personally, I can't wait.
Hi edb19! :2wave: Welcome to the forum. :lol: Heaven is having a cold beer on a hot summer day. :mrgreen:
Squawker said:
Hi edb19! :2wave: Welcome to the forum. :lol: Heaven is having a cold beer on a hot summer day. :mrgreen:

Not sure about the cold beer - how about a margarita?
IndependentTexan said:
Afterall isn't it better to be safe than sorry?
That's a terrible outlook, instead of actually loving your religion, you're just going to use it as a safe-guard.. just in-case you're incorrect.

If you firmly believe in your religion then you do not need to be "safe then sorry".

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