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Happy St. Patty's Day! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
From a very proud Irish-American, Constitutionalist, Conservative, Republican, Veteran...saintly saint. What time does the Shamrock Pub start serving Guinness Stout?
Happy St.Patrick's Day!....;)

Q.Whats rarer than a asian woman with dd size breasts?

A.A sober Irishman..
jamesrage said:
Q.Whats rarer than a asian woman with dd size breasts?

A.A sober Irishman..

Yeah right enough, when I go down south to the Republic of Ireland everyone is staggering around drunk, at work, on the bus, while driving. :roll:
GarzaUK said:
Yeah right enough, when I go down south to the Republic of Ireland everyone is staggering around drunk, at work, on the bus, while driving. :roll:

***Yeah, they're probably drinking for medicinal reasons for fear of getting bombed by an orangeman.
ptsdkid said:
***Yeah, they're probably drinking for medicinal reasons for fear of getting bombed by an orangeman.

Very few times loyalist terrorists bombed over the border and always in the border city of Dundalk. They usually did it inside Northern Ireland.

If you've never met a sober Irishman you must be blind. Its sterotypical, its like me saying all Americans are fat.

I have met a big breasted asian woman btw lol
GarzaUK said:
Very few times loyalist terrorists bombed over the border and always in the border city of Dundalk. They usually did it inside Northern Ireland.

If you've never met a sober Irishman you must be blind. Its sterotypical, its like me saying all Americans are fat.

I have met a big breasted asian woman btw lol

Where in the UK do you live?

Been to Ireland 3 times
Anybody remember that Family Guy st. patrick day episode?
cherokee said:
Where in the UK do you live?

Been to Ireland 3 times

Belfast, Northern Ireland (the forgotten province of the UK) lol lol

Where you been in Ireland. I've been Dublin, that's about it. Good Guinness there, nice people and crazy drivers.
Let me ask you guys a question!

Why in America do you associate kilts and bagpipes with Ireland? Kilts and bagpipes are Scottish, always have been.
I've never met an Irishman who has worn a kilt. Scottish people where kilts at weddings or on a stag night out.
GarzaUK said:
Let me ask you guys a question!

Why in America do you associate kilts and bagpipes with Ireland? Kilts and bagpipes are Scottish, always have been.
I've never met an Irishman who has worn a kilt. Scottish people where kilts at weddings or on a stag night out.

The playing of the bagpipes, and the kilts worn by the men are not exclusive to Scotland, I should know, I'm from Ireland. It certainly is something they have kept a Scottish tradition, but this goes back to the middle ages, the British, the Irish, and the Scottish all played the instrument, and all wore a kilt of some kind. They all wear a kilt during the parade here, all the bagpipe players that is, they also play them at Irish funerals, I just attended one.

You should know this stuff, being from Europe.:2wave:
Deegan said:
The playing of the bagpipes, and the kilts worn by the men are not exclusive to Scotland, I should know, I'm from Ireland. It certainly is something they have kept a Scottish tradition, but this goes back to the middle ages, the British, the Irish, and the Scottish all played the instrument, and all wore a kilt of some kind. They all wear a kilt during the parade here, all the bagpipe players that is, they also play them at Irish funerals, I just attended one.

You should know this stuff, being from Europe.:2wave:

I live in a province where there is about 45% Irish people populating it. I have never ever seen the Irish wear a kilt or play bagpipes. I worked in an Irish bar for half a year, Irish music is fiddle based not bagpipe based.

I have been to the St Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, yet no kilts or bagpipes, maybe you have your hertiage mixed up a bit deegen, no offense intended.

Your from Ireland? "Where you hail from?"

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