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Heating Crisis (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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In other threads conservatives have given what seem to be reasonable reasons why Gasoline is so expensive. Important as Gasoline is,in the winter its heating oil and natural gas that are essential. I would imagine that there are what seem to be reasonable reasons why there prices are so high.They don't matter !
Shivering people don't care. They will blame the Republicans and President Bush !
The Republicans are in the pockets of big oil.The President is a friend of Big Oil. Big Oil has been making obscene profits since the oil crisi began. All Things Americans believe are true. When they start to freeze this winter all hell is going to break out.
JOHNYJ said:
In other threads conservatives have given what seem to be reasonable reasons why Gasoline is so expensive. Important as Gasoline is,in the winter its heating oil and natural gas that are essential. I would imagine that there are what seem to be reasonable reasons why there prices are so high.They don't matter !
Shivering people don't care. They will blame the Republicans and President Bush !
The Republicans are in the pockets of big oil.The President is a friend of Big Oil. Big Oil has been making obscene profits since the oil crisi began. All Things Americans believe are true. When they start to freeze this winter all hell is going to break out.

heating oil is expected to rise 90% in some areas
how do you tell an elderly couple living on SS that they need to pay 90% more?
personally, I belive that there is no oil shortage, it is made up and just an exuce to get out of debt, and pay for other things also can johnny please define "big oil".

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