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have you pissed off a liberal today? (1 Viewer)


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
edgewood nm
i just got off the phone after this guy called me and asked my to do a phone survey. this survey was so incredibly biased towards john kerry that after the first couple minutes (this survey took 20 minutes) you could tell by the tone of his voice that this guy was getting aggravated with my answers. finally the last 2 questions made me wish i had been able to record the conversation. the 2nd to last was my age... for some reason he he choked when i said i was 19. and the last question was my familys income... this time he gasped when i told him the income was below 15 grand. i find it funny that he has such a hard time believing that a poor teen would be a conservative :lol: somehow i think they chose my area to call because of the large amount of people leaching off social services. this just goes to show that these surveys are bs
But then again, you are not living in the most conservative state in the union.

My mother-in-law lives in Albequerky(dunno how to spell it and not going to attempt it). She is radically liberal one minute and conservative the next.

It must be the water (or lack of).

You are becoming a rare breed.

i think the one thing that really ticked him off was that he asked how concerned i was that bush had lied to take us to war in iraq and the only answers i could give where very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not concerned at all. this was one of the first questions. my reply was that 3 separate investigations and the vladimr putin had found that bush was correct about iraq. his reply was that is not one of the answers.
Ok, so Bush was wrong about WMD. Big deal. (Oh shut up. He was wrong. Let it go.) There were so many other perfectly viable reasons to go after him. I would have preferred that the entire list was squeaky clean, but intelligence communities and world leaders are human.
Ok, so Bush was wrong about WMD. Big deal. (Oh shut up. He was wrong. Let it go.) There were so many other perfectly viable reasons to go after him. I would have preferred that the entire list was squeaky clean, but intelligence communities and world leaders are human.


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No, this survey is being conducted wherever there are people who don't know what's good for them. You are 19, income less than 15k, something is wrong there, not enough jobs out there? what's your education level? Why don't you just blame it on the government? Whatever it is, let's just say it's a wake up call.
The Liberal Puke said:
No, this survey is being conducted wherever there are people who don't know what's good for them. You are 19, income less than 15k, something is wrong there, not enough jobs out there? what's your education level? Why don't you just blame it on the government? Whatever it is, let's just say it's a wake up call.

Irrelivant, at 19 my income was FAR less than 8k a year. I was going to school.

I think you assume way too much LP.

This proves that at 19 there are still very soild and stable thinking Americans. :)

Regardless of age and income.
i just got out of high school and in october i start college. the college i am going to is on a work study program so for 2 months i go to school and 2 months i work at a car dealership. the jobs are there. liberal finger bush did not lie about wmds, three separate investigations, and vladimr putin have stated that bush was right. the only part he was wrong about was which african country saddam was trying to to get materials from

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