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Has Trump Exposed the GOP? (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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For all the Conservative blather about the Constitution, God, Jesus, small government, patriotism, etc...when it comes down to it, they have only one principle---winning.

The Entente Between Trump and the Republican Elite

What, then, will be left of the raw Trump populism that has had such appeal to downtrodden white voters? Why, the truly ugly nativism, of course. He has backpedalled some from his pledge not to admit Muslims to the country, but what remains loud and clear is the dog-whistle.

Why are Republican leaders rallying behind a figure who they hate, a man who has been mocking and vilifying them all year? Because they, too, are utter opportunists.

The stop-Trump movement failed. Trump has demonstrated appeal to constituencies who Republicans have long been trying to rally. He has been underrated ever since he declared for the presidency. And given the right set of accidents (like a major terrorist attack or a major Clinton stumble), he just might win.
Most people in the USA have seen the GOP for what it is for quite a while.
Most people in the USA have seen the GOP for what it is for quite a while.
The ironic part of this is that if Trump somehow wins it will be because people have seen the DNC for what IT is.
is the Democrat Party pristine?

Who ever said that it was?

It certainly wasn't me. Sometimes a person just has to do what a person has to do

It's mighty hard to keep yourself totally clean when you're cleaning up a pigsty.

The ironic part of this is that if Trump somehow wins it will be because people have seen the DNC for what IT is.

The chances of that happening are somewhere between slim and none.

The same things that cause some people to support Trump cause others to oppose him.

"Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor.Its the other way around.They never vote for us." ~ Dan Quayle

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