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Has America ever ever been weaker? (1 Viewer)

The US? Sure - during the Revolutionary War, during the Civil War.
OK...revise the question. Has the post WW2 US been any weaker than it is today?
Mad Dog retires....do they even have anyone left in the Pentagon who knows what the hell they are doing?

Mattis, once one of ‘my generals,’ loses his influence with Trump

Putin is having a wonderful Christmas. Meanwhile, Trump s ruining ours.

Stocks on track for worst December since the Great Depression

We are extremely fractured as a nation, our systems are mostly broken and the people tend to be ignorant and there is little will to Be Better....never or almost never have we been weaker.
Has America ever ever been weaker?
"Weak" is too general a term for me to answer in the affirmative, negative or inconclusive; however, I will say that I can't think of a time when the US was more ignominious than it is and has been since January 20, 2017.
Oh no, what will happen with space balls?!
Oh, that’s right, nothing. The next Congress will shut that stupid s**t down.:thumbs:
Our "friends" have been told by our quivering leader that they can murder our journalists with impunity.

So I'll go with 'no' on this one.
OK...revise the question. Has the post WW2 US been any weaker than it is today?

No, of course not.

We have pissed away the gigantic win that was WW2, mostly because we stopped caring about quality and truth.

That gets charged.
The country has basically surrendered to the pestilence that is liberal thought for the last 60 or so years. That can't help but lead to rot. The establishment now is basically just different flavors of liberalism. Trump was the last gasp to turn that around. I expect we'll go downhill rapidly over the next 20-30 years when leftism on steroids becomes the rage.
We are extremely fractured as a nation, our systems are mostly broken and the people tend to be ignorant and there is little will to Be Better....never or almost never have we been weaker.

The country has basically been under the thumb of trickle-down idiots wrapped in hubris who don't learn after repeated tries that their conservative philosophy is a giant failure so they continue to foist their broken ideology onto the rest of us every time they get in power. America will prevail over this rancid stupidity.
Many times. Prior to War 2 for instance.

Our military, presently, on budget alone is 7 times stronger than Russia our leading, legitimate, adversary. And our military isn't ****ing around, we are the most ready and most trained military in the world.

However, if you're referring to our ConManDuh n Cheat, NO we've never been weaker. Politically and Militarily he's unprepared. He is the equivalent of putting a 10 year old in the starting line up of a Major League baseball team that never picked up a baseball before pregame warm ups. He literally doesn't know his ass from first base.
More like, never been more ripe for attack, with the Russian at the helm.




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Mad Dog retires....do they even have anyone left in the Pentagon who knows what the hell they are doing?

Mattis, once one of ‘my generals,’ loses his influence with Trump

Putin is having a wonderful Christmas. Meanwhile, Trump s ruining ours.

Stocks on track for worst December since the Great Depression

One of, if not the last adult to leave this wreck of the administration. Now we'll be at the mercy of the gut that knows more than the best statesmen and security experts in the entire free world. The gut that is lead by Fox talking heads.

The gut that allowes grabbing a woman's privates and ogling underage girls. To bad more people didn't vote for Hillary...
Mad Dog retires....do they even have anyone left in the Pentagon who knows what the hell they are doing?

Mattis, once one of ‘my generals,’ loses his influence with Trump

Putin is having a wonderful Christmas. Meanwhile, Trump s ruining ours.

Stocks on track for worst December since the Great Depression

ISIS CRUSHED, as opposed to being referred to as "The JV".

Russians BOMBED along with Syrians, as opposed to the "red line in the sand" debacle.

Ukraine ARMED, instead of sent blankets.

E.European Missile Defense Shield built in Poland, instead of RENEGED UPON.

"WEAK'; was what former president Mommy Pants was all about.

Your utter confusion about what "weak" is MILITARILY is typical of the CLUELESSNESS of the LEFT....

Obama grabbing ankles.jpg
The country has basically surrendered to the pestilence that is liberal thought for the last 60 or so years. That can't help but lead to rot. The establishment now is basically just different flavors of liberalism. Trump was the last gasp to turn that around. I expect we'll go downhill rapidly over the next 20-30 years when leftism on steroids becomes the rage.

What a pile of crap. The problem is in the White House right now. He has made enemies of our friends and is seen to be a joke by those who he believes in like Putin. I truly can not believe that anyone with a brain would believe that this is the fault of the "left". And in truth over the last 30 years this country has become more and more conservative and the more conservative it has become, the weaker it has become. Yes, in reality, it seems that the more conservative this country has become the weaker we have become.
What a pile of crap. The problem is in the White House right now. He has made enemies of our friends and is seen to be a joke by those who he believes in like Putin. I truly can not believe that anyone with a brain would believe that this is the fault of the "left". And in truth over the last 30 years this country has become more and more conservative and the more conservative it has become, the weaker it has become. Yes, in reality, it seems that the more conservative this country has become the weaker we have become.

If you think this country has gotten more conservative in the last 30, 40 or 50 years, I'd like some of what you're smoking. Then again, maybe not. This place is like a high speed train going in one direction; left. Trump is but a minor speed bump along the way. (as was Reagan) Maybe true conservatives have gotten more conservative but there are fewer and fewer of them.
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ISIS CRUSHED, as opposed to being referred to as "The JV".

Russians BOMBED along with Syrians, as opposed to the "red line in the sand" debacle.

Ukraine ARMED, instead of sent blankets.

E.European Missile Defense Shield built in Poland, instead of RENEGED UPON.

"WEAK'; was what former president Mommy Pants was all about.

Your utter confusion about what "weak" is MILITARILY is typical of the CLUELESSNESS of the LEFT....

View attachment 67246399

Yea, Mom Jeans must have really frightened the Russians and Chinese.:lol:
The country has basically surrendered to the pestilence that is liberal thought for the last 60 or so years. That can't help but lead to rot. The establishment now is basically just different flavors of liberalism. Trump was the last gasp to turn that around. I expect we'll go downhill rapidly over the next 20-30 years when leftism on steroids becomes the rage.
Goodness. Talk about someone not getting the message...sheesh. This post should win some sort of award for being a mile off-target and completely wrong.

How does Mad Dog quitting and stocks dropping 2000 points in the past couple of weeks equal to “liberals!” in your head?
If you think this country has gotten more conservative in the last 30, 40 or 50 years, I'd like some of what you're smoking. Then again, maybe not. This place is like a high speed train going in one direction; left. Trump is but a minor speed bump along the way. (as was Reagan) Maybe true conservatives have gotten more conservative but there are fewer and fewer of them.

According to the polls, 36 percent of our population consider themselves to be conservative, while only 25 percent consider themselves liberal.
The country has basically surrendered to the pestilence that is liberal thought for the last 60 or so years. That can't help but lead to rot. The establishment now is basically just different flavors of liberalism. Trump was the last gasp to turn that around. I expect we'll go downhill rapidly over the next 20-30 years when leftism on steroids becomes the rage.

That's all you have ? Just more of this right wing pablum ?
The country has basically surrendered to the pestilence that is liberal thought for the last 60 or so years. That can't help but lead to rot. The establishment now is basically just different flavors of liberalism. Trump was the last gasp to turn that around. I expect we'll go downhill rapidly over the next 20-30 years when leftism on steroids becomes the rage.

That pure, Grade A, top shelf, prime meat partisanship.

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