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Harris is the VP pick for Biden (1 Viewer)

As if any advice is credible when it comes from those who support a moron with six bankruptcies, mob connections and the hots for his own daughter who crashed the economy and now has 170,000 deaths hanging around his neck. :roll:

Lol....think Americans will buy that happy horse****? I dont.
Do you honestly think normal thinking Americans will put Biden and Harris in charge of their 401k futures? I dont. Dems only chance is to steal it by mail voter fraud. I'd carefully think about what millions of extremely angry well armed citizens would do in that situation before I tried that route. Yep....definitely.
You want to compare obamas 8 yrs to trump 3 and change? Sounds about lefty.

You want to compare obamas 8 yrs to trump 3 and change? Sounds about lefty

Can't do that

Trump didn't have a GREAT RECESSION

Anyway, I commend you on poo pooing this?

But speaking of GDP, wheres the Trump 4, 5 and even 6 GDP?
Trump is a flop. Sad if you can't see it, but it's no less funny.

Prior to dems shutting down their states our economy was great. Do you honestly think "normal" American voters will blame Trump for what we all saw dems doing?
Lol. Seriously? How could anyone seriously think Dems could lose California?

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You would be surprised.
Can't do that

Trump didn't have a GREAT RECESSION

Anyway, I commend you on poo pooing this?

Obama had 8 years to get the job done...he failed. The only thing he succeeded at was dividing the nation on racial lines. We are officially back at 1960 race relations. Thanks Obama! POS.
Prior to dems shutting down their states our economy was great. Do you honestly think "normal" American voters will blame Trump for what we all saw dems doing?


You mean NO RED states shut themselves down?

Days after declaring “total authority“ over states, President Donald Trump on Thursday kicked responsibility for coronavirus-related shutdowns to state governors as he unveiled general guidelines for a phased reopening of the economy.

Trump tosses coronavirus shutdowns back to the states - POLITICO

Most of America (check any poll) is sick of Trump. We understand tho that the Cult will continue to fellate the mofo. That too is funny.
Most of America (check any poll) is sick of Trump. We understand tho that the Cult will continue to fellate the mofo. That too is funny.

hahhahahha. Its 2016 poll derangement all over again. You guys are literally being useful idioted.
Obama had 8 years to get the job done...he failed. The only thing he succeeded at was dividing the nation on racial lines. We are officially back at 1960 race relations. Thanks Obama! POS.

Obama had 8 years to get the job done...he failed.

And pray tell how long it took to get out of the Great Depression?
And pray tell how long it took to get out of the Great Depression?

By leftist posts. When the economy was good under Trump it was Obama when it was bad it was Trump...when it was good again it was back to Obama. You guys are funny.
By leftist posts. When the economy was good under Trump it was Obama when it was bad it was Trump...when it was good again it was back to Obama. You guys are funny.


By AlphaOmegas' post, Blame a president for not having a great economy during the worst recession since the great depression


You, are even funnier!

By AlphaOmegas' post, Blame a president for not having a great economy during the worst recession since the great depression


You, are even funnier!
in order on DP.
Yes 8 years later lefties cried recession whem Obama never cracked 3 avg gdp. Trump takes over...economy skyrockets...lefties claim Obama policies just kicked in. Stock market Tanks...lefties blame Trump, no longer obama policies...stock market rises to record levels..same lefties with a straight face...its back to Obamas policies again.

The posts are all there bud.
Do you know how many interviews Trump has done in the last month?

Biden has basically done one. With a brief appearance on Joy Reid in addition. And nothing in person. Satellite only.

Mostly because Trump is so toxic and self-destructive that a strategy of allowing Trump to dominate the news cycle is smart. Just let Trump "be" Trump and the world will be saved from his evil
I think you overestimate that crowd. I you also think you underestimate how many voters the Dems are turning off with their hate the police and support the anarchists policies.

Dems don't hate the police or support anarchists. A few do but it's like saying that Republican's pro-Nazi and anti-Black policies define the GOP. Both are BS.

What are you talking about? The last 6 months? After Trump wanted to inject people with bleach he went more than 2 months without a presser. He's only back because his polling numbers are so dismal that his handlers convinced him he had nothing to lose by starting them again. In theory they're supposed to be about Covid but like all Covid Trump stuff he doesn't talk about Covid. He also does not sit down with new orgs other than Fox and other very right companies.
A sista souljah moment? Too many prominent DEms have gone all in on the defund the police policy for Biden to throw them under the bus. Hell, he himself called them the enemy and agreed that fund should be redirected away from the police.

Context! Your post reads as if the Dems are calling for dismantling the police versus redirecting police funding to be used in a more productive way, i.e. mental health. Ypur post is fear mongering

No, that is not the choice, the choice is Trump vs. Biden and regardless of what think of Trump, the alternative is much worse, a multi millionaire public servant with an empty resume. You buy rhetoric and ignore results. Eventually the COVID 19 crisis is going to be over, then what? You claim Trump lied, Trump lied about what and how did that supposed lie hurt you and your family?

Again, I have asked over and over again what lies, and I get silence, what negligence and I get silence. You hold him responsible for 160,000 deaths from a virus, typical liberalism ignoring the 10th amendment along with state and local responsibilities. You buy what the left tells you because that is what you want to believe. BLS shows, 16,000 unemployed not 30,000 and most of those are in blue states that remain shutdown, you remember the shutdown to stop the spreading of the virus? What did you expect the economy to do with a shutdown?

I am starting to wonder about the right A
G to sort through all of Trump's malfeasance and assorted crimes to deliver compassionate justice so this never happens again. What do you think of Katie Porter?

I wonder when you are going to offer specifics of that so called malfeasance and how that has hurt you. Compassionate justice to you is all about spending in the name of compassion but never verifying any results. Liberalism is a fraud, destroying incentive and creating dependence. Only the liberal elite win.

Your choice is a 47 year career politicians with no successes in his resume and a SF liberal. You are so far out of touch with the American people it is scary. Katie Porter?? NO, never have hear of her but Have heard of Biden and Harris. I also understand the electorate, hate doesn't drive people to the polls, the economy does which is why you support the shutdown, gloom, doom, misery, by all means spread it equally to everyone else
are you denying that china covered up what happened in Wuhan?

Do you deny that China was not forthcoming about what it knew about this virus

Trump defunded the CDC's personnel in Wuhan so we had almost no "boots on the ground" to monitor and report what China was hiding.

Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak - Reuters

"The Atlanta-based CDC, America’s preeminent disease fighting agency, provides public health assistance to nations around the world and works with them to help stop outbreaks of contagious diseases from spreading globally. It has worked in China for 30 years.

The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the documents show."

CDC is under HHS and that certainly hasn't been defunded!! why do we need another bureaucracy within a bureaucracy?
Trump's never lost an election either-want to stick by your criteria? same with W IIRC.

False equivalency! C'mon you can do better than that? She's a successful pol who won more than 60% of the vote for senator. Trump won about 43%. W was qualified to be President he just was terrible at it and allowed Cheney to manipulate him, especially into a war with Iraq - which will be remembered historically as one of the our nation's worst and deadly decisions.
So you want us to believe that the race of Pence or Trump is what got them picked-just like Harris?

YES! To be fair there are so few minority pols in the GOP there was no one to choose but that speaks to how lily white the GOP is and how it's controlled by old white men.
I don't know any Republican racists. I also don't know any progressives who think looting is "reparations." In other words, they're all sane.

Trump's not a racist??? What planet do you live on? There are literally millions of GOP racists - and, BTW, there are too many Dems who are racists too but their numbers are a small fraction of the entire Dem party vs. a significant minority of the GOP
Oh, sure. It couldn't possibly be because of her history or stance on the issues. :roll:

Ya, anybody who doesn't support Harris is a misogynistic racist. Sure, that's the ticket.

The ones in this forum who are repeatedly calling her a "Bitch", "Nasty", "Not African American", etc. are losing their sh** over her gender and race for sure.
Remember, people who call names had no legitimate argument to begin with. They use every card in the book to end the discussion.
Don't let them end the discussion.

I can't believe you wrote this? Trump has nasty names for anyone who disagrees with him! How can you write this? Amazing! Your unabashed adoration for anything Trump has totally blinded you. Based on your post, therefore, Trump has no legitimate arguments! Thank you for stating the obvious!

Your and TurtleDude's predictable deficiencies rest in the fact that you both stupidly think that politics both formed and can solve those problems.

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